

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
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45 Chs

Chapter 32

(Isabella's pov)

"My stomach is rumbling, I need food". I shared my puppy's eyes.

"Is there a restaurant nearby?", he asked.

"Yes, sir, we'll be there in a minute," the driver said.

"We'll soar far and far away, Bella" Luke replied.

"And start our new life", I said.

"Build our family, make a lot of babies", he said.

"Girls or boys?", I asked.

"Both, three girls and three boys," he said.

"We're going to have so much fun," I said.

We looked at each other with a smile, he kissed my hair.

"Here we are", said the driver.

We climbed down, while our driver steered into the parking lot.

"May I take your order?" he laid the menu book on our table.

The waiter left after taking our order.

Luke played with my hand, squeezed my finger, and he kissed it.

"I love it when you do that", I said.

"I'll do it more often", he said.

It didn't take long for the waiter to bring our food.

"Here's your food." he arranged the food on our table.

"Enjoy your meal", he left our table.

"The food is delectable! I need more of this. Do you want it?" he asked.

"I'm full up", I said.

He hailed the waiter back, "Could you get me another plate of this grilled lobster?"

"Course, anything else, sir?", asked the waiter.

"That's everything", he said.

"I'm off to the restroom", I said.

"Don't take long", he said as he sipped his juice.

I turned around and smiled at him.

I stepped out of the bathroom and washed my hands.

I walked over to our table. As I drew nearer to the table, I noticed Luke wasn't there.

Where's he? He never got up from his chair until he'd finished eating.

I clapped my hand, "Yes, mam, do you want to order something?"

"Did you see my boyfriend? He was sitting here", I said.

"Oh, I saw him leave. He was talking to an elderly man who appeared to be amicable to him," stated the waiter..

"Thanks", I said.

I exited the restaurant.


I sang out his name while moving my feet. However, no sound reached me.

His phone was also out of range.

I approached our driver in the parking lot, "Sir, have you seen Luke?"

"Isn't he in the restaurant?", said the driver.

"He's not!", I said

"He can't be anywhere," he said as he stepped down. "Let's search around."

"We split up, I look to my right and you to your left," I explained.

I kept walking from end to end, with sweat trickling down as the jitters mounted in my body. Where are you, Luke?

I returned to midpoint. The driver came my way. I looked at him expectantly.

"I couldn't find him", he said.

My eyes were wet with tears, I crashed on the ground. What will I do?!

Jack! I'll give him a call.

"Isabella! I was expecting your call. Have you reached the transit point yet?", said Jack.

"Jack, Are you busy?", I asked.

"I'm free. Everything fine, Isabella?", said Jack.

"No! Luke is missing!", I bawled.


"He's with me until lunch, then he disappears", I said.


"Okay, let's pull ourselves together. Now tell me", said Jack.

"We stopped at a restaurant. We finished our meal, and I walked to the restroom." I said.

"I no longer saw him when I returned. We searched all over, but we couldn't find him", I said.

"God! Why did this have to happen?! I was hoping things would go well. People never let us live in peace for a single moment," he exclaimed.

"Isabella, go to the nearest hotel and stay there until I find Luke", he said.

"I'm worried about him", I sobbed.

"He's gonna be fine", said Jack.

I ended the call. I blotted my tears.

"Sir, please drive me to a nearby hotel", I said.

I seated myself in the backseat as he climbed into the driver's seat.

Jack hurried back to his residence without saying goodbye to Isabella's parents.

He sped up and nearly collided with the following vehicle.

He hopped out of his car and slammed the door behind him.

"What's wrong with you?!", shouted Emma.

"Luke has gone missing!", said Jack.

"Oh goodness!" Emma

"An old man approached him outside the restaurant, then he vanished!" Jack explained.

"Silas?" Emma

"It can't be him." Jack

Jack clenched his hair, "Where did they take him, Emma? where?!"

"Relax, Jack, we will find him", said Emma.

Emma sat Jack down and brought him a glass of water. He pressed it against his lips.

"You good, now?", said Emma.

"Worst day of my life! Luke goes missing and Isabella's parents are beaten up", said Jack.

Emma gently stroked his back.

"What should I do now?"

"Clear your mind and take a deep breath, you'll figure it out", Emma said.

"Isabella? How's she?", asked Emma.

"She's in a bad state. She's now staying at a nearby hotel", Jack explained.

"I admire their relationship, yet, I'm grateful we're not them. It's a lot" Emma

Jack looked at Emma, ​​he slipped his fingers into hers.

"Why don't you phone him?" suggested Emma.

Jack shook his head, "We have no idea who he's with, we contacted each other at a different number".

"We're left with no choice except to wait for his call", said Jack.

They lay on the couch up until midnight, when he received a phone call.

"Luke's father. Take or not?", asked Jack.

"Take it. It might be something important", said Emma.

He clicked the green button, "Sir?"

"Jack, my child, are you free?", asked Silas.

"Yeah, just hanging out with my girlfriend", asked Jack.

"Do you know where Luke is?", asked Silas.

He stared at her incredulously, as she listened to the conversation.

Jack peaked his index finger at his phone.

"Probably in his spooky cabin. Where else would he be?", said Jack.

"Spending time with Isabella. Did you know about his relationship?", asked Silas.

"For sure. She's the love of his life. I never saw him fall madly in love." said Jack.

"Do you like him? I mean, when you fall for Mrs. Silas", said Jack

"Not as stupid as him. Why did you keep that from me?", he asked.

"Because you didn't ask" Jack replied.

"Smart kid", he said

"Would you like to meet your buddy?" he inquired.

"It's a long drive there. I'll see him tomorrow", said Jack.

"He's here", he said

They shared a look.

"Did somebody slap him? He even refused to stay in your palace. But, I don't mind if you let me stay in there", said Jack.

"Haha! You're always warmly welcomed here" he said.

"Hurry up, your bestie misses you," he urged.

He got off the phone.

"Oh My God! Luke is with him!" exclaimed Emma loudly.


"Jack, move your ass, now!", said Emma.

He hurried off to his wheel.

In the surge of happiness as well as a big question mark on his head, Jack accelerated his car.

He entered the palace, with a strong urge to meet his best friend who had gone missing.

"Watch your step, Jack. It's not like he's been missing for years", Silas leaned back in his royal chair, cocking a shady-looking gaze.

Jack halted as he heard the 'missing' word. "His presence here intrigues me."

"Ah, we just brought him back."

Silas' words heightened the eerie atmosphere.

"He's in his room. You may see him.", said Silas.

He sprinted up the stairs and burst into Luke's room. His eyes hooked on Luke who was lying frail.

Jack sat closer to him.


He jiggled Luke's shoulder.


"It's me, Jack"

Luke grabbed his back neck, in an effort to lift himself up.

"Let me help you", said Jack.

He propped him on several pillows behind his head.

"Where's Isabella...?"

"She is in a safe place", said Jack.

"Bring.. her back"

"We will, once we know what was going on back there", said Jack.

"She was freaking out and terrified", said Jack.

"I want to hear her voice", said Luke.

"I'll phone her"

"Jack! Have you found Luke? Tell me you found him!", said Isabella.


"My man, is that you? Where have you been? I looked for you everywhere", she said.

"I'm somewhere... I'm sorry" Luke explained.

"Luke, you sound terrible, are you ill?", she said.

"My head hurts so badly, my body is shaky", he said.

"Oh dear, I wish I had been there with you. Have you taken medication?"

"Yeah, I wish you had been here with me." he said.

"Take a good rest. Call me when you get up. Good night", she said.

"Night", he said.

Luke returned the phone.

"An old man waved at me. As if he knew me, I went out to meet him", said Luke.

"He goes...

"Silas's son, right? I'm your dad's close friend."

"He kept talking. Put his hand around me, we strolled along"

"All of a sudden, I felt something sharp pierce into my neck. I then awoke in my room", Luke explained.

"I'm certain your dad knows nothing about our plan. Something is wrong" Jack said quietly.

"Luke, I have important news to share with you. However, your condition says otherwise", Jack said.

"Cut to the chase, Jack", said Luke.

"Not here", he said.

The door banged open, "My dear son, how are you feeling?"

Bastard! said Luke under his breath.

"Do you know how you got here, in your palace?", said Silas.

He glared at his father.

"Have you forgotten that I'll be watching you wherever you go?" he asked.

He sighed, "Poor Eric, I have to fire him for his negligence in taking care of my beloved son"

"I'd like to know where you were heading with your girlfriend. Do you intend to elope?", asked Silas.

"We could've done it in your eyes!", said Luke.

"I admire your bravery, son, and that is why you deserve to be my heir" he remarked.

Silas stepped closer to Luke."Let's get real. Leave that woman!"

"Not in my life!", said Luke.

"What must I do to make you dump her?! Don't irritate me, son!", he said.

"Nothing. Let us live together, and go celebrate our wedding", said Luke.


"Why not? Will your level drop?", asked Luke

"They don't deserve a chance to mingle with us. Those who choose to be at the bottom must remain there!" said Silas.

"You done? Please leave my room", said Luke.

He blew his fists on the table and stormed out.

"I can't believe my eyes, is that your dad?!", said Jack.

"There are a lot of dark truths hidden behind billionaires," Luke remarked.

"Luke.. I.."

"Go home, Jack. Fetch me up in the morning", said Luke.

"I'm scared to leave you alone", said Jack.

Luke laughed. "They won't do anything to me, I'm his heir!"