
The Arks: Dragon's Faith

A tale of dragons… A promise broken long ago. A group of Pyromancers has launched an attack on the humans and it so happens that it affects the Arks, a group of Mages who try their best to live in peace with humans. A Mission to find the truth of the Last of the Dragons and to stop the Pyromancers from destroying their home.

Mavislin11 · Fantasía
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49 Chs

The Ark Of Tag Team: Phanm And Wald

Meanwhile, as Tomoe and Raiyen assaulted Milam and Mavislin were busy clearing the ranks alone while having a grand time, Phanm and Wald were busy trying to reach their destination by foot. Much to Phanm's annoyance.

This tag team was perfect since Wald was part of Pyromancer, and Phanm was used to taking down big groups of enemies without being seen. When the duo attacked the Tribal Camp of the Briton Domain, all members started to panic.

They had no difficulty taking down most of the camp by a few minutes. But that's where their glory cuts short as Wald felt the dawning presence of a powerful being.

"Oi, Phanm. Be on the lookout now," whispered Wald, nudging his buddy.

A petite but slightly muscular young woman with scarlet-coloured eyes and long flowing hair stepped into Wald's view. Her outfit was a white tattered top with brown leather pants held up by some belts. And within those tangle of belts was a black whip.

"I see you and your buddy are kicking up quite a storm, huh? Well, this won't do... This won't do at all..." scolded the duo's new enemy, as her Elemental Aura of pure Crimson flames flared up. 

"Oi, go take care of the rest... I'll deal with Pipsqueak here," instructed Wald as he gestured for Phanm to take cover. 

Phanm said nothing as he followed his friend's instructions and rushed toward the other part of the camp. The King knew better than to stand in a firefight with his best buddy.

"Well, this should be fun..." said Wald, sarcastically as he felt for more enemies.

"I am Scarlet, leader of this camp. You both have been naughty boys... And bad boys need to be taught a lesson!" roared Scarlet as she unraveled her whip.

When the weapon left her belt, the whip was engulfed with red flames that burned so bright it started to cook the grass beneath it. Wald thought it was a good idea that Phanm couldn't be near them from here on out. 

Wald acted in kind by allowing his little flame to engulf the war axe he held. He held the axe at his waist level and ran towards Scarlet, attempting to slash her from the bottom to the top diagonally.

However, the camp head quickly blocked the attack with a single crack of her whip, causing an explosion of purple and red flames. Wald knew he was in for a bumpy ride as he backed off and tried again. After all, this person might have the same power level as Tomoe.

But this new enemy doesn't have the same fighting style or mind as Tomoe, only going for brute force. Wald grinned as he became confident. Soon, the area became their arena as bursts of purple and red sparks flew around due to their flurry of clashes. 

"I'm impressed that an axe-wielder would be so agile. Not many people can keep up with my attacks," commented Scarlet as she pulled back her whip.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment. However, don't think you can sweet talk yourself out of this battle. I have nothing much to say to you lot," announced Wald as he prepared to swing his axe at Scarlet's neck. 

The redhead smiled as she unleashed her whip to coil onto Wald's left blade. A quick switch of her wrist was enough to alarm Wald to try and untangle himself from the whip. 

"Scarlet Bond: Ifrit's Bang!" called out Scarlet as her whip exploded to even bigger flames with higher heat. 

The sudden change forced Wald to disengage and ditch his axe. The man cursed as he tried to calm himself down and recuperate his Elemental Energy. 

"You were so boastful that you had nothing to say to me... Maybe you are asking for your weapon back from me, hm? Besides, we are the same, aren't we? Why not join us..."

"And we'll discover what the Dragon Element entails for us," mocked Scarlet as she dangled the axe in front of Wald as if it were a treat for a dog. 

Silence befell the two as Wald was quiet and still. But it was soon broken when Wald started to laugh.

"Are you kidding me? This has to be some joke... You are asking me to join you?! Pfft.... What a joke..." replied Wald as he slowly stood up. 

Scarlet backed up and increased her grip on the axe. 

"Funny how you should as me that since..." started Wald as his Elemental Aura came into fruition. 

Scarlet felt fear strike through her spine for the first time in so long. Seeing the dark Element tangle and surround so much with the fire Element meant that the two Elements had already been fused for years. It was as if the two Elements were now one.