
Plans for the future

Since one was asking about the plans for a fanfic. I'm not thinking of a movie, but of a game.

Have you read Dragonborn Saga? It's a Skyrim facfic here on Webnovel. Quite good actually, though uploads are kinda slow.

I want to write something similar, but without explicit s e x scenes, and with a little bit more story and action. I don't want to drag anything out.

Also I don't want to dedatch the fanfic too much from the game's 'laws', so to say. I wanna write about a game I have already mentioned or will mention in this 'novel'.

Mostly I'll write a fanfic to practice, so that I might one day release an original work. My skills are bad, english is my 2nd language, and although I achived C1 on my CAE exam, my writing abilities are just shy of this grade. Even disregard my english, I can't write that well in my native language either, much less in english.

Though I want to finish this 'novel' first. I'll write a couple of chapters about how I'm going to tackle my writing style, the game itself, maybe the direction of the story, and some other things to help me follow through with my wishes.

But here's the thing... I don't want to hype anything up. Also I'm entering my mandatory military service this summer, July to be exact. I don't have any plans to start before I'm finished with that. So starting from today, you can expect a wait time of 1.5 to 2 years before I'll try to write a serious novel.