

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Chapter 15

He roared, he clasped my neck, pushing me against the counter when his other hand swung a knife.

I blocked the blade when it aimed at my chest.

"HELP! HELP ME!", I screamed.

He pushed it more firmly. I squeezed the knife's edge, drenching my fingers in blood.



He felt backwards. I caught my breath and attempted to stand still on my shaky knees.

He stood up again, he gripped his knife, and slashed my wrist.

I kicked his part and fled out with my bloodied hands.

"OH MY GOODNESS! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU?!", shouted Delores. She jerked up to her feet

"SHE'S BLEEDING!", shouted Julia.

They all got up from their seats. The children and their guards encircle me.

I cried out, "He's in the restroom! He wants to kill me!", my hands were trembling.

"SECURITY! Check the restroom NOW!", shouted Delores.

They dashed to the restroom.

"Ma'am, there's no one in there," stated the security as they returned to the yard.

"NO! There was a hoodie man in there ", I said.

"SEARCH EVERYTHING! IN AND OUT OF THE HOME!" exclaimed Delores to the security guards.

The security guards dispersed and returned empty-handed.

"Check the CCTV footage!", said Julia

"Sorry ma'am, CCTV is under maintenance", said the 2nd security officer while looking down.

"GREAT! This day is getting fantastic!", said Delores.

"What about the home CCTV?" Julia inquired.

"We only installed it in the gate area", said Delores.

"Dee, you're so careless!", said Gina.

"I know, I never thought something like this would occur at a charity home," Delores remarked.

"Crime can happen at any time and in any place, Dee!" Julia exclaimed.

"I regret it, okay?", said Delores.

"Enough of it, did you call the doctor?", asked Salma.

"The doctor will be here soon", said Lauren.

They led me into the house, he placed me on a bed while wrapping my wrist in cloth.

The doctor arrived and began the treatment. I lay weak, as pain shot through my forearm.

"Quick, move ladies, otherwise, her life will be in danger. She sustained a serious cut on her fingers and wrist area," said the doctor.

"How's she?", asked Delores.

"She's well now, she needs some rest." The doctor stated.

He left the home after handing her the prescription.

"Dee, we should report the incident to the police," Salma suggested.

"I'll have to talk to my husband about it," Delores remarked.

"Do you want to call him? I can leave if you want", asked Salma.

"No, I'll talk to him in person", said Delores.

"I must go back, you guys don't mind, right?", said Delores.

"Not at all", said Salma.

Delores and the guards quickly rounded up all the kids.

"Why are you sad, kids?" Delores inquired.

"Aunty Sarah got attacked, we worried about her", said Ayla.

"I see, you know what the doctor said?", said Delores.

The kids shook their heads.

"he said aunty Sarah would be fine. Nothing to be worried about", said Delores.

"Is that true? Is she safe?", asked Bella.

"She is, indeed. Our police will catch the bad guy," Delores remarked.

"Guess what, I brought your favorite food", said Delores.

Waves of sadness were still on their faces.

"What's with that face?", asked Delores.

"We...", Ayla's voice cracked.

"OK, do you think Aunt Sarah will be pleased to see you guys mourning all day?" Delores asked.

"No", said the little boy.

"Then, why did you make her sad?", said Delores.

"We didn't", said Ayla.

"Yes, you are", said Delores.

"No, we are not", said the little boy.

"She'll be miserable with you immersed in sadness and hunger," Delores said.

"We won't do that", said the little girl with heart disease.

"Friends, let's wash away our sadness and hunger and make Aunt Sarah happy again," she pleaded once again.

They cheered. They queue up and grab their favorite food.

Delores came in and shook my shoulder.

"Sarah, we're going home."

I forced my weary body to get up. Delores grabbed me and led me out of Abrams Home into the car.

I slumped back against the car seat.

"Where are you, Silas? Something has happened."

"I can't talk much, meet me at home", Delores hung up the phone.

(Silas & Luke POV)

"Luke, you busy?", Silas barged into Luke's office.

"What's up?", he said.

"Your mom just called me, she's panicking, she wants to meet us", said Silas.

"What happened?", asked Luke.

"She didn't tell me", said Silas.

Luke sighed, "Let's go."

Delores waited nervously for her husband. She paced back and forth in the living room.

"What's going on, Dee?", asked Silas.

"There you are.. Glad you came too, son", said Delores.

"Spill it, mom", said Luke.

"Someone attacked Sarah", said Delores.

"What are you saying?!" his eyes were wide open. "Where's Sarah?!"

"She's resting in the room", said Delores.

Luke sprinted to his room. He saw Sarah lying limp on the bed. He sat beside her.

"Sarah...", he caressed her cheek. His attention was drawn to her bandaged hand. He hold her hand in his chest.

She replied in a hoarse and low tone, "He... wants to...kill... me."

"Who?", asked Luke.

"I don't...know"

Who is attempting to harm you, Sarah? He stroked her hair.

"I'll let you rest", said Luke.

Sarah grabbed Luke's arm, "I'm scared... he's going to kill me."

"He won't kill you", he tucked Sarah back.

He left the room with a splash of anger crossing his face, "WHO'S TYRING TO HURT SARAH?! THAT'S THE SAFEST PLACE EVER!"


"MOM!", said Luke.

"I've no idea, son", said Delores.

"NO IDEA?! You are in charge of that home, you have to know!", said Luke.

He smacked his fist on the table.

"That doesn't mean I know everything, son!" exclaimed Delores.

"Have you checked the CCTV footage?" Luke

"CCTV is under maintenance," Delores said.

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, MOM! What about the other CCTV?", asked Luke.

"We just have it at the gate, not inside the house or anywhere around the house," Delores explained.

"Calm down, Son", said Silas.

"How would you expect me to calm down, dad?" exclaimed Luke.

The other Abrams burst in.

"What's going on?", asked Scott.

"Someone attacked Sarah", said Silas.

"He's trying to KILL HER!", said Luke.

Their jaws drop open as they stare without blinking.

"It's HUGE! How did it happen? Has she hospitalized yet?", asked Scott.

"She's in the room", said Luke.

"Why didn't you take her to the hospital?", asked Seth.

"She has been treated, she's safe", said Delores.

"He didn't have a chance to hurt her in major part", said Delores.

"What should we do now?", asked Reggie.

"Call the police", said Silas.

"They'll be here in no time", said Shane.

The police arrived and Delores reported what had occurred.

"Can we see her?", said Ava (the policewoman).

"I'll take you to her", said Luke.

The police and Luke went up to the second floor. They entered the room.

"Ma'am, are you able to talk?" Josh questioned, (the policeman)

"Not much. What do you want to know?", I said.

"Could you tell us a glimpse of the incident?", asked Josh.

"I was in the restroom when... a man came in, wielding a knife," I explained.

"Did you see his face?", asked Josh.

"He was dressed in a hoodie," I explained.

"Do you know him?", asked Ava.

"No", I said.

"Do you feel you have an enemy?", asked Ava.

"No", I said.

"Did he say anything, Ma'am? If there is, please let us know," Josh said.

"Yes, he came to sacrifice my life.'", I said.

"Anything else? What about his appearance?", asked Ava.

"I think that's enough for today; we'll continue with the inquiry once you recover," Josh replied (the policeman).

"Well, ma'am, thank you for the information," Ava remarked (the policewoman)

She wrapped each note she had written. They then exited the room.

"We obtained a lot of information from Ms. Sarah, when she recovers, we will re-inquire her", said Josh.

"I'll let you know as soon as her condition improves", said Luke.

Back in the living room, Silas was waiting for the police.

"Josh", asked Silas.

"Pretty tough sir, we'll do our best to catch the culprit", said Josh.

"I don't know what I feel anymore, free or paralyze myself by overthinking", said Silas.

"Don't worry, sir, we'll keep an eye on everything. I will assign some police officers to guard your house", said Josh.

"Our police friends will escort you wherever you go", said Ava.

"How am I going to sleep soundly while the killer is roaming out there?" Beth mumbled.

"Sleeping with the idea that someone is coming to attack you sounds creepy," Reggie remarked.

"Moreover, I'm staying at your house, my blissful life has turned into a nightmare", said Sadie.

"What puzzles me is why he singled out Sarah?" Indy added.

"That's a BIG QUESTION MARK!", said Reggie.

"I hope he doesn't pick on us. We have done nothing wrong", said Beth.

"He better not!", said Sadie.

"The worst part is having to be escorted everywhere we go. No privacy at all," Reggie remarked.

"I'd rather be alive than die in the worst way possible, Gie," Indy remarked.

"Honestly, I don't mind at all, as long they don't guard me in the bathroom", said Beth.

Sadie rolled her eyes, "Nobody's going to do that nasty thing, Beth", said Sadie.


We are in the room where the Abrams used to have their own meetings. As I recovered, Luke phoned Josh to continue the inquiry. I sat across from Josh and Ava.

"Ma'am, are you ready?", asked Ava.

"I'm ready", I said

"Have you ever felt this sort of terror?" asked Ava.

"Yes, I have", I said.

"When and where?", asked Josh.

"On my wedding day, it was the first time", I said.

"Are they the same person? Do you believe the two events are connected?" asked Ava.

"Could be", I said.

"Could you clarify?" asked Ava.

"They have the same physical appearance. Their faces appear identical at first glance," I said.

"Oh, you saw his face? Do you still recall his face?" Josh inquired.

"Vaguely, I saw him from a distance", I said.

"Wait! Didn't you mention he was wearing a hoodie?" asked Ava.

"Still I get to see his face", I said..

"Can you describe his appearance?" Josh asked.

"Light skin, he wore a leather jacket with an inner white shirt and black jeans," I explained.

"Anything noteworthy?" inquires Josh.

"He has blue eyes and physically looks exactly like you," I explained.

Ava choked.

"That's all I recall so far," I said.

Josh cocked his brow at me.

"What? I said what I needed to say," I said.

"Dude, you were the one who attacked Silas Abrams' daughter-in-law?! You have a lot of guts," Ava said.

"Oh, shut up! His eyes are blue. On top of that, I have brown eyes", said Josh.

"You could put on some lenses, Josh," Ava said.

"Do you want me to pull my eyes out? That's not funny Ava", said Josh

"Chill bro, I'm kidding", said Ava.

"This is not the time for a joke", said Josh.

"Don't be mad at me, Josh," she said, her puppy eyes fixed on him as she slid her fingers into Josh's arm.

Josh sighed, "Fine, I'm not."

They both smile at one another.


"Well, what's going on here?" I said.

Ava tugged her hand back, as she straightened her posture. She smiled at me with a slight bow.

"We apologize, Mrs. Luke," Josh said.

"No worries", I said.

"Could you give us the story from the beginning, back in Abrams' Home?" Ava said.

"We reached Abrams's home. The children encircled us and dragged me to the yard." I said.

"That's when I feel someone is watching me, then I join Delores and her friends", I said.

"Unease grew in me. I went to use the restroom. He appeared behind me in a split second," I said.

"That's a ton of details. Glad you are able to share with us", said Ava.

"It's all we had. If we have any doubts or queries, we will need to meet with you again," Josh stated.

"Certainly, as long as you catch my stalker," I replied.

We walked out of the meeting room, where Luke had been waiting.

"We collect lots of information, we'll start work on it, sir", said Josh.

"Find him ASAP!", said Luke.

"Leave it to us sir", said Ava.