
what to do till the return

Archaic dragon mage will be returning in December. Until then I will be editing the third installment, and working on a new book called Tame. I will be featuring several of my many animals as characters. You can view the first drafts through P A T R E O N on the Tame subscription. I may even put in first drafts of some of my other books in the works if my P A T R E O N account does well.

I never set out to make money on my books, but I am struggling. Everything I make on my books or any sponsorships of my animals will go toward purchasing the pasture, and house that comes with it from my grandparents so that they can retire. This is my end goal with the money. I fully intend to continue helping my family once I have the house, and keeping my mixed herd as long as possible. I am raised in a way that makes me believe that the things you have aren't worth much unless you earned them yourself.

I've already put out the Epilogue of Tame, and will continue adding more for you to read as I complete chapters. Keep in mind that writing is a process. I prefer to keep my characters grounded, and have them think in ways that you can track, and understand. Not necessarily agree with. I know that some readers were not fans of some of my characters as they were added because they did not like their personalities.

Ethan is a prime example of this. Many readers disliked him at the beginning. Ethan was broken when we met him. He clung to Wyatt because he feared human attention. He was severely abused as a child.

This kind of abuse messes up a person's thought process. Ethan needed someone to trust to slowly fix himself. Wyatt wasn't human, and he needed Ethan in a way so if created a tight yet odd relationship. Many questioned my choice when I made Savannah's father an enemy as well. Father's are not always kind or supporting.

I know that some folks don't understand that kind of relationship, and I'm glad that you don't because that means you probably had a healthy relationship with your dad, but Magnus only loved his daughter when she did as he asked. He lives for this war, and his daughter chose the wrong side. He would kill her if given the chance, and he wouldn't bat an eye at it because she betrayed him. If it works out for the story I would like to go into more detail on Jax with the next book since I haven't really explored him as a character very much yet. I know I dropped a bit of a bombshell when I let you guys know that he isn't related to his supposed grandfather, but I do have his history, and intend to explore it in more detail before this adventure is over.

If you guys have any questions about other characters then just send me an email at bennettangelina76@gmail.com. I'll happily answer them if it doesn't contain any major spoilers.