

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Chapter 20

I centered my attention on the sight in front of me. He leaned in a lounge chair facing a big open window to the moonlight, as the night breeze wafted in. He cradled a painting on his chest. His eyes closed, oblivious to my presence.

I got closer to him, I touched the painting. I ripped it from his grasp. He awoke in shock, staring at me.

"Sarah..wow... You are magnificent," he said, eyeing me from the bottom up.

"I've been waiting for you, Luke!" I snarled at him.

"I'm sorry, I overslept. Let me make it up to you.", Luke

A picture slipped off his body as he stood up. He had both hands on my upper arm, unaware of the thing that had dropped down from him.

My eyes fixed on the picture that lay on the floor.


I bent down and took the picture. I flipped it up, I saw a gorgeous woman with brown hair and eyes. Her face molded with a pretty smile from her red lips, her glowing white skin highlighted the blue gown she wore.

My tears fell to the ground as I stared at him.

"Sarah...", his melancholy voice called my name.

"When I sneaked into this room and saw the painting, I knew she was your woman," I remarked.

I looked down at the painting, which depicted a burly guy dressed in white cloth, who was blocked by a group of people dressed in black cloth. And a woman dressed in white cloth, who was dragged to the brink of the cliff by people dressed in black cloth.

"Is she what they took from you?", I said.

He plopped down, not uttering a word, only tears welling up in his eyes.

I knelt. "Luke I don't want to live with a lie anymore, what really happened?", I asked.

"Answer me, Luke! WHAT HAS HAPPENED?!", I grabbed his collar.

"SPEAK UP, LUKE!", I pressed my forehead against his chest, as my hand sank down his torso.

He drew me up to my feet, he gripped my hand, walking briskly.

"Car key?"

He snatched the car key from his driver. He shoved me into the front seat.

He sped up, ignoring the moving vehicles around him.

"Slow down! Are you trying to get us killed?!", I said.

"I'd gladly die than live this bitter life!", he explained.

SCREECH! He abruptly braked as we approached an abandoned cabin.

"Get down", said Luke.

I set my foot on the rocky ground, gazing at the cobweb-infested house. He dragged me into the cabin.

"You want to know what happened? I'll show you!", Luke

He carried me into a room, he opened the broken window.

"It all began there," he said, pointing to a big, deserted field.

(Luke POV)

Rather than being at my parent's palace, I'd prefer to spend my days in this cabin, alone. Occasionally, with my friends.

One day, I saw her.

(Back to the cherished past)

Isabella. She is a lovely young lady. She filled the big field with her dance and singing every day. It was love at first sight.

Seeing her has become a morning ritual for me. A day without her, my heart urged me to search for her. One time, I decided to approach her. I walked over to Isabella who was sitting by herself looking up at the sky.

I was jittery, but I gathered myself and said, "Hello there."

She looked back, her shining eyes staring at me with a smile, "Hello"

This is where our love story began.

"Who are you?", she asked.

"I'm Luke, I live in that cabin", I pointed my finger to the cabin.

"What about you, Ms...?", I said.

"I'm Isabella, I live not far from here", she said.

"May I...?" I asked.

"Sure, have a seat beside me", she said.

"How long have you been staying there?" she inquires.

"Months", I said

"Months? I never saw you", she said.

"I hardly ever leave my cabin," I said.

"Where are your friends?", I asked.

"At their home", she said.

"Oh, they're always around you," I remarked.

"Yeah, I'm in the mood for 'me' time today," she said.

"Isabella", I turned to her.

"Yes?", she looked at me with a peaceful face.

"I'll go straight to the point", I said.

I inhaled deeply and said, "I've been watching you for a while. I'd like to get to know you, Isabella", I said.

She diverted her gaze from me.

"Did I say something wrong?", I asked.

"I...I...I've got to get going, my parents are... waiting for me," she said as she hurried away from me.

"Isabella....", I shouted.

She raced away from me.

(Isabella POV)

I pause for a moment. My breath hitched and my heart raced, as I pondered, What was that? Why did he say that?

I walked home with unknown feelings. I went into my room and tossed my bag on the chair. I lay down on my bed. Today is a day I never anticipated. My heart skips a beat when I think of him.

I used to see my friends hanging around with boys, going out together. However, I never see myself in a relationship.

He popped out of nowhere and rocked me to my core. Despite the distance between us, I can still smell his scent and see his face in my peripheral vision.

No..no... he's just some stranger, that.... he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me, he... I dunno.

(Luke POV)

Did I scare her? God! I screwed up! What should I do now? What if she doesn't want to see me again?!

I leaned against the glass, staring out the window, waiting for her.

The next morning, I awoke without Isabella's singing voice. I looked out into the field, hoping to see her.

I won't sit still and wait for you, Isabella! I'll find you wherever you are.

I started my car engine. I wandered around the area in the direction Isabella had pointed. I observed the road. I later spotted her. I pulled over next to Isabella.

"Isabella", I said

She came to a halt and stared at me as she held her groceries.

I stepped in front of her, "I didn't see you on the field today."

"I...I've tons of work to do", she walked past me.

I blocked her, "Isabella, I'm sorry if I scared you",

"No...no you're not!"

"At least, tell me you're not mad at me", I said.

"I'm not mad at you, Luke, it's just that..." Isabella's words were cut off, she bowed her head.

"Just what?", I asked.

She sighed. "Forget it, I'm in a rush."

"OK, if you're not ready to talk yet," I said, letting her go.

"Isabella", I said

She stopped

"Will you be on the field tomorrow? I promise not to bother you", I said.

"Yes, I will" she said as she walked on.

We then vanished into our own space.

I went back into my room. I slouched in the chair with disorganized feelings.

I wish I could hold you in my arms, Isabella.

Even with my eyes closed, you were always in my sight. My phone rattles in my pocket as I ruminate on her. I pressed the green button.

"Dude, you home?", he said.

"Yeah", I said

"I'm on my way there, your dad sent you some files", he said.

"I'm not in a working mood", I said.

"I get it, are you in a s** mood? want me to bring those girls, we'll have so much fun!", he said.

"Out of your filthy mind, Jack," I exclaimed.

"Fine, bro, you sound cranky. I'll cheer you up once I get there," he said.

"Whatever, bye", I hung up the phone.

Soon later, the sound of a horn jolted me from my reverie. I unlocked the door.

He launched himself at me and said, "I miss you, buddy!" while encircling me in his arms.

"Get off me, Jack! I'm a straight guy. Someone will see us."

"Who?", He looked around, "The trees? Did you forget that you live in a secluded area?"

"There are people around, Jack", I said.

"You mean Ghost? Flying around your cabin", he said

"You should introduce me to those 'people around'. I'd like to get to know them", he said.

"I will", I said

"I have no idea why I've got such a best friend like you, a crazy rich man who lives in a haunted cabin instead of heaven!", he said as he walked past me, holding a stack of files.

"It's a peaceful cabin, you should spend the night here," I suggested.

"Thanks, I'm good," he said as he placed the files on my desk.

I began to check the files. Jack went over to the wine counter.

"It's not urgent, check it when you're in a working mood", he poured the wine into the glass.

"You should've said that sooner," I remarked as I closed the file and slapped it on the table.

"Chill dude, you're so grumpy", he said.

Jack came back with two glasses of wine in his hand.

"At least you're in the mood for this," he said as he offered me a glass of wine.

I swig my drink.

"What's the matter with you?" he inquires.

"Nah, nothing", I said.

"I know you bro", he said.

"It's complicated", I said.

"Right, who's she?", he asked.

"How do you know?" I asked, raising my brows. "Are you spying on me?" I asked.

"I'm your best friend, Luke", he said.

I sighed, "A girl not far from here."

"Where did you meet her?", he asked.

"On that field, she regularly plays with her friends there", I said.

"She's my morning sight", I said.

"Crazy rich playboy is in love", he smirked.

"I think I am", I said.

"Yes, you are. I assure you", he said.

"Have you spoken to her?" he asked.

"We had a conversation, and she walked away from me," I explained.

"That's how girls work, they'll come around", said Jack casually.

"Is that how Emma works?", I said.

"Yes! Girls need time to process every single of our words, they're smarter than us", he said.

"Good luck, and welcome to the realm of no freedom, buddy", he said.

"Btw, I've to get going. Got a meeting in the next hour", he said.

"See you soon, Jack", I said.

As Jack left, I went through the files to fill in the blanks of my day. Hours passed. I entered the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot tea. I took another sip of tea and resumed my job.

"I got you, Brie!"

Isabella, it's her voice! I put my pen down. I barged into my room, watched Isabella play with her pals. The void in my heart filled once more.

Half a day without seeing you feels like an eternity. You're back, Isabella.

I caught Isabella's eye. I waved to her with a big smile. Then, the promise flashed across my head, and I lowered my hand with a shattered smile. I returned to my study room.

For some reason, my heart aches from the stupid promise I made. I prop my head with my palm.

(Isabella POV)


"Bella, you okay?", asked Brie.

"I'm tired", I said.

"Let's take a short break," she said.

For some reason, it felt heavy within, watched him fade from my view.