
The Ascension of The Champion

The being is the champion that was trained by Individuals who are stronger than the gods and other beings throughtout the omniverse. The man was created by this unknown forces to train him to become their champion. The man already train, study, built, fight and more. He was trained by this unknown forces but he can't beat his teachers no matter how much he trains his body, mind and soul. The champion have fought many beings throught dimensions and omniverse. He wins and He loses, he fight gods, aliens, giants, elves, warp reality beings and other races throught the omniverse. The champion of the unknown forces send him to the planet called earth after the catastrophe the earth and humanity have faced. He was send to earth to find a tower that humans, gods, aliens and other cosmic beings don't know. This tower was built specifically only for him. The tower can grant him anything, whether It's power, money, women, knowledge, fame, glory, and more. He is now getting a new journey alone and tried to keep a low profile, don't get any attention, don't get any spotlight, and don't tell anybody who he truly is and keep everthing a secret about this world. He was also sent to earth to kill many people called The Protagonist.

david_vazcano · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 3

The next day, robert is in his house laying down on a sofa and think what he needs to do today. 'Damn! I am so bored what should I do?' He didn't have anything to do besides to make protagonist life a living hell and steal all their luck.

'You know what let's go outside to raid a dungeon or a tower.' He wears his mask and hoodie begin to go outside his apartment, he walk his way to the hunter association.

He enter the building and make his way to the 122th floor to get missions to kill monsters, dungeon or tower. He arrived at the counter lady.

"Hello, how come I help you?" The lday said.

"I want a dungeon or tower mission, If possible I want to kill monsters." Robert really want to kill some monters now.

"Can you please state your name, rank and class?" Lady ask.

"My hunter name is cosmos, rank B, and my class is mage and warrior." Robert stated his hunter ID.

"Alright, let me check." The counter Lady began to search on her computer If there is a mission suitable for robert.

"There are missions for you." The lady informed robert. "There are C rank missions, several, B rank missions for slaying monsters and dungeons, and A rank mission for raid tower."

'I knew there are no towers I can use.' Robert know either the tower have become the owner of a guild or some A-rank hunters or above have already take the mission. The towers can only be acces by A-rank hunters different from dungeons that can be access from B rank and above.


[Protagonist has been detected and nearby.]

Robert see the notification of his system and began to look around to find the protagonist. "Anna, where is the protagonist?"

[On your left!]

Robert look to the right to see a man in his twenties with red hair and blue eyes on his right side. 'Either he is here for hunter test or take a mission.'

"Hello, how come I help you?" Said the lady next counter.

"Hello, I am here to take a mission." Said the protagonist.

"Alright, state your name, rank and class." Said the lady.

"Asmond redfeld, rank D and my class is warrior." Asmond said in calm tone.

Robert meanwhile keep talking to the lady on his counter so he can keep listening to the protagonist conversation.

'I bet this protagonist has a system and he pretended to be weak at first and arrogant when he is strong.' Robert take a glance at asmond.

"Anna, does this asmond have a system?" He spoke through his mind to anna.

"Yes, I have detected he has a system!"

"Show me his status." Robert wants to see how strong is this guy and what kind of system


Name : Asmond Redfeld

Age : 18 years

Class : warrior, mage, necromencer

Constellation : None

Title : The protagonist of the story, child bless by the heaven.

Level : 10

Race : Human

HP : 2000

MP : 1000

STR : 100

DUR : 100

DEX : 100

AGT : 100

STM : 100

INT : 1000

WIS : 500

CHR : 5000

LUCK : 100000

Note : Stats with number 10 for average humans

Hel regen : 50/per minute

Stat points : 0

System : Growth system

Abilities : Swordsmanship (C), wind magic (C), Air Walk (C), Necromancy (B), stealth (C) ]

Robert see his status and expected he will be strong in the future especially when he has the title of protagonist and child bless by heaven. He also will be wary of this man because he is a necromencer that means he will disintegarted all the monters he killed so asmond can't revive them.

Robert see the status of the 'protagonist' ashmond is only D-Rank but in tbe future he might be an S-Rank or more.

'He just lied about his only class is fighter but he has more than one class. He must be going to show off and boast how strong he is compare to other hunters. Might as well follow this guy, reduce his luck and grab opportunity to take trasures or skills from him.' Robert thought and wait for asmond answer.

Robert knows there is a class called special class that can only be obtained by special quest that was given to them by higher beings or someone to accomplish the special quest so they can obtained that special class. This quest are very difficult that nobody can complete it or dead. This special class is rare that only some can obtain. Those people are from S,SS,SSS rank hunters.

There are not many people obtained this special classes but they exist. For example necromencer they can ressurect the dead and make an army of undead. Asmond already have this special class because of the system without getting special quest or do anything.

"There are missions for you." The lady informed robert. "There are C rank missions, several B rank missions for slay monsters and dungeons, and A rank mission for tower."

"Good, I want to take the A rank mission." He said, with his confident tone.

'Ho~, he is confident because he has a system now, I bet he is arrogant and will grab bunch of pretty girls.' Robert already guess what kind of man asmond is.

"But sir... considering your hunter rank, I rcommend you for C rank dungeons for you to raid with other people or take B rank dun—" The lady didn't finish his words and suddenly asmond slam his hand at the counter.

This action startled the lady and cold sweat lookinh at asmond hardened and cold face. "Give me the A rank mission. Now!"

"Y-Yes sir, I will add you to the list of hunters participating the A-rank mission." The lady stuttered because she is scared and begin to enlist him on raiding the tower with other hunters or guilds who will participate on raiding the tower.

'WOW, he even scared the lady and force him to enlist him in the list of people who will raid the tower.' Robert see asmond attitude to the lady is exaggerated.

"Y-You are now listed in the raid for the A-rank mission. " She begin to tell him the date and the location where the raid will begin.

Asmond walk away from the counter and leave. "N-Next please." The lady next counter began to relax and sigh in relief she past through that man.

"Hey lady." The lady on robert counter who watch the show next to her from the beggining sharply to robert and wide eyed at her action.

"So-Sorry, I was distracted." The lady apologize to robert.

"It's okay. I want to pick the A-rank mission." Robert said.

The lady nod her head and begin to enlist him on the list of hunters who will participate in the A-rank mission. "Alright, you have been enlisted and I will send you the location into your phone." The lady said. She begin to tell him the date and the location the raid will begin.

"Thank you." Robert began to walk away from the counter.

"Next, please!"

Robert began to walk his way to home. 'Now I need to prepare myself for the raid and importantly the protagonist.'

Few Days Later, 10.00 AM

The location of the the tower that will be raid are full of hunters, the structure of the tower looks stylish, medieval, and the color is white. Robert is already at the leaning at a tree wearing red shirt, black jeans, black belt, a black hoodie, and his mask.

There are security guards or security hunters at the entrance to the tower. They are there ao they can check and verify the identity of the people who are participated at raiding ths tower.

Robert told luna to scan and get the data of every single hunters at the tower location. He see many of them are C, B, and A rank hunters, some of them are D-rank hunters.

'There are many hunters here, this mean the tower must be difficult to complete or many hunters have raid this tower in the past but failed so that is why there are so many hunters have gathered to raid this tower. This also means the core monster and the drop items must be very valuable.' Robert's theorized of why many hunters accept this mission.

The monster core is a drop item that you can get If you defeat the boss monter in the tower and dungeon. The monster core contain large amount of mana that can be sell or crafted to make a high-quality items. The higher the mana the monster core have the more expensive and valuable it will be.

The drop items also must be very valuable considering many hunters have failed to clear this tower not to mention the boss of this tower must be very strong.

"Hey look, aren't they from The Rose guild?" A hunter said, pointing tonthe random direction.

[Detecting heroine nearby.]

Robert see where the hunter pointed to display 20 people with high-quality items and can sense strong pressure from them. 'Those people are strong.' He sense the person who in charge of that guild because he can feel the power of that person is strong and that leader is a woman.

The leader is a woman with long red hair, red eyes, beautiful face, G-Cup breasts, thicc and wide hips, perfect hourglass-fit body, her matchingly perfect figure.

She wears an assasin equipment and her dual knives that looks high-quality and expensive. Many man are lusting over her and her body not to mention her assasin female outfit is revealing she has nice body and nice curves.

"Luna, who is that woman?" Robert ask. 'That must be the heroine.'

"Her name is Sophia Rosario, 30 years old, an A+ rank hunter, class assasin and mage." Luna said.

"She is the leader of The Rose guild, one of the top 100 guild in america. Their guild have accomplish raid from B-A rank towers and dungeons. She is an orphan and her skills in assasination and magic are great, that make her one of the strongest amongst the A-Rank hunters. The vice leader is a man called andre jackson, 30 years old, A rank hunter, class warrior and tanker."

Robert see the man andre have brown hair and bronw eyes, he wears a medieval armor with red color and blue linings all the way from up to down his armor. He has a broadsword and shield carried on his back, his equipment are all high-quality and strong.

Robert search for asmond to see him looking at sophia with stunned and lust all over his face.

'I bet he wants to make her as his, he might tried to Impress her so she can be attracted to him and make her one his girl in his harem.' Robert already know what is in asmond's mind.

He see the rose guild are walking to the front of the hunters. "Hello everyone we are from the rose guild." She caught the attention of all the hunters.

"I'm sure all of you already been informed that The Rose guild has exclusive rights to this tower called the Liberty Tower." Rose said.

'As expected this tower have been bought and become the ownership of the rose guild.' Robert already guessed this.

"We will be splitting equally the rewards and loots dropped in the tower starting today after clearing the mission. We will also going to fight the boss monster." Rose said.

"Are they crazy? They want to fight this tower boss monster?" A hunter began to whisper.

"Right, I heard many hunters failed clearing this tower and many high rank hunters are dead." Another hunter whispered.

"I mean they have their leader, Red Rose, who is an A+ rank hunter. So they might be confident that she will win fighting the boss." Another hunter murmured.

Murmured began to start among the hunters, they can't believe they will be fighting the boss monster of this tower. Many hunters already heard that many hunters didn't complete and many also die fighting the boss in this tower.

Meanwhile, robert at the center of the crowd began to think that rose is confident or arrogant but robert didn't believe sophia is arrogant and he think she must have an ace up on her sleeve.

"Okay, shall we head in? Also..." Rose said, turn around began to walk in to the tower with her guild before she sto and look at the hunters behind her. "The Rose Guild ain't responsible If you die during the raid. Each hunter should handle whatever happens during combat themselves, got it?"

The hunters are all silence, this signal to her as they are all agree. "Now, let's open the gate."

The rest of the hunters are following her from behind. "Let's see what kind of boss this tower have." He speak in low tone.

He wants to fight the boss and get the loot for himself, he also going to mess with the protagonist.