
The Ascension of The Champion

The being is the champion that was trained by Individuals who are stronger than the gods and other beings throughtout the omniverse. The man was created by this unknown forces to train him to become their champion. The man already train, study, built, fight and more. He was trained by this unknown forces but he can't beat his teachers no matter how much he trains his body, mind and soul. The champion have fought many beings throught dimensions and omniverse. He wins and He loses, he fight gods, aliens, giants, elves, warp reality beings and other races throught the omniverse. The champion of the unknown forces send him to the planet called earth after the catastrophe the earth and humanity have faced. He was send to earth to find a tower that humans, gods, aliens and other cosmic beings don't know. This tower was built specifically only for him. The tower can grant him anything, whether It's power, money, women, knowledge, fame, glory, and more. He is now getting a new journey alone and tried to keep a low profile, don't get any attention, don't get any spotlight, and don't tell anybody who he truly is and keep everthing a secret about this world. He was also sent to earth to kill many people called The Protagonist.

david_vazcano · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 4

They begin open the door entrance to the tower.



After they open the tower's door, they are met only silence and no monsters appeared.

"It's quiet. That must mean..." a female hunter see If there are monsters at the floor but she found none.

"There are no monsters here." A hunter said with a sword.

"Alright, let's keep moving but watch everyside and each other backs, this could be an ambush!" Red rose instruct them to keep an eye for sudden attacks.

"If any of you have glowstone, use it now to illuminate the floor!" Red rose took out a small green ball and the ball began float in the air near her guild started emitting light.

The hunters who have glowstone also began to use them because the floor is dark and they can't see If there are monsters near them.

After they use the glowstone, they began to walk inside the tower and keep their eyes on for monster or ambush, after all the hunters enter the tower the gate begin to closed.

"Shit, I don't lile this. This is too quiet." A hunter said, anxious looking the dark and silence room.

"I agree, there are no mo–" An archer hunter didn't finish his words because suddenly an arrow launch into his head killing him.

"Shit! Ambush!" A hunter quickly reacted to the man's death and alert the others.

"Everyone! Defend yourself!" Red rose took out her dual daggers.

The hunters began to move into their defense position and monsters began to ran into them with killing intent. There are kobolds, minotaurs, and armor lizardmens.

Both sides began to met and began to kill, the warriors are at front attacking, the tankers are attacking while also defending their team, the assasins are swiftly taking out the monsters, and the mages are casting their magics.

Robert takes out a sword from his inventory and slice the monsters all the way also burning them with his fire powers. He quickly help the other hunters to repel the monsters attack.


The hunters began to look at the source of that loud sound, behind the darkness came out a grey ogre with an axe. He looks menacing and have red eyes with sharp teeth. He look at the hunters and monsters who are fighting, he began to run to them for joining the monsters on killing the hunters.

"Shit, an ogre!" Said a tanker, who has killed a minotaur began to cold sweat.

Sophia who is killing kobolds see the ogre began to rush quickly to the front swiftly killing the ogre with his quick footwork and hands making sword wounds around the ogre's body.

The ogre fell to the ground and the rest of the monsters are killed. "Come on, let's go to the next floor." Red Rose who is standing at the fallen ogre began to tell the others to move to the next floor.

The hunters didn't take much damage because It was the first floor, the hunters who are killed left their bodies behind and keep moving forward.






The hunters keep climbing the tower without getting any rest, they have encounter many monsters from kobolds, goblins, ogres, minotaurs, Lizardmens, Knights, monster sorcerers and more.

There are booby traps on each every floor they take except for the first floor. There are arrows coming out of knowhere and flame burst from the floor.

They take a break in each every ten floors, then continue climbing the tower. They don't know how much time have passed since they climbed the tower but they didn't care but keep climbing the tower except robert because he has luna and anna to tell him how much tme have passed.

They are now at 49th floor fighting a knight in white armor wielding a broadsword killing several hunters. Robert sprint to the goblin sorcerer, the goblin sorcerer see this began to cast his fire magic and lightning magic but robert dodge the goblin sorcerer attack easily and swiftly killing the goblin.

Robert turn around to see red rose and her guild are fighting the knight. The knight block all their attacks but eventually he got stabbed at his head and chest by red rose daggers. She pull out her dagger and the knight fell to the ground dead.

"Phew! We finally cleared the 49th floor!" Red rose wiped her sweat.

"Leader!" A beautiful female magician called her.

"Huh, What is it?" She look at the female magician who is affiliated with her guild.

"There's something different beyond these doors!" She pointed to the big wooden door.

Andre look at the door walk to have a closer look at the tall wooden door. "Usually It's a boss chamber but... a characteristic of this tower is that an A-rank named monster is waiting in there instead."

Robert look at the hunters expression some are nervous, some are not. Robert see ashmond silently walk to the monsters while the hunters are paying attention to the doors.

He place his hand at the top of the dead monster and he whispred the word 'resurrect' to make the dead monsterd came back alive under his control.

Robert see the monster eyes have green eyes and black flame head, the undead monster didn't get up but stay down and suddenly dissapeared. Ashmond see nobody look at him began to walk to another monter dead bodies and hunters.

'Seems like he need to spoke the word resurrect from his mouth to make them come back alive, the undead is gone probably because he teleported them to his own undead army inventory.' Robert thought the possibility where is the ressurected undead gone to.

Red rose came close to the doors placing her hand at the door. "This is a suggestion, not a threat." This got the attention of all the hunters.

"Anyone who wants to stop here should head back down. I did say earlier that each of you all are responsible for your own lives, but I'd rather not see anyone die If I can help it." Red rose warned them that If they enter these doors, there might be a strong boss that could kill every hunters that is weak not even the strong rank hunters could help them because they will be busy fighting the boss. "We'll pay you for all the loot so far so don't worry about it."

All the hunters began to silence and think about her idea of heading back down alive than getting yourself killed against a boss monster.

"I don't care. I'm going to the next chamber." They see the voice and landed on a man wearing battle gear and holding a long sword with red gem on the middle of the handle. "I came here to fight strong monster."

"I'm going too. I came this far. It would be a shame to turn back now."

"Me too!"

"I'm going, too."

All the hunters agree to enter the next chamber and didn't want to go back down. Red rose see the man holding a long sword with red gem on the middle of the handle. 'Wait, I think I have seen him before, but where?' She began to dismiss the thought and begin to open the doors.

The begin to enter the chamber and see the room has lights, there's no one in this room but they are still keeping their guard If there is an ambush.

Suddenly from the ground emerge wood spikes piercing the hunters. "Shit, it's an ambush." A hunter said but his head suddenly were wrapped by tree wood and squeezed by the tree wood killing him.

The roots are long enough to cover the whole room and tree monsters emerge from the ground killing the hunters. The edge of the roots become spikes joining the tree monsters to killing the hunters.

"Watch out for the spikes." A hunter said, he evade the incoming root spikes from the ground, left, and right. The hunters began defend and evade all the root attacks while fighting the tree monsters.

Red rose didn't have any trouble with attacking monsters and defend herself from the tree root attacks, It can be also be said to the A rankers and some B rankers.

"Seems like you mortals have enter my domain." The hunters see a humanoid monsters made out of wood and wearing green cloak.

"Th-The boss monster." A hunter said, stuttered.

"The boss monster?" The humanoid wood monster feeling funny of what the hunter just said. "I am not the boss monster rather I am the guardian."

"A guardian?" Andre ask, confused.

"Enough talk, now let taste my power!" Tree roots began to emerge below him lifting him up to the air and the tree woods became to attacl again.

The other hunters who are below B rank didn't get lucky and got killed by the tree roots or wood monsters. Robert didn't have any issue or problem with evade and attacking, he is doing a pretty good job at his work.

'Shit, we need to kill the boss monster so these woods are no more." Red rose is annoyed by the woods began to run to the guardian.

The guardian see red rose stretch his hand. "Fool! You can't beat me." Tree roots began to emerge from below, red rose see this jump and run to the guardian.

She began to jump through the wood roots one by one while evade the guardian attacks until she is at the front of the guardian with her daggers ready to pierce him.

She swing her dagger but her arms suddenly got gripped by woods, red rose tried to escape from the guardian clutches but to no avail because the grip is too strong for her.

"HAHAHA, You stupid mortal. Do you think you can kill me off that easily?" Guardian laugh at her because she thought she can kill him with ease. Red rose has cold sweat and grit her teeth. 'Shit! I didn't know this monster has fast reaction.' She begin to think of a plan to get her out of his clutches.

"Leader!" Andre jump to cut the woods that caught the leader. "No, andre. Don't!" Andre didn't listen to her suddenly he got brushed off by a monster tree making him fall to the ground hard. Andre began to get up but suddenly he tremble and began to got on his knees coughing up blood.

"Andre!" Red rose began to panic to see andre got hurt.

"Shit, we nees to get our leader from that monster." A tanker said.

"But how are we going to do that? This monsters and wood roots are just keep attacking us." A female magician said, while she heal her teammates.

"This monster must have some kind of weakness." A female archer said, tried to look for the guardian's weak spot.

Ashmond began to smirk and stuck his sword to the ground. Robert notice this began to know what will he do. 'Seems like the main character will make his move.' He know the mc will probably show of his power and began to make red rose attracted or interested in him.

"Now die, you mortal!" The guardian's hand turn into sharp spike launching his spike to her chest.


"Hunter red rose!"

All her guild members and the hunters began to shout when they see red rose is going to die. They want to help her but they can't because the wood monsters and the wood roots are preventing them to help her. Now, they only can watch her die and feel powerless.

'So this is it, huh? This is how I'll die.' Red rose close her eyes awaiting her death. Suddenly fire emerge from behind her left and right aiming to the woods that captured her and burning it.

"WHAT!" The guardian stop his attack surprise to see suddenly fire appeared on the woods that held red rose. The wood roots that held sophia were burning and making the monster feels pain.

"AAAGGGHHH!" The guardian feels pain from the burn and suddenly the wood roots on fire were cut making sophia falls.

"Red Rose!"

They see her fall and andre were ready to move to catch her but suddenly someone catch her first in princess carry. Sophia look at the man who catch her, she is surprised to see a man with red hair and blue eyes.


Ashmond show her his smile and handsome face hoping to capture her heart and make her flustered.

'Now, Let's see the protagonist in action!" Robert stab the monster wood on the head while also waiting to watch the protagonist in action.