

You know about the finals right?

Well this year we, the seniors, could chose if we want to do the final exams, that are usually demanded to finish school?

Why? Because this year we were put into distance learning (not sure how it is said in english) for a lot longer than last year. Like twice as long if not more.

Of course, we can also choose to do them as well. Universities/collages can and will still ask for potential students to have acceptable results in finals.

It's just that the country has made finals voluntary this year. Not sure about 2022 though.

Anyways why am I saying this? Well I have the first exam coming up on Monday, and I just don't care enough to do them. Now I'm not forced to.

I know I'm cutting off, pretty much ever, my chances of seeking higher education. Oh, and I must say that in Estonia you can get higher education for free.

You may also ask why I ever bother going into high school, I could've just gone to a secondary school and could've simply gotten a specializtion. It would've been a lot more efficient, since those who usually go to high school also want to study even further.

But I don't want to go further. I went to high school instead of secondary school because I didn't know what specializction I want to get. I can always get one after hs.

I know burning some bridges of my future, but I don't feel like a uni degree will help me get what I want for my future. And I'm saying this without knowing what I want.

Maybe it's foolish of me, maybe not.

But if we really think about it, maybe the government will give the people, who don't do the finals now, a chance do to them in the future.

I mean there exist 'adult high schools' as well. They are literally high schools for adults who never attended one or just fell out. So that may come helpful.

Then again I'm probably just over worrying things. I'll just let the wind take me where it wishes.

Future problems for the future me.

I'm sure my future self is a lot wiser.

And the future me can just curse the current, or the past?, me whenever he feels like it.

Anyways, what did I want to write about today?

I'll probably remember it an hour after posting this chapter.