

"Sophia, our company business is going down the drain, we got bankrupt and we really need to partner up with a very good company at least, to avoid loosing the company totally" Mr James said."What? how did it happen dad? what's going to happen to us now?" I asked suddenly worried. "calm down Sophia, there's still hope. I met with one of my old friend,he has a company but he is retired now but his son is the CEO of the company now. so for us to become partners you will have to marry his son or at least get engage to him first" Dad said carefully." what? how is that possible dad, I can't get married to someone I know nothing about not to talk of love Dad,this is totally insane" I said tearing up. " I know it's hard for you dear,but you have to do it to save our company" mum said rubbing my palms gently. "I'm sorry mum but I can't get married to someone I know nothing about"I replied. Sophia Leon,a beautiful young lady was forced to marry Leonard,the CEO of Desmond telecommunication enterprise to save her parents from going bankrupt. Leonard Desmond is the CEO of Desmond telecommunication enterprise, one of the best and largest company in City S. Both of them were forced into a marriage they were not ready for. Will they ever love each other?find out in THE ARRANGED MARRIAGE*

Lolly_P · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs



After the call, I took my bag and went out of the company. I boarded a taxi and went home .

"Mum, I'm home"I said as I entered the house. "Oh welcome honey, how was your first day of work,did It go well" she asked grinning from ear to ear, as she came downstairs." Oh mum,I messed up so bad" I replied looking downcast."What do you mean,how?" she asked.

After narrating the incident to her." you shouldn't have acted that way honey, you should have apologised rather than insult him"she said. "You should try to apologise to him tomorrow" she added."I will mum,I just hope he forgives me" I said being a little bit hopeful.

"Where is dad and Ella" I asked changing the topic. "Well, your dad is still not back from work and also your sister is inside doing her homeworks"she answered." alright,well I'll be going out with Mira later by 7"I informed her."Alright honey,go freshen up and come down and eat" she said. "Alright mum"I replied before leaving.

On my way to my room,I decided to stop by Ella's room and say hello. "Hey sis, whatsup"I asked." I'm ok, how was work,was it what you thought?"she asked." Mehn it was far from ok. I had an issue with my boss, I just hope he forgives me" I told her. "I'll be heading to my room" I told her before leaving.

After having dinner with my mom and sister,I went to my room to get ready to go see Mira.

"Mom, I'm off already"I announced. "Alright dear, don't take too long" she said."I won't"I said before shutting the door.

On reaching Soto-voche, I got down from the taxi and enter the restaurant. I sighted Mira waving at me and went to her.

"Hey girl, how are you doing?"I said as we hugged each other." well I'm doing good, how was work?" Mira asked as we sat down."oh well,I can't say it was all that good but it was ok, not stressful and I made a new friend,em.. Kira, yeah that's her name",I told Mira smiling."hmm she should better not replace me oh"Mira said feigning jealousy. "of course not" I said laughing so hard at her pouty face.

"Better. So tell me,how was work, and your boss, how is she or him, hope the person did not give you an hard time" she said as she ordered drinks for us.

"Mehn, you won't believe I'm working as the secretary of Leonard Desmond,the CEO himself" I told her. "what?, I heard he doesn't take shit from anyone and I heard he's very handsome" she said winking at me. I narrated everything that happened to her and she was so shocked. "Moreover, he's not that handsome though" I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Girlll,I think you should apologize more to him and get on his good side. I pray he doesn't give you an hard time" she said looking worriedly at me." my mom said the same thing also but don't worry, I will get him to forgive me with my charms" I said winking at her. "that's my girl. now let's enjoy our night" she said before taking a sip of her drink.

After bidding Mira goodbye,I boarded a taxi and headed home."Tomorrow is gonna be a long day"I thought.