
The Assassin's Crown

Ailith Gallow is a natural when it comes to fighting, be it for herself or others. When she finds out that she is qualified to jump tiers, she feels ready and excited to start a new life of comfort and luxury. However, what awaits her is a much different fate. She is weighed down by the burdens of others and is constantly fighting. Fighting becomes her life. After being used for so long, Ailith is determined to set the world right and make her own choice. She will tear down the walls of society and rebuild it from the ground up, set everyone free, even if the cost is her life. An assassin, a prince, mighty rebels and adventure! The Assassin's Crown is an exciting book full of twists and turns. It takes you through adventures, romances, and thrills! Click read and you won't be missing out!

bingsu_90 · Ciencia y ficción
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53 Chs

(Ailith): My opinion?

"What the hell?!" Ailith burst into her room. Alex was comfortably lounging on her couch eating a bag of chips. By now, she had gotten used to his constant presence and was pretty much over his betrayal. She just accepted that he was an unreasonable jerk.

He paused only for a second before throwing her a glance and resuming. "What?"

"You put my name in the newspaper?"

"Yeah, what about it?"


"Your point?"

"Did you ever think to ask me what I thought about it?"

He sighed as if he were talking to a child. "When have I or rather, Clarice ever asked you for your opinion?"

She huffed an annoyed breath and plopped on her bed. "Jerk." she muttered.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Alex popped another chip in his mouth.

"Get out of my room."

"From the way I see it, you are in no position to order me around."

Ailith screamed in frustration and grabbing an ornate ball from her nightstand, threw it at him.

He dodged it easily and smirked. "You know, for an assassin, you don't have very good ai-" The ball bounced off the wall behind him and smacked Alex on the head.

Mirroring his smirk, Ailith lay back on her bed. From her position, she could hear him spit out a string of curses as he rubbed at his head. Her smirk broadened. "Jerk."

He got up, most likely to lecture her but she was saved as an abrupt knock sounded at the door. Grateful to her savior, Ailith sprang up. "I'll get it."

She opened the door. Standing there was a group of menacing guards. Ourbornthian guards. Her gut churned. "What do you want?"

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