

Time wasn't on my side anymore. My shrinking room was evidence of that. I had no idea how much longer this room would contain me. If I was careful I could drag it out by not gaining XP for anything but eating. It would take me months just to make a dent on my XP at that rate.

There was no way I could keep up this sham for more than a year. I was already tired of pulling my punches. It was only a matter of time before I lost my temper, and exposed myself for what I was. That was one of the reasons Goliath was always grumbling at me. As much as he pretended to be a potential enemy, my instincts knew better.

One more day of careful studying. I ran out for meat this time instead of Ethan. I used my face this time, but next time I'd have to change that. Soren, and Grett tried to follow me covertly, but their body temperatures gave them away. I waited for them outside of the store with my bag of meat.

Inviting them closer with a quick wag of my finger. At first they acted as if they didn't see me, but I kept staring at them. They approached me slowly. Soren looked almost guilty.

"What are you two doing?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Just making sure that you aren't going to pull something," Soren looked at me with a nervous half smile, "How did you spot us?"

"You run hotter than normal people," I smirked, "The wraith ran colder than normal people. I spotted the wraith through half a building. Spotting two wolves on the street was nothing."

"You can see heat?" Grett looked surprised.

"I can see every pore on your ugly mug half a mile away," I started walking back towards the school, "My infrared just made it that much easier to spot you. Next time don't bother hiding. It won't do you any good."

Soren looked like he wanted to ask me more questions.

"If you want to talk then come to my room later without your friend," I pushed a few paces ahead of them.

I didn't want to act as if I was with them. I debated on pushing for a faster pace. I could feel the slight difference in strength. Two levels made a difference. It wasn't enough to bank on in an emergency, but I was curious what would happen if I took advantage of my speed in my true form.

Now that I was thinking about it. I realized that I'd never actually used my top speed. Even when I'd fought the poachers I hadn't been confident enough in my footing to go all out. Well there was that one time when I was a hatchling, but that didn't really count. I could move faster in my human form now than I could as a hatchling.

Back to my room I went with my meat. I only had to wait an hour before Soren made his way to my room. Ethan let him in, and made his way to his room so I could talk with Soren alone.

"You barely fit in there," Soren glanced in the door of my room.

"Comes with the territory," I clenched my teeth leaning my head closer to him to discourage looking around what little space I had, "Now what do you want?"

With the length of my neck I could reach most of the common area so there really was no where for him to run.

"I smelled poison on your breath," Soren frowned at me.

"I find that hard to believe," I scoffed, "I don't have any poison."

"Yes," Soren dropped his nervous tone, "My nose is better than the others. My wolf is stronger than theirs. That's why I was put in charge."

"Why do you speak as if you, and your wolf are two different creatures?" I cocked my head, "Maybe you would stop loosing control if you thought of yourself as one whole being instead of two different halves."

"It's not that easy," Soren snapped at me angrily as he changed the subject, "Now why is there poison on your breath?"

I could see it now. The split he'd created between his two sides. Aggression, and all of his abilities as a wolf on one side. This persona he showed to humans on the other. It was almost a split personality.

"You should really get that personality problem fixed," I bared my teeth at him as his aggressive side started to rise to the surface.

"Shut up," Soren's usual hesitation, and most of his intelligence was being replaced by rage, "Tell me why there is poison on your breath."

My temper flared as well. My murderous intent wasn't enough to disable him like it did Grett. I knew Soren was stronger which was the main reason I'd thrown Grett at Ethan, and fought Soren myself. Soren wasn't thinking right now. Not really.

He'd taken a few steps forward in his rage. He was well within my range now. I yanked him off his feet with the tip of my tail, and pulled him close enough to slam my hand on his chest. Pinning him under my weight.

"Why won't you tell me what you're hiding?" Soren struggled in my grip as I applied more weight.

"What's wrong with you?" I glanced at Ethan as he came out of his room.

Applying enough pressure to make it impossible for him to inhale. It wouldn't take him long to pass out like this.

"What's going on with him?" Ethan stayed away from the pinned Soren who was starting to look pretty pale.

"Don't know," I focused on Ethan, " He just started loosing it all of a sudden."

A knock at the door startled us both. I yanked Soren into my bedroom with me, and Ethan closed the door for me. The individual rooms were soundproof so I couldn't hear what was happening outside. My door opened suddenly. Goliath looked at the startled, and surprised me that had an unconscious Soren clutched to my chest like my own personal plus sized teddy bear.