

Woke up with a fever today.

It was 37.5°C. It rose to 38.1°C at like around 1PM, after which I slowly started to lower. Now it's 37.3°C.

Though still feeling like shit, it's better than before.

But do you know what I find strange... It's the fact that you feel worse with a lower fever than a higher one.

Of course if you are running a high fever then you'll feel worse than with a low one.

By low I mean low 37°C to mid 37°C. By high I mean at least mid 38°C.

Also something I remembered is that when I was a child it was quite common for me to have 39°C and above fevers. Never had one that reached 40°C.

I also remember how about 10 months ago I got into an argument in Twitch chat about what is considered 'fever'.

Well, it depends on your average body temp. And I guess culture is also involved. For my whole life I've know that starting from 37°C you have a fever. For some people this can be a normal body temp.

But the environment also effects the 'fever temp'. In a hotter environment it's normal to have a higher average body temp.

As fore the burning/tingling feeling in my upper throat, it was most likely cause by what ever viruses that got me sick.

And I do believe that it's just a random virus and not COVID. Not that I'm vaccinated for it, but my little brother was sick before me for a couple of days. He caught a cold after going swimming.

But yeah...

Stay healthy.