
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Cómic
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79 Chs

Making way to the island of Amazons

After 2 months...

Vishal received a notification that his bloodline mastery reached 75%.

[Weakness of the Nephalem Bloodline eliminated]

[Host has a pure immortal body]

[All the stats increased to Ex+]

[Host can wield both angelic and demonic weapons without side effects]

[Host can use divine weapons with 60% mastery]

[Host can now merge metahuman powers with skills to create new skills]


Name: Vishal

Class: Anti Hero Mage

Bloodline: Nephalem Bloodline (75%)

STR: Ex+

DEX: Ex+

INT: Ex+




Future Vision (Demi God), Calm Demeanor (Demi God), Thermal Vision (Demi God), Night Vision (Very High), Cooking (Very High), Fire Arms Mastery (Very High), Other Weapon Mastery (High), Superhuman Strength (Demi God), Power Copy (Demi God), Power Disruption (High), Omni Beam (Demi God), Intuition (Very High), Bio- Cellular Modification (Very High), Extreme Regeneration (Demi God), Enhanced Healing (Very High), Eidetic Memory (Demi God), Sound Sense ( High), Soul Reader (Demi God), Enemy Detection Range (Demi God), Qi Storm (Very High), Qi bullets (Very High), Qi Bomb (Very High), Underwater Breathing (Very High), Space Breathe (Demi God), Eloquence (Very High), Diplomacy (High), Intimidation (High), Bluff (Intermediate), Doppelganger (Demi God), Hacking (Demi God), Immovable physique (Very High), Poison Nullifier (Very High), Paralysis Nullifier (Very High), Burn Nullifier (Very High), Kryptonite Resistance(Demi God), Resistance to Anti Life Equation (Very High).


Magical powers (God), Metahuman powers (Demi God), Martial arts powers with Qi (Demigod).


Business (Demi God), Medical (Demi God).

When Vishal looked at the status window his lips curved to a smile. Along with increase in the stats, many skills have entered demi god level.

He went and looked in the mirror. The facials features have completely changed and the face had a charm which is near to gods.

"I thank the Supreme being for giving me this reward. In return I will put more effort into changing things." said Vishal looking into the sky from office window.

The sky rumbled as thunder came and went in a second acknowledging Vishal's gratitude.

"So, the time has come system." said Vishal.

"Yes host. You're powerful enough to take on the Amazons and the Olympus all at once." said the system.

"First I am going to talk to my father and Carla. After 3 months I am going to turn 18 and a month after that she will turn 18. I've been waiting for a long time to date her." said Vishal.

"Well I would have to admit host, you have been patient and also very caring towards her all this time. She already has feelings for you and you have also shown your sincerity by completely curing her mother.

You bring flowers and gifts to her but also keep your distance to let her get adjusted to your attitude. Of course you also get earful from her at times when you suddenly change plans." said the system.

"You could've omitted the last part." said Vishal pouting.

"Why do you keep pouting like a woman host?" asked the system.

"What can I do, it is one of the ways through which I express my discomfort." replied Vishal.

"Okay. But don't do it in front of others. It would be weird." said the system.

"Very well. My efforts as Vishal is finallly boring fruit because people have mostly recovered in countries due to the massive philanthropic activities conducted in countries which company has presence while also providing millions of jobs.

The company has lots of money and now I am going to revitalize the economies in Africa and other east asian countries which took a drastic hit after the spell killed half the male population." said Vishal.

"You're the only one host who would use such large amounts of money help countries all over the world instead of buying islands and ships or other luxuries." said the system.

"I am already rich and with my Ex+ luck the company wouldn't drown that easily. The business journey involved two things. First is to make me and my father survive during slum days.

The second is to use excess amounts of money to help people and change things not only in one city but across the world. Of course I could use them for luxury cruise or other things but my Anti Hero mentality is wired in such a way that it would make me involve myself in solving the people's problems." replied Vishal.

"I see. Answer one question host?" asked system.


"Will you kill female villains when time comes?" asked the system since he only targeted male ones during this time.

"I will. I don't discriminate villains based on male or female. The only two rules are : 1) Never harm the innocent. 2) If the female villains are redeemable or irredeemable." replied Vishal without any hesitation.

"Very well. One last question?" said the system.


"Killer Croc could've been redeemed right? Why did you kill him?" asked the system.

"Hehe. I would have spared him if he didn't do one thing." said Vishal.

"What is that?" asked system.

"That day he not only gobbled adults, but three children: 2 boys and a girl who are just 11 to 12 years old were eaten by him. I saw the body parts of children in the sewers after I killed Riddler. He might've been hungry so he went on a feast. A savage like him will cause more life loss as he has more animal qualities than human ones." replied Vishal.

System became silent and Vishal went to his father's room.

Ravindra saw Vishal approaching and asked"Are you done with your work?" while writing something in the PC.

"Yes. How are you feeling after practicing "Earth Dharma Breathing technique"? asked Vishal.

"Great. I feel like I am in my youth." said Ravindra with a smile.

Vishal came and sat in front of his father.

"That's fabulous. You should take a vacation, Dad. There is no stop work and it has been an year since you took some time off." said Vishal.

"You're right. I have already booked a ticket to Paris and I will depart next week. You would have to deal with things here." said Ravindra.

"Done. I have to meet Carla and tell her that I won't be available for 3 days." said Vishal.

"Yes. You did tell that there was some business in New York." said Ravindra.

"Mhmm. I did not inform her and only told you. She shouts at me if I didn't tell her." sighed Vishal.

"Looks like I am going to have the most formidable daughter-in-law. I like it" laughed Ravindra.

Vishal rolled his eyes because Carla treats his father with respect and they both have become one team and play him from time to time.

Vishal chuckled after that because he was happy in this life compared to previous life where he was only focused on his mission. He has a kind father and a beautiful and nice girl is going to become his girlfriend soon.

Vishal talked for sometime and made way to Carla's table.

"I'll be leaving to New York for 3 days. This is both personal and professional visit. I'll be going alone." said Vishal.

Carla stood up and said "I know. The only reason I kept quiet is because I wanted to see if you would forget telling me."

"Come on. Give me a break. Do you know how hard it is stay away from you?" said Vishal.

"Are you flirting with me in the office?" asked Carla with a tiny smile and a eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. I am keeping my distance because of our age and also because I respect your desire to take it slow. Otherwise I would've devoured those cherry lips to my heart's content." said Vishal blatantly.

Carla was taken aback and her face and ears became red on hearing those words.

"You're being perverted again." said Carla enjoying the attention but putting on a facade of resistance.

"I won't deny that I am a bit perverted but the only difference between me and other perverts is I have the control to not act upon it." replied Vishal.

"Disappointing. I didn't expect you to back away quickly." Carla winked at him.

"Oi. Don't make things hard for a guy who is trying hard to impress the girl he loves while also maintaining distance." said Vishal pinching her cheek.

"OUCH. You're lucky that my room is isolated from others. Otherwise someone would have heard us." said Carla rubbing her cheek.

"Oh! Why do you think I made you shift to this room?" said Vishal with an evil smile.

"You..." said Carla as she understood why he put her in the room that was to the edge of corridor in the west while office cabins are on the south of the building.

"You're such an evil. Do you know how hard it is to walk that long?" asked Carla putting on a cuty angry face.

"Says the girl who travels through roof tops." said Vishal as he pinched her right cheek.

"Hey, no pinching." shouted Carla.

"Can't help it. If I can't kiss you, then I atleast have the priviledge to pinch that cute cheeks." said Vishal.

"You have a weird fetish host." said the system.

"Don't blame me. I found out about it recently." said Vishal.

"Okay, I'll stop it. I'll be back after 3 days and let's go to a movie together after I am back." said Vishal.

"This time I am going to pay." said Carla.

"Thank you. I want to experience it when a girl pays for her boy." said Vishal winking and going out.

"Cheeky bastard." thought Carla but the smile wouldn't go away.

The next day he packed the clothes and put them inside the car. He took the car and waved goodbye to father and drove away.

He took the car to an isolated area and used teleportation to teleport both himself and car to the parking lot of the company guest house in New York.

"This should do. Since I am going against gods now let's make sure that everyone believes I am here rather than in Gotham." thought Vishal.

"Let's erase the footage of CCTV and plant new footage." thought Vishal.

Using the cybernetic powers and illusion magic he made sure the CCTV footage is observed and those who were watching him forget what happened.

"Let's see after hours the footage will appear that I've arrived in the car. Let me leave a doppleganger here." thought Vishal.

"Now time to kick the asses of bitches and their gods." grinned Vishal and appeared in space.

He knows they have completely concealed the island from outer world.

With his divine senses he saw the moving island invisible to others.

"Time for some vengeance. If the heroes won't enact it I will." said Vishal.

With Vigilante clothing appear on his body, flew with god speed and appeared like a falling meteor and hit the barrier and broke it. He kept falling down and broke barrier after barrier until the final barrier broke.

He landed on the island space and he heard alarms.

"Put Antiope and her faction to sleep and place them in other dimension. They did not do anything wrong." Vishal said to system.

"Okay host." said the system and did it.

"Done host. Now unleash the anger that has been eating you all this time." encouraged the system.


Vishal saw the amazon women appear in battle armor on foot and also in horses.

"Every cry will be avenged today. I am Vigilance, I am Vengeance, I am V." growled Vishal and flew at high speeds towards the approaching army.

The war against amazons and olympus will have more chapters and more battles. Vishal will fight relentlessly against the gods and also the heroes.

ashwiniprasadcreators' thoughts