

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Adolescente
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45 Chs

Chapter 12

I'm not sure if she knows what really happened, but she must have heard a few versions. She's been here for quite some time. I hope she discusses this soon.

Who else knew them better than her? I looked around. I didn't find anyone. If I had a few sources, I would have more knowledge. I'm not even familiar with their friends or family members. What I commonly see is that they all travel everywhere together, are gracious to others, and nothing seems suspicious. Not as simple as I had imagined.

(Honking sound)

The horn on the car startled me. My husband arrived for lunch. As usual, I had everything ready.

"Sit here, have lunch with me," he said, motioning to an empty chair beside him.

"Sure!", I said

"You didn't invite us to lunch, only your wife...?" remarked Delores.

"If you starve, you will eat without having to be invited, or having to stand there, right?", he said.

How wonderful!

"Right!" said Reggie, feigning a smile.

"Why don't we join them?", said Beth.

"Come join us, mom", said Luke.

"I'll pass. I'm stuffed. You carry on, son", said Delores.

"Ladies, you can join them if you like," Delores remarked.

"I'm with you, I mean we're with you, sis," Beth said.

"Oh! You're all so close together. I'm amazed to see you guys. Keep it up ladies", I said.

Till your world crumbles, and the dark secret is revealed.

(Ladies POV)

"How long are we going to keep low, my darling sis-in-law? We can't take it anymore!", said Reggie.

"The more we wait, the less we know how far she will go," Indy explained.

"Your son has changed, he has sided with his wife, look how he talks to us and to you as his mother," Beth explained.

"Have some more patience. The situation is not in our favor", said Delores.

"The more we're patient, the worse it will get", said Sadie.

"We need to have a plan," Reggie remarked.

"We can create the situation you ask for", said Sadie.

"Tell me your plan?" Delores demanded. They ceased speaking.

"You don't even have a concept. How would you create the situation?" Delores inquired.

"What shall we do? I don't want to be in this situation anymore, I want our power back!", said Reggie.

"As I said, be patient!", said Delores in a high tone.

"Meanwhile, I will incite our man.", said Delores.

"The more people sided with us, the better", said Sadie.

"Do your duty, we must have a plan ASAP!", said Delores.

Time flew by.

"Where are you off to?", I asked.

He is clad in an office suit. Luke never went to work on Saturday.

"Office," he said as he tucked his shirt in.

"I didn't mean to pry, you used to stay at home every Saturday", I said.

"I've got an important meeting today", he said.

"Are you in a rush?", I asked.

"No, why?", he said.

"I'll prepare you a quick breakfast," I suggested.

"I'll wait", he said

He drove away as soon as he finished his breakfast.

(20 minutes later)

My phone rang.

Luke? Why's he calling? He never calls me while he's in the office.


"Sarah, I forgot my file", he said.

"Which file?", I asked.

"A black file inside the nightstand", he said.

I opened the drawer.

"The black-sleek file?", I asked.

"That's the one", he said.

"I'll send it through the driver", I said.

"NO, SARAH! DON'T!", said Luke

I'm used to his loud voice.

"I'm sorry", he apologizes.

"Okay, chill! Who will bring the file?", I asked.

"It's confidential, therefore," he said.

"You bring it", he said.

"Huh? Do you want me to come to your office?", I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Quick, Sarah", he said

"On the way", she said.

I arrived at his office 10 minutes later.

"Your file". I handed him the file.

"Thanks, wait in my workroom", he said.

He went back to the meeting room. I made my way to his workroom. I'm glad it's not a labyrinth, or I might not find it at all.

I sat down while my eyes observed the room. He's organized. I stepped over to the huge open window with such a view! I breathe in the fresh air when the wind sways my hair. I made my way to the bookshelf. I browsed through the books one by one. There were no novels here, just stacks of business books.

I explored to the opposite side, where there was a very large white sofa surrounded by lights on the right and left walls, as well as artwork hanging on the walls. I had no idea he enjoyed art. I'm guessing he likes to sit on the couch and admire these amazing paintings. He has an intriguing artistic side. I wonder whether he can paint.

I moved my legs as I gazed at the paintings. I ceased and saw a white light-filled frame hanging amidst the paintings. My palm budged to touch the frame. When I was halfway there, I felt something move behind me, something seemed to open. I fell backwards and was carried inside before I could turn around.

My eyes lit up! When I saw where I was! IT'S A ROOM!

I stood up. Magnificent! The wall behind me closed. OH NO! I don't want to be trapped here! I tapped the wall, and cried out, "HELP! HELP!" No one heard me. I fell to the ground. I rested my chin on my knees.

A flash of light hit me, I lifted my head to peer at it. What's that?

I got back on my feet. I took a step towards the glistening crystal. A square pink crystal frame is displayed on the wall. I touched it. Impeccable!

I placed my five fingers in the center of the crystal. Suddenly it shone. I raised my fingers, drew closer to the frame, and the crystal gently transformed into... a painting! The crystal frame turned into a painting!

"This painting..." "I...", "I...", I recollect the night he said, "They took everything from me," Is this what he meant? He has a woman in his life. The realization struck me hard. I froze. My heart hammered against my chest.

"NO....!", my head was about to burst. I put my hand on my forehead. Is she what he's not ready to talk about?!

They're hiding so much from me! It's only been a few days since I experienced serenity in my life.

This woman has made my life a living hell!

Ease your mind, Sarah! Think straight.

I need to find out what happened to her. The painting says it all. His family is involved in his relationship with this woman.

I must search, perhaps I could uncover more hints, like her photo. I dug through every cabinet and drawer. There were only office files.

I always suspected he was hiding something, but I never expected there would be a woman in his life. I can't ... my heart can't take it! I can't keep babbling; I need to get out of here! Hurry up, Sarah!

I made every effort possible, from patting the wall to leaning against it.

The door slid open. I rushed out.

The footsteps struck my ears. As he got closer to his room, I straightened myself and looked back at the paintings.

"Why are you in here?", he asked.

"Adoring these masterpieces. I never knew you liked painting", I said.

"Painting tells deep stories of reality", he said.

Like the one you have hidden in a secret room.

"Sarah, never enter this area again", he said.

He went back to his desk. I sighed. So close!

I had to confront him about the painting. I need to know everything!

I walked over to his desk, I sat in the chair directly in front of him.



"How was the meeting?", I asked.

"Great, thanks for the last-minute help," he said.

Why am I shaking?!

"What?", he asked

"Nah, nothing", I said.

"I still have work to do", he said.

"I thought you were done", I said.

"I have some papers that need to be checked", he said.

"I'll let you work", I said.

"Thanks", he replied.

I went back to my seat.



"Did you touch something?", he asked.

My heart was racing, "Why? Do I need to touch something?", I acted innocent.

"No, just asking."

"Luke, what is it? Tell me", I said

"Do you have anything else in your workroom?" I inquired.

"There's nothing else." He stared at me gravely.

"Are you certain about that?" I inquired.

"Sarah, I need to work, like I said there's nothing here", he focused back on his work.

He looks tense, it's not the right time to push him more, he's gonna snap at me again.

It's a good thing he asked me to bring the file; otherwise, I might not have discovered the "SURPRISE!" that was waiting for me. If I had this concept first, Luke's workplace would be the first place I would hunt for clues.

If I knew when he entered his secret room, I could catch him red-handed, and there would be no way he'd shut my mouth! Do I have to woo him? I don't even know how to do that.

There was a lot of work to be done. One thing led to another.

"I'm done, set to go?", Luke

"I'm set"

We stepped inside the elevator.

We hopped in the car. We went silent, his eyes fixated on the road, while I glanced out the window, my mind and emotions locked on the previous surprise.

I awoke from my thoughts, observing the route. "Where are we going? That's not the way home!"