
The Journey Begins

It begin Tuesday June 3rd at 9:30 o'clock in the morning the news reported that the president was attacking Japan and Russia. Russia attack the United states back but cause other countries to fight back which caused World War 3 to happen.The next past days there was nobody in the streets, the news said that Russia was going to nuke the United States in Washington DC. They gave us 2 days to move our location, after that I visited the store to get supplies for my journey. but I couldn't leave state in 2 days so I camped out in a bunker. Because the radiation was going to hit me a few days past and the nuke hit I survived it and the only things I brought with me is a gas mask a lot of water and can soup. I was a sleep for most of the days waiting for the radiation levels to go down. 3 more days had gone by I was low on supplies I went out on a quest to get more food and water everything was destroyed around me but I still went to find supplies it felt like I was the only living soul around I walk around and found a store that had some food that I could still eat after I got my supplies I went walking and realize I was almost out of air in the air thank I was using I started to run to find my bunker but realize I was nowhere near home and then I saw it started to run towards me I escaped on the roof I lied there but I was a couple minutes from death and then I black out.