

After the continuous ravishing and destruction of the heavenly tribulation, there was a deathly quiet. Only smoke and burnt bodies remained with most scorched into dust.

This was the first time such a devastating event had occurred in the Golden Inner City since the beginning of the Black Dragon Empire. Two epic and legendary top-notch armies fell here today.

At this time no one else dared to remain hidden in the clouds to spectate anymore. All survivors had run away a while back. Quite a few unfortunate ones had to live their lives behind with the several thousand soldiers that had perished.

Only three people were left in front of the former glorious BlueFlame palace. As of now none of the past beauty and splendour the Palace is known for remained. It now looked eiry and spooky at best.

The wall still stood tall as always, but none of its former glory could be seen. It now looked hallowed and devoid of life. It stood against the silent winds as echoes could be heard from thousand li away.

Upon the battlefield, the only three left alive after the tribulation passed were the Shadow Flame General, The Eunich and the Buleflame Empress. Even though it is a norm for all Sword Emperor realm cultivators to be given the title of Emperor, only one Emperor could exist in all the Empires.

They are therefore known as Monarchs, only those individuals who had ascended as Sword Emperors without affiliation to any kingdom or Empires call themselves Emperors

The three stood looking at each other, there was bewilderment in the eyes of the Eunuch, anger in the eyes of the Shadow Flame General and in contrast a faint smile in the eyes of the Blue Flame Empress.

She was weakened by the tribulation and needed some time to recover her strength and consolidate her foundation in the first-level Mid Sword Emperor realm.

She stood swaying slightly, and one could see faint lightning power circulating her body. The Blueflame had lost most of its power and only flickering shadows remained of its formal power.

The Shadow Flame General gritted his teeth and charged over with his last energy and wanted to finish off the seemingly weak Blueflame Empress. He gathered the power left of his cultivation base.

A faint shadow of a flaming sword flew towards the Blueflqme Empress, unfortunately, there wasn't much power behind it. If it were against those of a lower rank, he would have vaporized them.

The strike would have seemed as destructive as if a God were trying to slay an ant. But alas it was against a higher-ranked cultivator. The insurmountable chasm between one minor level to the other in the Sword Emperor realm is not a joke.

Now this is a difference of a whole rank, how could he be able to do any damage with that weak strike? The sword was pinched between the thumb and forefinger of the Blue Flame Empress and none of the so-called power was non-existent.

"tsk tsk tsk, how the mighty have fallen" The Empress looked at him and smirked.

"I have to thank you and your men for aiding me to weather this dangerous storm, I couldn't allow my men to shoulder it for me" she continued.

The Shadow Flame General was shaking from the fury he felt and ended up vomiting a mouthful of blood. He lifted his hands and formed a claw intent on clawing and disfiguring the Emprese's face.

But the blue flame moved by its own accord and attached itself to the Shadow Flame General. It soon covered his whole body and then vanished. A tongue of blue flame then flew back towards the BlueFlame Empress.

The Shadow Flame General stood there with his outstretched claw and a bewildered look as the wind slowly scattered him into ashes that got carried away and scattered about.

A mighty Sword Emperor had fallen just like that, the Blue flame earlier had syphoned all his left vitality and cultivation base leaving behind only a dusty chaff that the wind could blow away.

As the tongue of flame reattached itself to the Empress, her vitality shorted up and help her improve a bit more. She no longer swayed as before.

She now has the foundation of a Sword Emperor to digest and reclaim her own. But this was not the time to do so. Theich was using this time to recuperate and regenerate his limbs.

But alas, time was not on his side, the Empress flashed and appeared beside him and a palm descended on his head. He was an experienced fighter who had cultivated for several years.

How could he be taken down that simply? He flew backwards and called upon the surrounding broken sword to form a wall that blocked the descending palm.

He then turn around to flee, unfortunately, he still underestimated the speed of the Blueflame Empress. A large palm formed from the sword Qi was swung towards his fleeing back.

Just as the palm was about to land, another large palm made of yun qi appeared from the horizon and blocked it for him. The Eunich was so grateful that he shouted "Hail the almighty Black Dragon Emperor, he ....."

Before he could finish saying his praise the Emperor's palm strike exploded accompanied by the roars of dragons. The sword qi palm landed on 5he Eunich and turned him into a bloody pulp.

"YOU DARE !!!" allowed voice filled with anger resounded very loudly from a few thousand li away. It was after a few minutes that a handsome middle-aged man dressed in golden robe embroider with a Black Dragon appeared.

He stood on the air as if he was standing on the ground. He had a majestic aura emanating from. He seemed to be a few li away and yet present at the same time. He was an extremely handsome man.

If any maiden should chance upon him, they would have been smithen out rightly with him. He had very long black and silky hair cascading behind him like a 2ater fall .

Fair skin exuding regal royalty and a charm irresistible to any one who saw him. His hair was adorned with a simple golden hair piece shaped like a coiled dragon that was looking upon the world with disdain.

As he stood in the air with his hands behind his back, he looks as if a mighty dragon was about to swoop down and devour the whole earth. . A mighty oppressive aura that seeks to subdue all in its path preceded his arrival.

He stood looking at this troublesome concuibine of his with a hint of anger and mild shock in his eyes. Unfortunately, the Blue Flame Empress paid him no heed as she walked towards the bloody pulp that was still pulsating with vitality.

She summond a wisp of her blue flame and directed it towards the gathered blood. The blood tried to fight back but eventually its vitality was sucked dry by the blue flame

This blue Flame then flew back and merged with the Empress. The cultivation base of a Sword emperor is not a thing to truffle with. Until one consumes their vitality, they could still be ressurrected.

It wasn't easy to kill a Sword Emperor just like that. No matter what, once they still have their vitality left in them, even a drop of blood could be used to resucitate them.

By allowing her Blue Flame to consume their vitality, she had robbed them of the chance to be reborn, she has seized their vitality for her own. She could just refine their mighty cultivation base to strengthened raise her own.


Of course it would take a lot of year's for her to fully refine their vitality. As it now she is just storing it for later use.

The Black Dragon Emperor was furious after witnessing her blatant disregard, he waved his loose sleeves and a mighty force erupted and attacked the Blue Flame Empress.

There was no storm or wind that flowed his attack, it was like the silence before the strike of thunder. It was formless and weight less but very dangerous.

The BlueFlame Empress retaliated with a fist of her own, the clash was so mighty that even the fabric of space was shattered where their attacks clashed.

The Blue Flame Empress was thrown backwards while vomiting blood, she land before a loud detonation was heard. The point of their clash formed a small black hole that threatened to consume everything around it.

The BlueFlame Empress also unleashed a palm strike of her own and the Black Dragon Empire also bretaliated and the black hole from their first clash was broken by the second one.

The gold covering the ground was grounded into fine dust. The Black Dragon Emperor took a step back from the impact.

He stood looking at his Concuibine, there hand behind him had stained the sleeves of his Imperial robe with blood. The clash earlier had injured him. He was feeling shocked in his heart.

" How could the BlueFlame concuibine have grown so rapidly within this few years?" he mused to himself. "He was surely a lucky man this time, if not a disaster would have befallen him without his knowledge"

"So Chuyan, you have become a true Monarch, I guess congratulations are in order?" He asked the Blue Flame Empress.

She looked up at him and gave her half of a smile with anger evid3nt in her eyes. "Monarch? Ad if I am one of the Sword Emperors you had nurtured" She floated gently to stand level with him .

She stood on a cloud of blue flame, in her armour and sword on her waist as presenting as fairy. She looked into his eyes squarely and continued.

"I am not a vassal of yours, neither am I a subject of yours, not am I some one you had groomed. How can I be a Monarch then?" she asked and cocked her head to the side inquisitively.

" This Chu Chuyan is no emperors vassal nor a subject. This Chuyan is an Empress by Royal blood and by Strength. I am The Blue Flame Empress. A ruler of her people the Blue Flame Empire" She declared to him.

Kashsenams thoughts

Sorry for the late update.