A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
{A/N : Hello again my favorite people! Bless you all today. I added a new attribute, magic. It is in the Auxiliary chapter "Status - Power & Abilities", as well as two or three powers forgot to add, any power I forgot to add or adding, as in new, will be at the bottom of all powers, before the "A/N" (Author's Notes). One more thing, I decided to change his age, he stayed stayed with Hendriksen and Esmeralda for twenty years, before going to the cave and building the castle, and later going on to become a legend. After a forty years, the age of 67 he met the two Demi-Gods. After somewhat successfully defeating them, he went away for 100 years, so he is now 167.}
"You want to know about Fornaxeres?" Volrais speaks out confused.
{A/N : I tried to get something original, as I am trying to learn to be as original as possible, for my novel. Anyways, Fornaxeres is a Latin word. Fornax means forge and Eres means master. Pronounce it how ever you would like.}
"Yes," I stand up and walk down to him and continue " I want to learn a lot. This world is full with things unimaginable Volrais, things that are beyond us. But that does not mean we cannot reach for it. No, instead we take a hold of it, make it ours and use it."
Volrais looks somewhat startled by my words.
I look at Volrais and speak "What is wrong Volrais?".
Volrais replies immediately without hesitation "Nothing is... I am just surprised."
"That is expected..." I say.
I remember saving Volrais from the Light Elves and the Wood Elves, they were chasing him to no end. I found him, bruised, battered, and completely exhausted... Those Elves were no joke, they had many things up their sleeves, Volrais's night creatures couldn't survive, they were completely annihilated.
I mention for him to walk with me and say "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go to your "studies" and you explain for me what you can, all of it."
He nods and we go through the doors, me following behind. As we exist I see on each side of the door a guard. Vampire guards.
'The average vampire is at the least three times stronger than the average human... But my guards are either four or five times stronger.' I think to myself.
After a while we finally arrived to Volrais' "studies". He opened the door and waited for me to enter, before entering and closing it himself. It was somewhat plain, a table in the middle of the room, like a sacrificial table/altar, had etchings and small sculptures, mostly of skulls. There are two books shelfs, one to the left and the other to the right. A small desk, ahead of the altar, with three chairs, comfortable looking chairs. 'Must be leather.' I think to myself.
We sit opposite of each other, while Volrais poured some tea for me.
I drink a little and say "Thanks." and he makes a light bow with his head.
Before we started talking I telepathically communicated with both Hendriksen and Esmeralda, to come back and take some of the guards with them to bring me twenty bandits instead of five. I was going to use the rest to experiment with my powers, especially alchemy. I think I might be able to mutate them, turning them into... you could say a super-human or something similar. Humans have an open genome, one that can be altered and changed to different ways.
If I can do that, I can get an army of mutated soldiers. Easily double or even quadruple the strength of an average human.
Since this is a fantasy world that doesn't apply to the rules of my previous world. Which means, I am positively sure I can change them. I don't just have the knowledge of magic, but also of science, thankfully.
I did take biology and chemistry in university, even though it had nothing to do with my major. If I can replicate the tools of science such as a microscope and etc... I will be able to understand and carefully conduct experiments, that will be more successful than without such knowledge and tools. This will be useful, very useful.
Back to Volrais, we continue talking about the Fornaxeres, their history, as well as many other things. It took about thirty-five minutes to conclude this discussion. He explained that there are those who are born naturally a Fornaxeres and those who have to try to achieve it, which is not a walk in the park, it is a very difficult task. Fornaxeres magic, is closely related to Dark Magic, specifically Necromancy. As well as, that Fornaxeres' need an anchor of somewhat to make night creatures, something close to them or related to them. Could be a necklace or an axe. Something special. Volrais uses short-sword.
As we concluded everything, I stand up and say "Well this was very helpful Volrais, thank you." he stands up and bows his head lightly and says "Thank you, Lord Dracula."
I smile and say "You have become stronger you know, keep up the good work." He nods, smilingly. I walk towards the doors and say "One more thing, I will need an army, a big one. As big as you can make. Also, make sure they are ready as soon as possible." I finish reaching the door and opening it, stopping when Volrais speaks, saying "It will be done. But, may I ask why?"
I grin and reply "We are going back Volrais, back to the world. Once again, my name will become known to all, no longer am I dead. Killed by the so called Holy Church. It is time for a new Era." finishing I exist, not before seeing him wide eyed and smiling.
Walking through the halls towards the back exist of the castle, were the garden is. I think back to the time I met Volrais, and of who he is 'Volrais is known by quite a few titles, such as; Fornaxeres, The Fornaxeres of Dracula, Lost and Last prince of Ulveizos, True King of Ulveizos.'
'Yes, he is an heir to a ruined kingdom, he told me about two months after saving him, when he decided to pledge his "allegiance", as he called it. The kingdom, its people scattered, destroyed by a Light Elven Kingdom, Lor'Driane, with the assistance of the Holy Church. Every time... every damned time it is the Holy Church. Those pesky roaches will get what is coming for them. Though it is strange, I thought the Holy Church hates non-humans... Well whatever.' I think to myself.
Existing the castle and reaching the garden, I sit on the bench and watch the beautiful flowers and the birds chirping and singing... Then, I notice a raven... not any raven, a raven with strange and powerful aura.
"You don't need to hide... old man." I say plainly.