
From dust to ashes

“Why is this happening? I am seeing this but I’m not liking what I’m seeing here” Erin hissed from the said, his voice containing a thread of exhaustion as well as dissatisfaction. Asato could relate, the situation was not something they had thought they would encounter anytime soon after all.

“W-What do we do now?” Ten asked, now daring to come near the exit now that he had two safe people with him. However, his eyes still didn’t move to look outside the opening which was to be expected.

“First thing first, we need to get Ten as far away as we can. I believe the one who started this fire might still be out there inside the smoke waiting for us” this was a guess, a shot in the air but Asato was willing to bet on his theory.

The fire didn’t start on their own and whosoever was behind this would still have to be here if this fire was fresh. Asato could make no other observation in this case that irked him, but he could also work with it if he had to.

“How sure can you be about it? Our priorities would shift if that’s the case” Erin asked, his voice tense. Asato could hear the concern in his voice over the situation but it was not something he was going to address right then.

“I don’t know how sure I am, but I’d rather not take any risk about this situation at all. For all we know, this might just be a misunderstanding on my part. But enough about that, I have something which might help you out” Asato stuck his hand inside his bag, feeling around for the thing he had packed.

It was a precautionary measure when the fire had first hit. He was not actually serious that he would ever need to use those things at all. But with how the situation was developing, he would need everything to pull up advantageously.

When the hand came out of the bag, it contained with it a thin scarf along with a small tattoo. The scarf was reshaped in the shape of an old western design which covered the face as well as neck while the tattoo was a plain blue design.

“What’s this?” Erin asked, his hands making their way toward the offered items. Ten also drew near to have a look on the new items.

“They feel really fresh. Such a nice feeling” Ten’s unconscious murmur drew Asato’s attention with a small smile. Looked like he was not completely useless after all. Maybe once they exited this place he would take him under his wing and teach him a thing or two about magic after all.

Or well, Erin might with how much he wanted to take the other under his wing. It might work out well for him too.

But he needed to concentrate on current problems for now. It was important that the other two understood what they were getting into before they actually went ahead and made another mess they won’t be able to get out of easily.

Erin was certainly capable enough of it after all.

“Both the scarf and the tattoo had been saturated with magic similar to mine, I mean my family’s. It would allow you to successfully defend against the creatures made up of smoke but I don’t know how long it will last. Erin, hand me your sword” Erin handed his sword with a questionable look which Asato did his best to ignore.

“Won’t you be coming with us too?” Ten asked, which gave Asato a pause. Did he give off a safe feeling to the other? More than Erin? It was possible due to their similar nature but Asato felt that the other’s tone was a little off when he asked that of him.

It made him hesitate to answer the asked question.

But after a little more quick thinking, he could not actually find any fault in the asked question so he decided to answer truthfully.

“It will be best if we separate for now. Erin, you and Ten travel back to our accommodation and wait there. I’ll make my way there as soon as I put off this fire and deal with all the smoke” even before Asato had finished, he could see both Ten and Erin open up their mouths to protest.

He could not allow them to have their say or he might fold under their demands. So there was no way he would allow them to have their say at all right now.

“No, listen. First, it’s my duty and I am actually immune. Also, I’m the only one who can do anything here. Besides, I need Erin to deliver the message to headquarters about our findings and a possible new threat” Asato kept his voice firm, as firm as he could for 13 years old.

The elder didn’t look convinced at all, the protest still clear in his eyes which made Asato grit his teeth.

Why did this idiot never listen when it was about important stuff. Did he really want to cause further delay just because things were not going his way?

Even from here, Asato could see the fog stir which made the feeling inside his stomach much worse. He really wanted to get away as fast as he could.

“It’s scary here” Ten’s words were the things that finally made Erin agree which Asato was equal parts envious and thankful for.

While the whole situation was less than ideal, at least someone was taking it seriously enough to follow instructions and Asato was happy to see that. Even if it was not because of him.

The part split into two, both having different priorities overall.


Erin was not happy about the situation at all, but this was the solution that was reached so he had to at least respect it. After all, if he had to go ahead with their charge, then he would do his damn best that Asato would be proud of his work

“Erin, are you angry we had to leave Asato behind?” Ten’s voice held a nervousness which Asato’s had never held.

Ten was not Asato, Erin knew that. They looked nothing alike, behaved nothing alike and even had different origins over all.

And yet, somehow they felt alike in all ways they were not supposed to which confused Erin a lot. It was not supposed to be this way, but now it has come down to it.

Ten felt like someone Asato could have been, a version of him that needed Erin’s protection which made his brotherly instincts flare-up. He was not supposed to get attached but he was. He knew he was getting attached.

“I’m not angry, just disappointed. I just felt like there could be a better outcome from this situation” Erin’s voice came out of gritted teeth, a thin thread of anger suppressed overall in the calm voice.

Ten was being carried on his back as he ran through the smoke, the scarf pulled up to his nose. It was another factor that solidified his claim.

Asato had given him a scarf, but nothing to Ten who despite that seemed to be alright inside the smoke. It was just like Asato.

He would demand answers as soon as they reunited. And Asato would deliver because Erin would not allow him to hide this time.

The smoke was thicker in the recent parts they had travelled and now it was beginning to condense into familiar shapes which he loathed.

Erin pulled out his sword, the black tattoo marking the centre of the sword as it pulsed in time with Erin’s heartbeat.

The first shadow that lunged at him was met with the sharp fangs of his blade and the others that followed in a similar fashion. With Ten on his back and the blade at his front, the progress was slow but undeniable.

The shadows burst out into ashes as soon as they touched his blade but even Erin knew he was on a timer right there. The power was not unlimited, the tattoo disappearing just a minuscule amount every time the shadowy figure was attacked and it burst into ashes.

“That side” Ten’s voice called out, his arm pointed toward right and Erin nodded. Twisting his body to follow the instructions, he allowed himself to reach toward the direction he was being directed at.

The faster he travelled, the less the smoke figures followed. It felt as if they were being confided into limited space with invisible chains.

Once he was far enough, even those that held any interest faded away.

Once Erin was officially out of the smoke, he brought the scarf down, the lower part of his face drenched in sweat and his breath was short.

But he was out of the smoke in one piece so that counted for something at least. And Ten was also alright which counted as a success in his books.

Wait, he was alright wasn’t he? Or was Erin getting ahead of himself again and making assumptions here. Won't be the first time either in his carrier.

“I’m alright. What do we do now though?” Ten’s voice was a reassuring balm at the right time. The child must have felt him tense up.

“Now? Now we go back to the place we came from and report back to the higher-ups” this was the worst part about the whole operation. Erin was sure that the higher-ups would be ready to eat him alive should it come down to that.

“It was awfully noisy in that smoke there. Think Asato would be ok?” noisy? What this child was saying, it had been utterly silent.

Or was he hearing something only he could hear? Erin would look into it later, just as soon as he finished with his report first. Asato would not escape this time at all.