
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Cómic
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79 Chs

Fooling the heroes (2)

"You're way of doing things is twisted and no different than a villain. Even those Rebels seem far better in their heads than you." said Crow Man trying the Batman's blame approach.

Vigilante raised his eyebrows behind the helmet as he remembered how Batman trash talks his fellow league members when they stray away even a bit from his views. His mind flashed back to the Wonder Woman comic where some humanoid hybrids killed innocent villagers. Wonder Woman was about to kill the baddie leading those creatures when Superman stopped her.

He spouts out the most hypocritical dialogues "We are supposed to hold on to highest standard when it comes to killing."

To which WW pointed out his hypocrisy "How many lives have lost in Gotham because of the "HIGHER STANDARD" you hold yourself to? I am not the only one with blood on hands, but I am the only in the league who acknowledges it."

Vishal chuckled because this was the only scene in which he admired Wonder Woman.

"What so funny?" asked Speed bringing Vigilante out of thoughts.

"Nah, the crow here reminds me of stinking and hypocritical Bat of my world." replied mocking Crow Man in front of them.

Crow man did the signaute eyebrow narrowing expression from his mask.

"Where's your partner?" questioned Hyper Man.

"Find her out if you can. She's my love. If you guys touch even a hair of her, I am gonna make sure that I will torture al of you in the space between heaven and hell." warned Vishal releasing immense pressure causing only Hyperman and Miracle Woman barely able to resist pressure but remaining bowed down.

Crow Man's face got forcibly hit to the ground and he is unable tgo lift his face. 

"You seem like a face slapping mc host." said system.

"I don't mind. Compared to those protagonists who kill the bastards without mercy these DC heroes are wimps and half assed. The reason comics of these guys sell well is because of character development and their fame.

This world would look good in comics, animation and even in movies but it is not the world one would choose to live though. Since it has become my reality I want to clean it as much as I can and live it extraordinarily." replied Vishal.

After seeing the terrorized expressions and seeing their pathetic display of self righteousness being crushed by his pressure he felt satisfied and stopped releasing the pressure when Hyper Man and Miracle Woman fell down on their knees and panted.

"Now you should understand. I am not locked in here with you. In fact you guys are locked in here with me." said Vishal.

Crow Man heard those words and felt something click in his head. He stood up wobbly and staggered his way to nearby computer and saw that the entire league tower has been teleported near the space between Mars and Jupiter where there is an asteroid belt.

Vishal tore open the restraints causing the heroes to panic and even with struggle took the fighters stance.

"Stop." shouted Crow Man.

"I told you. You guys aren't escaping this place unless I want you to. A powerful magic field has been enveloped the tower that I built with 8 layers during our little conversation.

I was afraid some magical superhero would be present who would be alerted but luckily none of the magical guys were present which made my work too easy." said Vishal.

"Are you insane? You want to kill us after sputing all that non sense?" asked Van.

Vishal shrugged and flicked his finger and a monitor appeared. "If I wanted to kill you, then I would have directly killed you. There was no need to hesitate. You guys are like bugs I can crush with my own hands instead of scheming like Jester or Rex." replied Vishal.

Hyperman had an angry expression and flew with high speeds towards Vishal when Vishal's left body was open for attack. When he was ten meters away. Vishal slapped Hyper Man causing Hyper Man to be thrown and hit to the wall of the tower and he lost consciousness.

Seeing it caused others to move at him but he made them lost consciousness by pressing the pressure points in the human body.

Only Crow Man did not attack him and kept away from fighting. Vishal glanced at him and knew that these guy is the same as Batman who will not fight against powerful beings who can only be taken down by those who had super powers.

"You know you're a bad crow for alerting the magic tower because they are going to have a hard time cracking the layers of the barrier." said Vishal as he saw Crow has already pressed a switch.

Crow Man was surprised that his actions were noticed which could not be noticed by several powered villains.

"If you wanted to kill us, you would have done it by now so that means you're trying to keep us from earth. There must be a reason for doing this. Why?" asked Crow Man.

"Sharp." said Vishal and flicked the finger and the monitor started playing. Even the other heroes who were in the tower had their exits blocked before Vishal hit the superheroes began seeing the monitors.

The monitors showed the images of protests and riots in entire USA intensifying every minute. Ever since the people received news that many villains have been killed by an unknown guy, the fear in the people disappeared.

"You see that. That's the anger you guys have been suppressing in them eveen when they lost someone dear to them." said Vishal.

"I see nothing but a lunatic trying to cause chaos to fit Justice to their own way." replied Crow Man adamanatly.

Vishal scoffed and said "Atleast that's better than criminals going free in courts because some businessmen controlling the government wants to scam money and using the chaos caused by criminals to hide behind it."

"It's not the right way. Tomorrow people will start causing riots for every little thing." said Crow Man.

"Then blame yourselves and the justice system for  not solving the problem even when you had the power to do it. I can understand the right way to do things is through court but they've shown their true face of siding with the villains too many times by sending them to penetentiary or asylum instead of giving them punishment." said Vishal.

"That doesn't give you an excuse for you to kill people or cause mass riots." countered Crow.

"Then tell me your solution, Crow. Do you want this cycle of hero vs villain, hero vs anti hero, anti hero vs villain to not break and continue on just because of your own killing rule?" asked Vishal with a glare inside the helmet.

"Do you think I don't know that? Me and the commissioner have been working to clean the department and courts so that villains wouldn't escape." Crow Man retorted.

"So, did it work or Is it working? How many years will it take to clean the system? In the mean time how families should be deprived of their loved ones before any change comes to life?" asked Vishal in a serious tone.

Crow Man clenched his fists and said "That's the reason we heroes are working with the department to make it faster."

Vishal's anger rose because the other guy did not answer his questions and instead gave a bland answer which doesn't provide solution to the problem.

"You heroes never change and honestly I expected something better from you guys atleast but it is the same as my earth. You guys have excuses to show that you're way is better than the anti heroes but it is reflected poorly while innocents die in the hands of criminals and villains.

I admire your sentiments that punishment of criminals should be done by law and will even accept it upto some extent. But the law's failure to do it's job properly also has a limit. Then can't keep prolonging the problem and make it look like everything is fine when nothing is fine." scolded Vishal.

Crow Man gulped at those words. Even though he knew it was the truth and held onto hope that someday with the joint efforts of heroes and Police things will change, the things have not shown going back to normal. He holds those principles tight because it is the only way he can't lose himself to the mask. It's about his own selfishness and his strong belief that his principles and values will work in the society.

"It's not a faily tale where hero goes through struggles to defeat the demon lord with his own values and principles. It's a cold and harsh reality which questions the effectiveness and results the values and principles that bring onto the society.

But sadly those things are useless when the entire system is correct and villains who are demons in thick skin bring misery to common populace for their own motives." said Vishal.

"Do you think people will support your ways? They would never because your way is filled with bloodshed." countered Crow Man.

"I will not say that they are completely acceptable but I would say they are more effective in changing the present situation. They act as eye openers for people to rise and fight for the Justice they crave. 

They are helpful in changing the present system and bring an upheaval in the fight against crime. They produce desired results as you can see news channels are dispaying the deaths of villains again and again." said Vishal.

The remaining members slowly woke up and saw Vishal standing without fear. They suddenly started hearing sounds from outer space.

"You're magic friends are here folks. I wish the best of luck to them so that they can break the barrier." said Vishal.

The members saw spells being used to break the magic field. 

"Phantasm?" said Vishal.

"Yes Vigilante. Release the footage of the tower to the people. They need to watch it and people need to understand what is happening to them." said Vishal.

"As you wish." said Carla before cutting off.

"You were recording all this time?" asked Van.

"Yep. People need to understand my motives only then they will rise to stand up for themselves." said Vishal.

"I don't think so. I believe people will never put a trush on a murderer like you." said Hyper Man.

"Is it your starry eyed hope farm boy or Is it you're confidance?" asked Vishal.

"Both." said Speed as he stood up.

"Yeah, they don't need to believe your words at all. I believe people will take the right way way even though it is hard." said Crow Man.

Vishal rolled his eyes and thought "These guys are typical fantasy Isekai heroes summoned without pervertedness.

At the end of the story they win against Demon Lord but losing precious people surrounding them while riding the coats of self righteousness."

The monitor changed suddenly and Phantasm's face appeared on the screen and only Vishal was grinning in the tower.