

"Sophia, our company business is going down the drain, we got bankrupt and we really need to partner up with a very good company at least, to avoid loosing the company totally" Mr James said."What? how did it happen dad? what's going to happen to us now?" I asked suddenly worried. "calm down Sophia, there's still hope. I met with one of my old friend,he has a company but he is retired now but his son is the CEO of the company now. so for us to become partners you will have to marry his son or at least get engage to him first" Dad said carefully." what? how is that possible dad, I can't get married to someone I know nothing about not to talk of love Dad,this is totally insane" I said tearing up. " I know it's hard for you dear,but you have to do it to save our company" mum said rubbing my palms gently. "I'm sorry mum but I can't get married to someone I know nothing about"I replied. Sophia Leon,a beautiful young lady was forced to marry Leonard,the CEO of Desmond telecommunication enterprise to save her parents from going bankrupt. Leonard Desmond is the CEO of Desmond telecommunication enterprise, one of the best and largest company in City S. Both of them were forced into a marriage they were not ready for. Will they ever love each other?find out in THE ARRANGED MARRIAGE*

Lolly_P · Fantasía
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9 Chs



Returning to my office,I sighed before sitting down and getting back to work. Suddenly, Mr Gray walked into my office.

"Please don't tell me I am getting fired"I prayed silently."I need the files that needs Mr Leo's signature,"he said.

"Pheww,"I sighed in relief. I handed him the files since I had already arranged them before I was called. I can't wait for this day to be over, because with the way it started,I don't know what awaits me for the day.

After few hours of working, it was finally lunch time."wow, 2pm already?"I thought excitedly as my stomach was already growling. I step out of my office and walked around for a while.

"How will I get to the cafeteria?" I thought before my eyes caught some ladies heading towards the elevator. I was about to approach them before I saw them staring at me weirdly and whispering.

"Isn't she the CEO's new secretary?" one of them asked the others. "I heard she bumped into him and acted like she didn't know him afterwards" another replied with disgust in her face.

I was about to correct them before I decided to just let them think what they want. I was about leaving before another lady came running towards me.

"Hey I'm Kira, the managers secretary. You are the CEO's new secretary right?" she asked smiling at me.

"Yes, I am, I'm Sophia, Sophia Leon" I replied smiling back.

"Where are you heading to" she asked."Am glad you asked,am heading to the cafeteria and I don't even know where it's located" I replied laughing."I was about asking for directions from anyone before you came. Can we go together?" I asked."sure, let's go" she said, dragging me with her.

Getting to the cafeteria,we order our lunch,ate heartily, ignoring everyone staring at us, before we went back to our various departments.

I returned to my office and continued my work.


Trying to work,I couldn't get her off my mind."Why am I feeling this way,no woman has ever made me feel this way, not even Jade" I thought.

Still feeling restless,I decided to take a nap in my private room close to my office. My private room consist of a bed,an air conditioner, a small cushion and a little bathroom inside.

After few minutes of resting,I headed back to my office and continued my work. My P.A came knocking on my door."Come in" I said before he entered.

"Sir you will be having a meeting with a client by 3pm" he notified me. "Alright,notify the secretary. She will be coming with me to the meeting" I told him. "Ok sir" he said before leaving.

"Let's see if she's capable enough and won't stare at me all through like the others"I thought to myself smirking.



I was going through some files when Mr Gray walked in."Miss Sophia, you'll be attending the meeting by 3pm, with Mr Leo,so please get ready" he said before walking out.

"Why did I have to get on his bad side on the first day of work,now I have to see him everyday" I thought feeling sad."I have to get on his good side and pray he forgives me soon"I thought to myself.

When it was time for the meeting,I went to his office,knocked on the door."come him" I heard his masculine voice said

"Sir I was told I'll be attending the meeting with you and it's 3pm already sir"I said to him.

He stared at me for a while,stares which sent shiver down my spine,before he finally responded."Yes,we will be meeting with one of our important client at the restaurant close by,so get your things ready and let's go" He said."Alright sir" I said before leaving to get my things.

After getting my laptop and the few documents we will be needing,I went back to notify him I was done before we left for the meeting.