
The Archaic Dragon Mage

Wyatt was alone in the world. When the rifts opened the world was thrown into chaos. Archaic mages came through those rifts, and war after war followed. The last war had ended when Wyatt was just a baby, but he had still lost his eye to it. The empty socket, and loss of depth perception made him an easy target. Wyatt being an orphan meant that no one back him up when he did get targeted. Wyatt was used to fighting for himself, and the draft was going to force him into military academy. He had no genetic markers to become an ability user so he had already accepted the fact that he would probably die during his two years required military rotation after the academy. It was just a fact of life. Non ability users were just cannon fodder, and archaic abilities were highly restricted. Wyatt didn't think anything off it. That is until he found a marble in an old rift area. A marble that would change everything.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantasía
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670 Chs


It didn't take me very long at all to make my way up through the depths. Forgetting about the portal as I swam upward. Just a little to happy with myself. I burst from the water with a bit too much force. Spraying a good portion of the deck with seawater as I did. 

Relaxing my aura so it spread back to its normal thin layer as I landed on the deck of the ship. Shaking off the salt water as I did. I was more then ready to celebrate. I dropped the beast on the deck from my spatial storage, and invited Aurora to share. I definitely wouldn't do that for the wyverns until I'd gotten my fill. 

I ate my fill. Passing the corpse off to the wyverns once Aurora, and I were both done. Laying down on the deck of the ship, and ignoring the humans watched us cautiously. I stretching one of my wings out to cover Aurora when she came over to lay next to me. Our fun could wait until after dark. 

The wyverns drug the corpse away from us over to their area closer to the bow, and went at it like the predatory creatures they were. There wouldn't be much left when they were all done with what they wanted to eat. I breathed darkness over the blood spots on the deck of the ship to avoid attracting more predatory beasts. It took some focus for me to stop the deck from being damaged. Darkness was another element I was quite good at manipulating. 

It was difficult at best to target something specific. I tapped my talons on the deck of the ship. I had no intention of drawing attention to myself anymore then I needed for the time being. I stretched slowly. My muscles tensed when I felt eyes on me again. 

I sapped the mana from the darkness as the remnants faded into the shadows. It was stressing me out a bit that they were looking at me with a bit of hostility. I didn't want those cowards to look at me as if they could kill me. They didn't have the balls to attack our convoy because of our numbers. Some of them might even think they could chase the group off by killing me alone. 

They needed to see just how naïve they were. I stood up slowly. Inhaling an impossibly massive amount of air as I did. The storm clouds above thundered, and boomed. I turned my nose skyward, and roared. 

Pure magical power pulsed down my throat, and shot into the sky. That much power would be visible even to the non magical eyes of the humans around me. The pressure it brought with it was enough to crush anyone who wasn't protected with mind numbing power that drove all thought from their minds. Something with that much power was hard to ignore. The wyverns weren't going to get any prey for a while. 

Expelling that much mana would chase off anything that intended to harm, and pacify anything else. I'd just increased the amount of mana the world had in a single breath. I cut off the supply of mana when my core hit the halfway mark. Leaving me enough strength to sink all these ships if the need arose. The display was largely harmless to the humans around me, but the power it gave off was impossible to ignore. 

They weren't strong enough to kill me. They would know that now. I relaxed back down on the deck of the ship. Having caused no harm, but terrifying everyone for a thousand miles. Aurora smirked at me. 

She was turned on. She liked it when I asserted my dominance over other species. I snorted dismissively, and laid down. Turning my attention fully on her. We both agreed that some private time was overdue. 

We were the dragon equivalent of newlyweds so it wasn't all that surprising we were all for some private time. We separated ourselves from the group not long after that. Flying a good distance away while nipping playfully at each other. I skimmed the water once the humans were out of my line of sight. Creating a large patch of ice as I did it. 

Landing on the ice, and thickening it as I did. Sealing us off from the world so that we could experience our company alone. I closed off my mental connection to my bonded. Ethan was the only one that would know exactly what was going on with me. I was fine with that. 

Ethan was practically part of me so I couldn't just pretend he didn't know everything about me. Aurora teased me gently as she drew me in. I wanted to lead the dance this time. I let loose just enough of my teeth so that she could feel them as they clamped onto the back of her neck. It was my turn to be in charge, but I waited for her to respond positively before continuing. 

I didn't want to get ahead of myself. Part of me even wondered if it would be as pleasurable to do this in human form. I didn't know. What I had now was plenty for the time being. I wrapped myself around her best I could, and she entangled herself around me as well. 

If it weren't for the fact that we were different colors you wouldn't know where I ended, and she began. I lost myself in the feeling of the union. I could feel her pleasure, and I could feel her pain if I squeezed too tight or moved to fast. The fact that humans couldn't do this did explain part of why they had difficulty selecting a single partner. I let all ambient thought drift from my mind as I immersed myself in our joint pleasure. 

We were only gone a handful of hours this time, but for us it felt like much longer. She was thoroughly pleased with me when we were done, but not completely satisfied. We weren't going to be perfect after only two times. Then again I was a male so I was easier to please. I guess that was hard wired into all the earth born males.