
The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Enemies always meet on a narrow road and when they meet war breaks out. They met as kids and fought but Zi Han lost. They met in the army as recruits and even then Zi Han lost. He lost again as he remained a sergeant while Yi Chen was promoted to the position of Marshal. Even when his dark history swallowed him whole and shifted allegiance to become the Universe's most infamous assassin he still lost to Yi Chen. Zi Han, "Damn it! Why won't you let me win." Yi Chen, "I can let you win in bed if you like?" Zi Han, "......" When did enemies graduate from rolling in the dirt fighting to rolling in the sheets..... fighting? That's the million-dollar question.

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
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617 Chs

Doctor Kitty

Amidst all this bickering it was Ming Ming who finally asked, "Where is saozi?" drawing everyone's attention.

Yi Chen who was silently watching this back and forth licked his lips and said, "He is out saving the world. Do you miss him because I miss him too?"

Everyone, "..."

"Don't worry dage, I am going to call him for you," she said and pulled up a floating screen before dialing her sister in law's contact.

"Uh Ming Ming, he must be busy killing that beast. You shouldn't disturb him," said Yi Zhen. It's not that he was considerate enough to not let his daughter disturb Zi Han. It's just that the face slap was too painful. He had been blacklisted and handed over a lifetime ban yet his daughter could call with no issues.

"If he answers then that means he isn't busy," said Yi Youxi purposefully refuting his dad.