
The Archaic Dragon Mage

Wyatt was alone in the world. When the rifts opened the world was thrown into chaos. Archaic mages came through those rifts, and war after war followed. The last war had ended when Wyatt was just a baby, but he had still lost his eye to it. The empty socket, and loss of depth perception made him an easy target. Wyatt being an orphan meant that no one back him up when he did get targeted. Wyatt was used to fighting for himself, and the draft was going to force him into military academy. He had no genetic markers to become an ability user so he had already accepted the fact that he would probably die during his two years required military rotation after the academy. It was just a fact of life. Non ability users were just cannon fodder, and archaic abilities were highly restricted. Wyatt didn't think anything off it. That is until he found a marble in an old rift area. A marble that would change everything.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantasía
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670 Chs


Now was the time for patience. I relaxed down until I was laying on the grass. Ethan flared his wings, and snarled in agreement. He could hold this form for around an hour, and the mana clothing he was wearing allowed him to change forms without loosing his clothing. I didn't know when he got the time to make those clothes, but it was probably during his time with the werewolves. 

They'd done a good job of teaching him how to control his bestial half. I would have to thank them later. Aurora strode up next to me, and gave me a playful nudge. The gentle motion seemed to break the tension as she leaned into me to relax down to the ground. 

"So are we going to start this conversation over or am I going to have to go to war with you morons?" I sniggered silently to myself as they seemed to process just how much of a threat I actually was. 

I was pretty sure they'd make some attempts to poison me later on, but I wasn't too worried about it. I could use some more poison to add to my arsenal. As long as those idiots didn't try to harm Aurora I could keep my temper in check. I snorted to myself as I looked around the sports field slowly. I'd damaged it a good amount, but not enough that it was unusable. 

Patience. I needed to be patient. Just a little longer.

"That's enough," the tired commander stood up, and waved down his soldiers, "I refuse to lose any of my men to any enemy that's willing to stand down with talk alone. Especially one as powerful as him."

"You can't be serious," One of the world leaders stood up, and pointed toward the tired commander, "A beast like that doesn't deserve any more of our time."

"Every thread I see on that dragon is black," The tired commander announced. 

The eyes of several of the world leaders widened. 

"Ah right," I smirked, "You can see the threads of fate, and by tugging them you manipulate fate. Letty told me about your ability a little more after the last time you tried to kill me. The black ones would kill you if you tugged them right?" 

His eyes widened in surprise. The simple fact that I understood his ability was something he didn't seem to understand. 

"I'm guessing that you're a natural born ability user," I smirked, "Letty has some experience with those who can see fate. Most of them are blind, but can see enough of the fate of the world around them to obtain another way of seeing. That ability of yours would get stronger in the last five years for no apparent reason. Don't worry about it too much. You'll continue getting stronger because your ability is magical in nature. Although your control is severely lacking. Don't you think Letty?"

I turned my gaze to where the vampire was currently standing just behind the tired commander. 

"Yes," Letty's hand rested on the man's shoulder with a smirk, "I do believe I could teach this boy a few things if I were given the opportunity. The power of the fates is rather hard to control after all. Plus the ability works much better if your willing to sacrifice something so it's pretty common for fates to be regarded as evil." 

He was frozen in place. His aura was a mix of stunned fear. We'd taken apart his ability with such ease. To him it must have appeared as if we knew more about his ability then he did. He wasn't the only one that looked surprised. 

Schnider was the only one that seemed to know that the man that could change things to their advantage in any battle was actually completely, and totally blind. 

"What's the matter?" I snorted, "Did I give too much away?"

He flinched back as if the question had struck him. Letty had even gone as far as to tell me that some fates were born without eyes, but I didn't think the humans needed to know that. Prosthetics were so good nowadays that despite being born blind he probably had some semblance of vision. Plus those prosthetics were so good that it wasn't surprising that I didn't notice any oddities about his eyes the last time I'd seen him. I looked around to the humans who were all watching this exchange. 

I was getting tired of this whole exchange already so this whole thing was just slowly starting to annoy me. Between the surprise attack, and the way they looked down on me I didn't know how much more of these idiots I was willing to tolerate. 

"Maybe I should give you some time to think over your options," I flexed my mana. 

Breaking all the anti mana defense they had in the area with ease. 

"I'll come back in an hour," I opened a portal that led back to where we'd first landed, "You have until then to decide if we're going to be at war or if you're going to take this seriously."

I nodded to Aurora. Goliath jumped off her back as she approached me. He wanted to stay behind. Savannah, and Elisa also planned to stay behind. Ethan was the only one of our bonded that came with us.

Letty vanished into thin air to go do his own thing. He probably planned to take advantage of the fact that he looked like an innocent teenager, and go scout out how the public had taken their governments willingness to throw their lives away. Part of me wanted to take human form, and do something similar, but I didn't think it was necessary. That, and I was supposed to pretend I'd lost that particular ability. Aurora could only take a human form for an hour at most before she experienced some form of backlash. 

My secondary body had become something of a unique trait that was limited to me alone. The less humans knew of it the more freedom I'd have later on. I sighed heavily as I let the portal close behind us. Flopping onto the grass like the annoyed young dragon I was. I glanced down at the human crowd that was still gathered there.