
When it all happened

Approximately 700 centuries ago, there were 19 universes. Each universe had 700 million balls all filled with different kinds of powers and all of the balls were hidden.

One day, a man named Keyton, from the 12 universe was going to hike to a mountain named Credita. He was the first person to climb that mountain. Out there it was -9 Degrees Fahrenheit. He needs some oven mitts, a cardigan, a hat, thick socks and shoes and long jeans. It took him 29 hours to reach the top. When he finally made it, he saw a ball, it was made of metal, it was orange, it had four yellow stars and it was not bouncy. The ball floated up and penetrated into Keyton's body, multiplied and came out just that the stars were different. The ball with four yellow stars stayed inside his body.

Some of the other balls penetrated into the bodies of the male gendered people in his family and friends. One day Keyton invented a machine that could travel to any universe in a snap. He mistakenly travelled to a universe that hate his, and of course it wasn't the first time, he had met many people there, especially a man who loves to abuse his universe. Lokauli, The man started causing chaos. He made caricature of Keyton's country. Keyton's got and started to shout with with all his lungs🫁. Everyone was looking at him because he did not realise that yellow fire 🔥 started to flow around him. .This was called going super 'perent'. Everyone moved back two as steps, except Keyton and Lokauli. Keyton also started to float. Lokauli began to shiver in fear.

He slowly started to move back, and them ran into the crowd. Keyton anger and the flame around him quenched. Then he went back to his universe.

He told his family and friends about the fight, and they had a sack of doubts to land on him. The other friends and family had their own time of anger and going super perent but they didn't believe each other. "I think we have some kind of special energy in our body that is used to fight" A man from another universe named Blais replied, "Yes, you have received the power of the ball of The dome, Gallon." "What does that mean" Keyton interrogated. "You've been given supernatural metahuman powers. You will now need to train with it."

Naturally the women where happy that they didn't have supernatural powers, the work was too much for them. They already had plenty of work already. Two months later, all the universes had the balls powers.

Then the creator of all the universes, Grand Prix created a League of People from each universe that would later fight in a tournament, the referee would be Space Astronaut Carluke from the first universe. Keyton had to train his power this is when he learnt how ro blast beams from his hand, small beams, medium ones and huge ones. He learnt how to do this without going super perent. One of his brother, Teras, bought a sword 🗡️ to practice with. He learnt how to do small and medium beams. When he wanted to do the biggest beam he had an idea, he thought that when he wanted to do the biggest beam, he would first do is that he would attack with his sword and then blast. When he tried this, his blast was mixed with 🔥. Everyone had trained and they were ready for the tournament. The rules were that, if any one isn't able to move for more than 10 seconds would be disqualified and the other opponent will be promoted to the next match. The tournament would take one month to follow finish. On the first group was a man named Metala, from the 19 universe vs one named Kelsi from the 12 universe, they punched each other a lot and they were tied and tired but Kelsi won. At the end of the tournament, the 12 universe won.

Check the story out. I made it my self

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