

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
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45 Chs

Chapter 19

He walked passed me to the wardrobe after exiting the bathroom.

I grabbed his hand when he got to the door.


"Sarah, I'm late for work", he said.

I released his hand, he exited the room.

I took my phone and texted Chelsea.


"Morning, darling!", she replied.

"Morning", I said.

"What's up? You sound downcast, is it Luke?", she said.

"I confessed my love to him", I said.

"And...?", she replied.

"He's not ready for love", I replied.

"He's nuts! Do you want me to kick his ass? I'm going to do it right away!", she replied.

"Something off is going on with him. I can't quite put my finger on it," I said.

"We'll work it out, I'm here with you," she said.

"Btw, I have a thought." She said

"Fill me in", I said.

"Romantic dinner, just two of you in a private place", she said.

"Do you believe he'll come?" I asked.

"He will. Take this chance to dig more of him", she said.

"I'll give it a shot", I said.

"I'll help you plan a romantic and passionate dinner," she said.

"Where do we meet?", I asked.

"We start our days at Coffee Days," she explained.

"See you there", I said.

I changed into denim and white sneakers after I was done bathing.

Chelsea was there waiting for me when I arrived.

"Am I late?", I said.

"You're on time. Let's chill our brains first," she said.

The waiter placed the two cups of coffee on our table.

We sipped the coffee. "Where do we begin? Do you have any ideas?"

"I have. Text Luke first", she said.

"Wouldn't that be a surprise?", I said.

"Nope, it's a date", she said.

"Not a bad idea. My first date with my husband", I said.

I texted him.



That's a prompt response!

"I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't say that", I said.

"It's fine", he replied.

"I'd like to make it up to you. Dine with me? My treat", I said.

"Sure, what time?", he replied.

A broad smile spread across my face as I read the message.

"8 pm", I said

"Send me the location", he replied.

"Why are you smiling?" said Chelsea.

"He said yes", I said

"Great! List no.1 success, now let's dive into no.2", she grabbed her iPad.

"I have a few options for places. You have to pick the one you like." She handed me her iPad.

"I like the seaside area."

"Good choice! I love that place too. List 2, done!", She ticked the box.

"Now, proceed to No. 3, make a reservation," she added.

We got in the car. On our way to the resort,

"It seems far," I said.

"One-hour trip. No need to worry, we'll book room for the two of you", she smirked.

"What's on your dirty mind, Chel?", I said.

"I'm getting you a second s**." She declared,

"Err.. the second s** has done", I'm blushing.

"What? Where and when?!", Chelsea was stunned, and spontaneously turned to me.

"Last night, in our sweet bedroom", I said.

"After we get to our home?", she asked.

"Yep", I said

"Girl, spill the beans!", she said.

"He waited for me in the yard and confronted me" I said.

"Things heated up at that point, he held my hand and walked me to our room, and it happened," I explained.

Her eyes lit up, "Girl! We should celebrate! He has feelings for you, Sarah!" Chelsea exclaimed as she shook my shoulder with delight.

"You think so?", I said.

"Yes! Sarah, I couldn't have been happier for you!"

"Everything will change tonight" she promised.

"That's what I hope for," I answered.

Can't wait for our first date Luke.

I couldn't stop smiling, as I stared out the window at the shore.

We arrived.

"Finally! My butt hurts from sitting too long," she stretched her body.

"Let's go in", I said.

We walked over to the front desk.

"Oh! Mrs. Luke, welcome to our resort!" the staff

"Hello, may we speak with the manager?" I said.

"Right this way, ma'am," she said.

She escorted us to the manager's office.

"Mrs. Luke, what a pleasant surprise! Please have a seat" said the manager.

"Thank you" I said.

"How can I help you, ma'am?"

"We need your service for my upcoming dinner date," I said.

"When will it be held?"

"Tonight" I said.

We told the manager about our plan, and she immediately agreed.

"Absolutely! Such an honor to have you here, ma'am."

"Please, follow me, ma'am."

The manager showed us around the beach.

I inhaled some fresh air while picturing the atmosphere of our upcoming night. Every bird chirped up as the seduction of a cool wind embosom me, coupled with the sound of waves splashing cheerfully.

"Perfect spot for my date night," I said.

"You're going to have a fantastic night," she said.

"I'm dying to be in his arms," I murmured.

"A few more hours to go, darling," she added.

"We still have one more place to visit. Shopping time, dear" she said.

"What are we waiting for, let's get moving!" I exclaimed.

"Never lose this happiness, Sarah", she said.

I smiled.

We made a pit stop at the boutique. My attention was drawn to the red gown standing in the corner.

"I got it!", I said.

"Which one?", she asked.

I gestured at the mannequin.

"Mrs. Luke Abrams has made an elegant selection. I adore it", she said

The store employees detached the gown off the mannequin.

I went inside the dressing area.

Not taking long, I walked out with the garment wrapped around my body.

"What do you think, bestie?", I said.

She said, her eyes wide open, "You look wonderful!"

"Waste no time! We had to return to the hotel immediately." Chelsea

"I'll be your make-up artist and hairdresser", she said.

We packed the gown, left the boutique, and drove back to the hotel. I texted Luke the location as we entered the room.

"Great pick, can't wait." He responded,

I placed my phone on my chest, my heart blooming.

I removed my clothes, and stepped into the bathroom. Water poured all over my body. I pumped the gel and rubbed my palm with it. I polish myself completely while envisioning Luke's hands exploring my body.

I yearn for your touch, I yearn for your lips.

Knock Knock!

"Why do you take so long? Are you bathing or m***********?", shouted Chelsea

"Both! Be patient, you. I'm enjoying my sexy bath." I said.

"Hurry up, I have to prepare the bride" she added.

I wiped my body and exited the bathroom. Chelsea assisted me with putting on my red gown. She sat me down and tied my hair. She wiped my face and started doing my makeup.

As she finished styling my hair, I took my red-eyed earring rimmed with white diamonds from my jewelry box, along with my ring on the same stone. I tugged my gown aside and clad my feet in glossy cream-colored heels. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror, tinting my plum lips with red nude lipstick.

"If I were a male, I'd devour you right away," she added.

"Luck is on my side", I chuckled.

"You ready?", she said.

"Yes!", I said

"It's my time to leave, have a blissful night, Sarah", she threw her arms around me.

"Thanks for everything, Chel", I said.

"Don't mention it", she left the room.

I spun, my gorgeous red gown enveloping my slim physique, revealing part of my thighs, leaving my bare shoulders. I am in awe of my beauty.

I looked at the clock on the wall. Luke will be here in half an hour.

Knock Knock!


I opened the door. The manager was standing there.

"Yes?", I said

"The place is ready. Allow me to take you, ma'am", he added.

We made our way to the shore, where the magic was about to unfold.

I went on a wooden bridge that was adorned with red roses. I proceeded to wander among the candle-shaped lights. I set my foot on the circular base surrounded by a series of red roses. There were already two chairs facing each other, bordered by a table. And at the top of it is embellished with a red candle in the shape of love.

I faced the shore and breathed in the night air, As I prepared myself to greet Luke,

I'm so nervous!

The clock had settled at 8 PM. I looked back, waiting impatiently for his presence, as I imagined the wonderful moments we would share later.

I waited and waited. Half an hour passed, but Luke hadn't appeared. Anxiety rose within me. I pulled up a chair and dialed his number. The line is busy. Is he with his friend? He agreed to dine with me.

I phoned him several times, but still the same result. Has something happened to him? No no, Luke is fine. Why isn't he picking up my calls? I'll phone Jack, perhaps he knows something.

"Hello", Jack

"Jack, it's Sarah", I said

"Hey Sarah, um, everything okay? You sound..." he inquires.

"No, do you know where Luke is? His line was busy", I said.

"I don't know, Sarah, he's not with me. I've been calling him, the result is the same as yours", he said.

"I'm worried. We were supposed to have dinner together. He should've been here at 8. Now, it's about 9, he hasn't shown up yet", I said.

"Relax, he will be fine. Have you contacted his driver?" he inquires.

"I don't have the number", I said.

"I'll send you his number", he said.

I called Luke's driver as soon as the number was displayed on my screen.


"It's Mrs. Luke, do you know where Mr. Luke is?", I said.

"Ma'am, Mr. Luke is still in the office. I'll notify him," he explained.

"No, don't bother him," I said as I hung up the phone.

What the hell is he thinking?! I'm waiting for him like stupid here! If he's busy, he should let me know!

I got in the car. "Quick! to Mr.Luke's office",


"Can't you drive faster?", I said.

"But, ma'am...", he said.

"Do as I say!" I commanded.

The car was going fast.

When I arrived at Luke's office, there was no one else in the parking lot but the security guards guarding the company. I stepped into the elevator and pressed button 5. I went out, the entire floor black and empty except for Luke's workroom, which was still lit. I moved quickly as my rage boiled within me.

I took out the spare keycard Luke had given me. I shouted, "Luke! Luke!"

Very quiet, it's not like there's anyone here. I circled the room, empty. I dialed his driver again.

"Mr . Luke is not here!"

"No, ma'am, he can't leave without me driving his car, and if he drives alone, his car won't be there," he explained.

I pulled up Luke's chair and sat cross-legged while racking my brain. Where are you?! Something suddenly came into my mind.

I know where he is! His secret room!

I entered the painting area. I faced the white frame light hanging among them. I touch it with my palm. As I expected, the room opened widely. I took a deep breath. My heart beating fast, I took a step forward. I paused at the door. I saw him.