

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
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45 Chs

Chapter 42

The sky had turned dark. Luke walked in.


I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket up to my chest. His footfalls drew nearer to my mat.

With our backs to one another, he sat down on the mat. There was some brief stillness.

"It was a one-time party even before I met Isabella. The whole Mia thing was a joke.", Luke

"The receptionist girl, I bang her to express my rage. Right before the night, I met you" Luke

"I don't need to know this, just explain it to Isabella." Sarah

"I don't mean it. I know I was a little rough this afternoon. I'm sorry" Luke

"I'm no longer the evil guy. I beg you not to keep anything from me, even if I'm at my lowest."

He draped his arm over my pillow, whooshing his breath into my ear.

"Are we good?" Luke

"Not so fast", Sarah

"Perhaps you'll change your mind after hearing this excellent news." Luke

I mutely said nothing.

"We'll go to your parents' house tomorrow. You can decide how long we should stay there.", Luke

My eyes were wide open as I turned to face him, our noses touching. "Really? as in months?"

"Even years" Luke

"You're not kidding, are you?" Sarah

He did a head shake."I would welcome some time without Abrams."

A broad smile was plastered on my face. I held him as a wave of exhilaration swept over me. His arm was encircling me.

"I'm at a loss for words." Sarah

"It's the least I can do." He rubbed my shoulder gently.

"We're good now! I'm gonna go pack my things" Sarah

"Pack mine too." Luke

"Ok!" Sarah

I leaped for delight. I hurried toward our walk-in closet.

I removed the sizable empty suitcase off the top of the cupboard. I unzipped it, I tucked my and Luke's clothes into them.

It took me very little time to get the suitcase ready. I hauled it over to Luke's bedroom.

"Finish!", I placed the suitcase next to the nightstand.

"What?", I noticed him gazing at me.

He smiled as he sat back down on the armchair.

"Uh, nothing." Luke

"Wanna make a quick trip to restaurant? A romantic dinner" Luke

"Yes! Come on, what are you waiting for?" Sarah

"You're not gonna wear your pajamas, right?"

"Oops! Give me a sec"

I'm wearing my red rose dress.

"Let's move!"

We were on our way to restaurant.

"That distance issue irritates me. I want things to continue as normal until time decides our fate." Luke

"Nor am I. I need to alleviate the sorrow of our separation.", Sarah

"Don't say that awful word again.", Luke

"It's not that awful." I giggled.

"For you, not for me. I release the woman I love to become one with my beloved.", Luke

"We can be best friends" Sarah

"I don't view you that way." Luke

"Try it"


"What's the reason?"

"I slept with you. It's not a best friend thing, more like friends with benefits." Luke

"How about just friends?", Sarah

"We're not friends or anything." Luke

"Sister?" Sarah

"Seriously?" Luke

I laughed.

"We'll be strangers." Sarah

"Way better" Luke

(Back into our room sweet room after having our first romantic dinner)

"It was a lovely evening, you made my day! I'm looking forward to meeting them again." Sarah

He continued staring at me as I was speaking. He moved closer to where our faces were only a few inches away.

He sealed my lips.