
The Arks: Dragon's Faith

A tale of dragons… A promise broken long ago. A group of Pyromancers has launched an attack on the humans and it so happens that it affects the Arks, a group of Mages who try their best to live in peace with humans. A Mission to find the truth of the Last of the Dragons and to stop the Pyromancers from destroying their home.

Mavislin11 · Fantasía
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49 Chs

The Ark Of Tomoe And Raiyen Vs Milam

The Kitsune quickly shook himself straight and stood up while holding his sword above his shoulder. Without losing more time, Tomoe vanished and aimed his blade's tip at Milam as a small fireball appeared on the weapon.

"Eighth Sun; Ignite My Inferno!" hollered Tomoe as a medium sun formed.

But to his horror, Milam grabbed the glowing orb and smashed it into pieces. The Kistune instantly backed off as she lunged forward to kick his face, allowing Raiyen to glitch in and grab the girl's kicking leg. After a quick smirk, the Time Mage threw her across the field.

Milam was caught off guard but quickly fixed herself by changing positions and launched back to Raiyen, who was waiting patiently with his dagger. The Time Mage then clasped his hands and threw the Kitsune toward Milam.

Tomoe met the Pyromancer in the middle, before she could hit Raiyen and unleashed another move on her.

"Tenth Sun; Flaming Whirl!" yelled Tomoe as he flipped into the air and unleashed a singular vertical slash in a circular motion while trying to slice Milam in half.

But the girl knew she was in danger and quickly ducked, tunneling towards Raiyen, who had his dagger primed and ready.

"Oh, that's not fair..." complained the Kitsune, who was forced to the very end of the field.

"Eternal Unity Spark; Voltaric Starburst!" shouted the Time Mage as a single bolt of lightning shot out of the dagger and toward Milam.

The Calamity caught it with her hand before the singular bolt could touch her chest. The Time Mage was bewildered but continued the assault by glitching around Milam and slashing her at every angle.

"Come on... At least try to make some progress, " murmured Raiyen as his entire body teemed with blue sparks.

If he doesn't wrap this up soon or if she releases her Original Spell, then they were goners and the rest would have to deal with this brat... Tomoe had recovered his position earlier and intercepted Milam before she could grab Raiyen's arm using his blade.

The trio looked at each other for another Tick before continuing, resulting in a brilliant display of blue, red, and pink sparks flying around the battlefield. Tomoe was beginning to tire of this endless game and knew that Raiyen didn't like it either.

The Kitsune then backed away from the fight and took a deep breath. The Time Mage sensed what his partner was up to and followed suit by restricting Milam to her spot while increasing his defensive power.

Tomoe changed his stance, placing his left foot behind, and raised his blade above his right shoulder. As he exhaled, a swarm of red flames with blue hues engulfed his sword. The Kistune opened his eyes and launched himself towards Milam.

The Pyromancer caught wind of the oncoming fireball and attempted to switch positions, forcing Raiyen to be her meat shield. However, Tomoe had no choice but to go through with the spell. 

"Don't think I'm going to be your shield... Flashbang!" yelled Raiyen, creating a small ball of lightning and igniting it in Milam's face. The enemy cursed and was followed at the mercy of a flaming blade by the Nine-Tailed Fox.

"Ninth Sun: Dance Of The Kitsune's Blaze!" shouted Tomoe as he performed one of the most vibrant moves within his arsenal for a single opponent.

By contorting his body and slashing Milam everywhere while also preserving the movement flow, the Kitsune finally got to her neck. Raiyen nearly fainted as Milam stopped the attack with her gauntlets glowing in grey instead of pink.

"The Third Realm of the Nine Worlds. Ruled by the Goddess of Death, Hel. The Misty World of the Dead. The World Of Darkness... The Darkest... The Coldest. This was where I resided, so fear me! World Of Niflheim; Nidhogg's Faith!" called out Milam.

"Alright; time to go!" said Raiyen, glitching into the ring and grabbing Tomoe out before he could lose both of their heads.

A massive explosion occurred, covering the entire area with ice dust while intense, pale blue flames with pink hues aligned the perimeters of the field. Tomoe stood up and signaled to his Master to remain down as he placed his blade horizontally in front of his face.

"Third Sun; Turbulent Embers!" chanted Tomoe, releasing two crescent moons of flames towards Milam, who was at his face.

The Pyromancer backed off as the attack went, which cleared the dust bowl, revealing the new icy wonderland. Raiyen drew to full height as he scanned the changed look on his enemy. Tomoe was still on the offensive as he prepared to strike again.

"Oi, we better have a proper plan, or we will die here. And I'd like to live a bit longer, so tell me if you've got something we can pull out," asked the demon fox.