
The Art of killing

Well well well, how did humanity stoop so low. The only true and right path has been blocked and everyone has shut their eyes. The true rules that existed since ancient times had been abandoned and new rules have been made. To truly be free you have to unleash your deepest and darkest desire, namely killing. This novel rather than following an MC will entirely focus on the theme of killing. Authors' notes: DO NOT TAKE THIS NOVEL TOO SERIOUSLY. THE VALUES IN HERE SHOULD NOT BE APPLIED IN REAL LIFE. READ WITH CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CEOofEverything · Real
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 (Introduction to killing)

Life, isn't it a curious thing? It can be exciting at one moment, while sad at the next.

It has a lot of secrets that won't be unraveled until far into the future, our consciousness for example.

Then again, the question of why we die also exists.

If a theory like a soul really were true, then couldn't we just live on if our body malfunctioned. We would be just lying there for eternity or until our body rots and decomposes or our soul dissipates into nothingness.

Not only is life interesting, but death is also. Those two things are like Ying and yang, they complement each other.

They are like two sides of the same coin; life can only be if death is.

Death is an essential part of us, we can fear it, be respectful towards it, despise it, and love it. Who wouldn't love a quick death instead of a slow and painful one, right?

Death has many ways to reap lives and one of those is particularly interesting, namely death by the hand of one's own kind.

May it be a wolf killing a wolf or a human killing a human, in essence, those two represent the same thing, but one of those two has a structure to uphold while the other one lives by the laws of the jungle.

Some may consider the law of the jungle as a bad thing, but is that really the case?

A bird that can't flap its wings will never be free, and a human that can't unleash its basic instincts is only a person closing his eyes deliberately to let the world think he's blind.

To truly see the right path, one needs to open his own eyes wide enough to let it be known that he is a man that can see anything and everything.

How can you open your eyes wide enough to see?

That's a simple question just kill...

There is no other way than to be truly oneself, the only way exists in the way of killing.

To unleash one's deepest and darkest desires is the only path.

Why do cats bring a mouse that they killed to their home? It all has a reason, everything in life has. Cats get out to prey on mice for the kill.

All living beings can be considered bringers of death, may it be a mighty dinosaur that preys on other dinosaurs or a cute cat that kills mice. If all beings are bringers of death, then all beings are also the prey of death.

No one can survive past a certain limit, so why would a premature death brought by one's own kind be so terrifying, doesn't it spare the person from all the suffering and pain they would've experienced through their lives?

And why is there such a difference between an animal's death and a human's? In the end, they are but the same thing, bringers of death and prey of death, people who think a human's life is more worth than a cow's are just hypocritical.

Every being is of equal worth in this world, so killing a human is the same as killing a cow.

In the end, it's just taking lives, and taking lives is essentially the point of this world.

Death is death and life is life. Killing is killing and slaughter is slaughter. May everything and everyone face their real path and see the way in Infront of themselves.