

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Chapter 18

We arrived at the apartment building, we went up to the 15th floor.

"I haven't been here in ages. I miss my dad", said Chelsea.

Chelsea pulled her keycard from her pocket and stamped it on the door. We went into her lavish apartment.

"Where's your dad? It seems deserted here", I said.

Chelsea smiled, "In heaven."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I hugged her.

"I'm fine now," she declared.

We pulled away. "My father bought this apartment after he and mom divorced. He lived alone."

"Rather than staying with Mom, I spend a lot of time with dad. We were so happy." Chelsea

She yanked on the curtain, revealing the blue sky.

We stepped onto the balcony.

"One morning, I knocked on my father's door. There was total silence." Chelsea

"He always woke up early and made breakfast for me, but that day..." she gripped the bar, choking back her tears.


"I went into his room, he was lying stiff and pale in his bed. I was terrified. I called an ambulance."

"When I got to the hospital, the doctor informed me that my dad had died from a heart attack," she explained.

"I was alone, empty. I couldn't get over it," she sobbed as she looked up at the sky.

I stroked her back."I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you", I said.

"I hate my dad, Sarah, he hid his pain from me, he refused to have surgery, he was planning to leave me!", said Chelsea.

"Your father doesn't want you to worry about him, Chel", I said.

"I'm his daughter, he's my responsibility!", she said.

"All he wants is to spend his precious time with you, rather than lying in bed", I said.

"Yeah, my dad hates hospitals. It's difficult to take him to the hospital when he's sick because he always says, "I'm fine, I'm strong, I'm healthy," Chelsea explained.

"Enough of my grief, I came to have fun with my best friend," she brushed away her tears.

"At last, you're back to your delight," I chuckled.

"Since you've been here for eternity, you must take me to exciting places I've never gone," Chelsea replied.

"It doesn't mean I go out every day. You know yourself, I'm a homebody. I'll follow wherever you go", I said.

"Fine, I'll decide. We'll have lunch in the restaurant and then go shopping. What do you say?"

"I'm in!", I said

We hopped back in the car and drove to the restaurant. The waiter came up to us. He then left after taking our order.

"So, how does an arranged marriage relationship work?" Chelsea

"Don't be mad at me, I've got a huge crush on Luke Abrams", she raised her blushing cheeks.

"I won't let you meet him", I said.

"You've to, darling, I'm willing to meet him." she said.

"How's he in bed?", she said.

"Gosh, Chelsea! You shouldn't ask that, it's personal", I said.

"Your personal life is my personal matter. Come on spill the beans", she said.

"Beast, okay?", I said

"I could imagine you had a perfect s**, how many times a day?", she said.

"Our relationship is not like what you imagine", I said.

"Mean?", she said

"He's not into me," I remarked.

"He's not into my stunning and hot buddy?" she said.

"Is he blind?!", she said.

"Lower your voice, we're in a restaurant", I said.

"I'm sorry, couldn't handle it", she said.


"It was complicated at first, then things got better between us, somehow it feels like a friendship," I explained.

"You stepped into the wrong man, Sarah," she said.

"I fall for him, Chel", I said.

"You kidding, right?!" she said.

"You fell for a man who doesn't even look at you! I should take you to the hospital and get you heart surgery. You're crazy!"

"I am", I said

"I've one more question if you don't mind", she said.

"Go ahead," I said.

"So you did not have any s** at all?" she inquires.

"We did, on our first night", I said.

"What about now?", she asked.

I shook my head, "Just one-time s**"

"I'm speechless, honey", she said.

"Did you talk to him?", she asked.

"Yes, he sort of, he holds something inside him, he's so closed," I explained.

"Darling, you need to have a serious chat because if you keep going this way, you'll end up hurting each other," she added.

"How Chel? I tried it, he kept..." I explained.

"I'll help you figure it out. You have my support," she squeezed my hand.

"Thanks", I said.

"This is your food, ma'am", he placed our food on the table.

"Thank you very much, handsome," she brushed his forearm. He blushed while leaving our table.

"You never stop doing that, do you", I said.

"It's in my blood, I couldn't live without it", she said.

As soon as we finished our meal, I signaled the waiter to fetch the bill. The same waiter handed me the bill.

"Oh, you don't pay, it's on me!", she tried to snatch the bill.

"Be my guest," I said as I passed the cash to the waiter.

"Take the tip", I said.

"Thank you, ma'am", he said.

"Next time, I'll make a "no-treat" pact on you", she said.

"It won't happen", I said.

We left the restaurant. We strolled around the mall. We go around to branded shops, and spend our bucks, till we get weary.

As time showed the night. We were driving back to her house.

"You've kept me in the dark about you. What do you do for a living?" I inquired.

"I adore the question. I'm a gamer. I've my own gaming channel on V Tube." she said.

"I live stream twice a week and compete with my rival," she explained.

"No doubt you got a lot of money", I said.

"Money rained on me, baby!"

"And one more thing, I'll be launching my game soon," her face sparked with happiness.

"YOU CREATED A GAME?!" I said in surprise.

"Now that's big news!", I said.

"I've been partnering with a company on it for about a year" Chelsea

"My creation will be launched all across the world next month!" she exclaimed.

"Excellent news, Chel! I eagerly await the invitation," I stated.

"The first invitation will knock on your door", she said.

The car pulled up on the building. Chelsea got out of the car.

"See you soon, Sarah"

"You too, Chelsea"

I arrived at my destination. I strolled in bearing a few shopping bags and a handbag.

"Enjoy the day, Sarah?" His deep voice binds me. I turned around to see him standing behind me, his green eyes gleaming in the dim light.


"Luke? What are you doing alone in the yard?" I asked.

"Waiting for you, Sarah", he said.

"Huh? Me?" I was astonished.

"Yes, you," said the piercing eyes, not blinking.

"You okay? Do I need to call a doctor?", I said.

"Get in," he said as he took my hand in his and led me inside.

What's gotten into him? Did God just slap him?

The entire family was staring at us as we ascended.

"I feel like a complete stranger in this place. What the hell is going on in this mansion?!" Beth exclaimed,

"All we can do is stare foolishly at them, what a shame!" exclaimed Reggie.

He let go of his grip as he locked the door.

"What's up with you?", I said.

"Why didn't you inform me?" he inquires.

"Inform you what?", I asked.

"You're going out with your friend", he said.

"How did you know?", I said.

"I have my eyes on you, Sarah," he said.

"I'm sorry, I was so thrilled about meeting my old friend that I forgot to tell you," I said innocently, biting my bottom lip.

"You're forgiven", he said.

"Is that all? I expected you to be outraged with me", I explained.

"Do you want me to? Are you craving my violence?" he stared at me.

Where is the topic headed? Sounds steamy to me.

"Nope, I'm great", I said.

"I was wondering. You used to raise your voice. WHERE WERE YOU?! DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE ATTACK?! YOU'RE SUCH A HOT-HEADED!", I said.

"I've upped your protection, my men are keeping an eye on you," he continued.

"I want you, not your men," I said.

"How badly do you want me?", he moved closer to me, his hand brushing against my arm.

Beyond my expectations.

He's freaking hot!


"Show me how badly you want me," he said.

My adrenaline surged, sending a wave of heat across my body.

I can't take it anymore.

Our lips crushed together. His breath became heavy as our tongues glided into each other's mouths. His powerful hand ripped my clothes off. I yanked at his hair as he moved around my body. He unclasped my bra and squeezed my breasts.

His tongue tickled my n****** while his mouth caressed my chest. His fingers slid through my jeans to my panties. I let out a loud moan as I clawed at the back of his torso.

"oh, Luke..."

He pushed his middle finger inside my clitoris.


"You're so wet", said Luke.

"Keep going...."

"You like it..?", said Luke.

"I love it...", I said.

He kneeled and unfastened my pants.

"No, don't", I said out of breath.

He stood up. "Why?", he pressed his face to mine.

"You hate me, Luke."

"I didn't say I hate your body", he slipped his hand into my neck.

"I won't stop, Sarah", he grabbed my neck and bit my chin.

He laid me on his desk.

"They'll see us", I pointed to an open window.

"Let's give them a show", he said.

He thrust in.

"F***", I said

"ahh...", he moans

We drowned in the place of pleasure.

My soul blazes as our bodies unite, the touch of him ignites my fervency, the lips of him excite my precious part. My mind says "Stop", as my heart says "Don't stop", when my body wants it to keep going. The magic in him whisked me into his sensuous world, the demon in him showed me the pleasure in pain.

Infinite pleasure engulfed my world. I don't wanna go, I wanna stay, I wanna live. Hold me here, cuff me here. Hide me from the pain, keep me in the pleasure.

He looked at me, his sweat dripping down my face, "Sarah...


He kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheeks and finally captured my lips. He carried me out, and I smiled at him, weary yet joyful. He put me on the bed, he lay next to me.

"Luke, I sleep on the couch", I said.

"No, you stay by my side", he pulled me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his body.

We fell asleep on the serene and loving night.

The sun comes up, illuminating our faces.

I gazed at the sky.

The sun is shining brighter than usual.

"Good morning", I said.

"Morning", he said.


"Hmm?", he said

"Last night... um... why... did you touch me?", I asked.

"I can't control myself when you get close to me" he said.

"I love you, Luke", I said.

He gave me a glance, he took his hand off my shoulder. He tossed the blanket aside.

"Did I say something wrong?", I asked as I faced him.

"No, you didn't. I'm not ready for love", he said.

"Why? What's wrong?", I asked.

"I'm late. We'll talk later," he said as he walked into the bathroom.

I covered my body in a towel and sat on the couch, my chin resting on my palms. Waiting for him while listening to the shower water gushing onto the floor.

(Luke POV)

Don't do this, Sarah! You shouldn't love me, you must hate me!

I lowered my head and pressed my hands on the wall, letting the water run down my body.

I don't wanna hear the word of love anymore, she left me, she carried my love within her. I live without love.