
The Assassin's Crown

Ailith Gallow is a natural when it comes to fighting, be it for herself or others. When she finds out that she is qualified to jump tiers, she feels ready and excited to start a new life of comfort and luxury. However, what awaits her is a much different fate. She is weighed down by the burdens of others and is constantly fighting. Fighting becomes her life. After being used for so long, Ailith is determined to set the world right and make her own choice. She will tear down the walls of society and rebuild it from the ground up, set everyone free, even if the cost is her life. An assassin, a prince, mighty rebels and adventure! The Assassin's Crown is an exciting book full of twists and turns. It takes you through adventures, romances, and thrills! Click read and you won't be missing out!

bingsu_90 · Ciencia y ficción
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53 Chs

(Ailith): Quinquagenary

"I'm sorry, the Quinquagenary trials?" Ailith said, starting to regret her lack of attention to the queen's conversation. When she was told of this mission, she had assumed that all she had to do was smile and nod her head. She didn't expect that they would actually ask her to take part in their work.

The queen looked slightly annoyed but nodded her head and went into detail explaining the trial once again. It took Ailith all of her willpower to not fall asleep right then and there.

Once the queen had finished explaining the ins and outs of the trial, she asked Ailith again. "Would you like to assist in the making of our Quinquagenary trials?"

"It sounds pleasant however, I'm afraid that there's not much I can do to help. I apologize but I don't think I'm qualified to take on such an important job."

The queen laughed hard. "Oh, you're anything but-" she caught herself and stopped abruptly as if she were a psychopath. Smoothing out her dress, the queen repositioned herself comfortably on the couch. "I apologize if that seemed rude in any way. As you may or may not know, I was not born to the most...dignified family. Which is why I know that you will make for an excellent teacher. It will only be several sessions on Aharean culture Who better to teach than the ambassador of Aharea herself?"

"I really don't know about that-"

The queen raised a hand, "Whatever are you trying to instigate, dear? I, the queen, believe that it will be a great experience to bond with the people of Orbournth. Please do consider it." The queen got up and left, leaving Ailith alone, once again.

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