
The Arks: Dragon's Faith

A tale of dragons… A promise broken long ago. A group of Pyromancers has launched an attack on the humans and it so happens that it affects the Arks, a group of Mages who try their best to live in peace with humans. A Mission to find the truth of the Last of the Dragons and to stop the Pyromancers from destroying their home.

Mavislin11 · Fantasía
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49 Chs

The Ark Of Milam Rosenberg

"Besides, it's not as if she hasn't killed humans before... The first time I met her, Mavislin went berserk and killed a village worth of people to protect me and her friend's grave from being desecrated. Granted, she was young, but..."

"Things haven't changed. Right now, she is happily slaughtering enemies as we speak. Valkyries are warmongers and belong to a seat within the Council of the Universe, the board of people who govern the planets. Even Akhatenians don't have that title."

"Just because she looks little and seems childish doesn't mean she can't be a killing machine when needed. I dare say that she'd rather have that than sit at a desk all day... If Mav doesn't get out, her wings will cramp."

"But still, I do appreciate it if you don't mention this to her," replied Raiyen as he felt a change in the wind and halted.

"You seem to enjoy bullying my friends... And now, I don't have a playdate anymore," echoed a female child's voice, alerting the pair.

Tomoe unsheathed his blade while Raiyen held up his new weapon. The two had their backs together as they surveyed the area to find the source of the voice. It only took one single disturbance in the wind to launch Tomoe to be on the offensive.

"First Sun, Waltz!" yelled the Kitsune as he gripped his sword with both hands and vertically slammed it down.

A vast slice of flames launched toward a small figured shadow, prompting it to move out of the way and land next to Raiyen. The Time Mage quickly glitched out of the path from the opponent's punch while grabbing Tomoe.

"You may seem like a small kid, but that punch says otherwise... Shall I assume that you are the renowned Milam? Village Chief of the Urnsfield Tribe Camp?" questioned Raiyen, with a voice of authority.

"You know her?" whispered the Kitsune as the enemy decided to unveil herself.

"A long time ago... When she was still a normal Pyromancer, I helped Milam Rosenberg in her training when she was very young and tossed to me by his father. At the time, I didn't know her race and only obliged since I was paid handsomely..."

Raiyen's voice trailed off his he scanned his enemy from head to toe.

"And I guess she'd done a few upgrades to herself while I was gone. The Hybrid is created by fusing two Elemental Cores, one alive and the other deceased. And the Pyromancers were hell-bent on making it work. But it isn't as easy."

"Experiments were failing, and the Pyromancers were desperate. Thus, creating an artificial body created by mating a Dragon with a Pyromancer. The experiment was a huge success! But they didn't account for one thing... That a child can't control her powers."

"Sealing away her powers, she became docile until the Last Dragon stirred. An ace up the Tribe's sleeves. The one who trampled on the Campanian Forests years ago. The Calamity..." explained the Time Mage as he had his eyes remained on the enemy.

"I thought you'd forgotten me since you were so eager to throw me back to my father," spat the young girl as she opened her eyes to reveal two bright pink orbs staring at the duo from the darkness.

The young girl was not human as she sprouted a pair of snow-white dragon horns and a matching thin tail at the sides of her head. She had done her sky blue hair up into twin tails, accompanied by the fact her body frame was very much like a kid's. 

Milam's torso was covered with bright purple, dragon-like armor, wearing a black, thigh-length dress underneath. She then lightly tapped on the ground with the heels of her black boots, allowing her pink-flamed Elemental Aura to come out fully.

"A little girl like her?! I highly doubt she even belongs to this battlefield, let alone being called 'the Calamity'... It's a harsh accusation, am I right? Little-"

The poor Kitsune barely had enough time to dodge the incoming attack as Milam was now before him, her purple gauntlet-covered fist nearly touching her enemy's nose. As Tomoe braced himself, he opened his eyes to find his Master gripping his arm.

"Might wanna hold your tongue around her... She hates being called small or little. Get yourself up and into combat mode. I will not have you slow me down," commanded the Time Mage as he let go of Tomoe and got into his battle stance.

"Tch... Don't be so demanding; I can hold her down as well as you. Don't forget, our fighting styles are matched."

"But our memories aren't, and you weren't the one who trained her. We aren't dealing with a Pyromancer like those few before... She is in another class of her own, so straightened up."