
The Ancestor of the Demon sect Will travel through time

Travel to the world of Xianxia and become the ancestor of a demon sect.   Wang Yuan didn't care at all if his disciples killed their masters and the saintly monks were their neighbors.   Because the world is about to collapse, and the door to travel has been opened again.   Let’s see how Wang Yuan leads the trend of time travel in the world of Xianxia!   And how the cultivators punched starships, stepped on wizards, rampaged across the world, and went further and further off the road to save the nation!   "Sacrifice the flying sword, the resources from the other world are ahead!"   "Let us take advantage of the escaping light and use magic weapons to shatter the universe!"   Author's statement: This is the story of the pioneers at a turning point in the development of civilization. ... Raw name: 魔門老祖會穿越 This is not my novel I am just posting it in order to increase the variety of novels in Webnovel considering dark stream novels are very few and almost all of them are harem. Please support my novel Heartless Immortal. I have in no way edited or corrected this novel in anyway. I will only post the free chapters and stop at the paid chapters.

Heartless_Qi_2 · Oriental
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40 Chs

Chapter 27: The Imperial Dynasty of the Human World

 Chapter 27: The Imperial Dynasty of the Human World (4,000 words long chapter)

  While the heavenly world was in chaos, the human world was exceptionally prosperous and prosperous.

  The sky is clear and the spring breeze is blowing through the fertile soil. Unlike the young people who need to work in the fields, the elderly and children are generally leisurely and comfortable in this good year.

  "Grandpa Tong, Grandpa Tong! Tell us the story of the Dingguo War!" Under the old elm tree at the entrance of the village, a group of children were chattering and laughing around a kind old man with white hair and beard.

  "Okay, okay, please find a place to sit down! Listen to me tell a story!" The old man agreed to the children's request with a smile. The urchins who had been playing endlessly just now became more obedient when they heard that they were going to tell a story.

  "Talk about the Dingguo War. Grandpa Tong, I was the one who witnessed it. That happened fifty years ago. At that time, I was a young man in his early twenties and got a junior high school position in the Yongning Army!" The old man said His tone was soft and gentle, his eyes were narrowed, and his body was swaying slightly, as if he was wandering in the long river of memory.

  "Grandpa Tong, Grandpa Tong! Aren't you a civil servant? Why have you become a general again?" A tough-headed boy interrupted the old man's memories, touched his head and said with some confusion, "Listen to my parents, you But he is a very big civil servant, what is his name?"

  "Yipin! Before Grandpa Tong returned home, he was a high-ranking official named Yipin!" The children who knew about it booed. The young urchins didn't know what "Yipin" stood for, so they just Treat it as a novelty and show it off to friends who have never heard of it.

  "It is the tradition of our Zhou Dynasty to rank generals and become prime ministers. It has been carried out for eight hundred years since the founding of the country and has never wavered!" The old man would not be angry because of the children's ignorance. Instead, he encouraged them to set a lofty goal. The goal is, "Start exercising well now, read the scriptures well, join the army when you grow up, and become a general on horseback. If you accumulate enough military merit, you can become a 'first-class' like your grandpa Tong!"

  "Grandpa Tong, we want to listen to the story of the Dingguo War. You haven't finished telling it yet!" The children are still more concerned with interesting stories than exercising and reading scriptures.

  "I remember that year, there was a severe drought, the people were in dire straits, people were crazy about the emperor's lack of morality, and countless refugees revolted..." The old man's tone changed with the plot of the story, sometimes sad and solemn, sometimes impassioned, "At that time, I carried Unexpectedly, my group of brothers who were driving away the refugees fell into an ambush by the rebels. Those black heads emerged from the withered grass, from behind the rocks, and from all the places you could imagine, or even unexpectedly, and attacked me. Surrounded by our brothers."

  "Just when we fell into despair, a firearms battalion from Yujing City happened to pass by, and they rescued us with the most cutting-edge self-fire blunderbuss." The old man smashed it as if he was still frightened. Smacking your lips.

  "What kind of self-fire gun is it?" The children were even more curious about the weapons.

  "The sun has set! Let's all go home for dinner!" The mother of a child came to the foot of the old elm tree. While driving the group of children back home for dinner, she smiled apologetically at the old man telling the story, "I really have caused you trouble, Boss Tong. Man!"

  "It's no trouble. Don't call me Mr. Tong. I'm an old man and have returned to my hometown. Just call me Uncle Tong according to the genealogy." Without the children around him, the old man is kind. Her face couldn't help but look more majestic, "Tell me, what do you want from me, an old man?"

  "Um, Mr. Tong, no, Uncle Tong." Seeing the old man's hesitant expression, the woman hurriedly changed her words, "That's what happened. My family is planning to raise funds in the village to build a hydraulic factory by the Xiaoqing River. After all, you have been a high official and have far more knowledge than us foolish men and women. We want to hear your old story. My opinion."

  "Xiaowangzhuang, our neighboring village, built one last year, and now I heard that the profit is quite good." As if she was afraid of the old man's objection, the woman went on to say.

  "I'm not a conservative person, but I think we can forget about the hydraulic factory. The flow of the Xiaoqing River is not large, so it can't carry any big factories." The old man ignored the woman's sudden change in expression and continued to say slowly: "Thank you. Due to our old relationship, the imperial court will build a thermal power plant near our village next month. The plant that uses peat is much more reliable than the one that uses water." "Here, thank you very much, sir!" He suddenly turned from sadness to joy

  . The woman was already a little incoherent at this time.

  "It is my duty to benefit my hometown!" The old man stood up from the stone bench, dusted himself off, turned around and walked back to the village.

  "In the past fifty years, there have been more and more novel things. Even my hometown has to build a factory!" ...


  as the old man surnamed Tong lamented, in the fifty years after the Dingguo War in the Zhou Dynasty, The development and changes far exceed those of the previous seven hundred years.

  The Grand Canal connecting the northern and southern waters of the Great Zhou Dynasty has undergone a very significant change. In addition to the prosperous ports, there are now countless hydraulic factories along the Grand Canal. They rely on the power of the river water to continuously drive Mohism's mechanical creations day and night. , producing exquisite and cheap products.

  The flow of goods into the market brings far more than just prosperity.

  In a medium-sized factory warehouse, two hard-working young men were enjoying their rare leisure time, and conversation was inevitable.

  "Huzi, I heard that your family won't rent the land from the landlord this year?"

  "It's because the landlord doesn't allow farming. Since the establishment of the Mo family organization, the landlords no longer need us mud-legged people." "

  There is no land. What to do?"

  "I plan to introduce my younger brother to our factory. He has a bright mind. He might be able to join the workshop as an apprentice!" "It's best not to come to

  our factory. I heard that those apprentices are organizing a 'trade union' Damn, you have to fight with our factory director!"


  The biggest change in the Zhou Dynasty was not the two sides of the canal, but the place where all the changes started - the capital city of Yujing!

  The firepower factory, which is rare to see elsewhere, has become a "scene" in the boundaries of Yujing City. Countless large chimneys towered into the sky, and billowing black smoke obscured the clear sky.

  While the factories bring pollution, they also make Yujing City more prosperous. The Hongfu Restaurant, known as the "No. 1 Restaurant in the World," is always full at every meal. Not to mention the private room, it is just a table in the lobby. All parties need to be supported to make a reservation.

  Fang Qing, an embroiderer from Qianhu, booked a banquet in the lobby of Hongfu Restaurant to welcome his friend Xue Zheng, who was promoted to Beijing and also from Qianhu, an embroiderer.

  "In the future, please help me in this Yujing city! I respect you, I will do it first!" Xue Zheng raised his wine glass and drank all the wine in one gulp.

  "You and I are fellow countrymen, and now we have to..." Before Fang Qing could finish his polite words, he was interrupted by the noise coming from the next table. But just when he was about to get angry, he saw the clothes of the people at the next table, and he immediately suppressed his anger.

  After grabbing Xue Zheng who was about to start the argument, Fang Qing motioned him to sit back in his seat and ignore those people.

  "What is their background that makes Brother Fang so afraid?" Xue Zheng couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart after eating a few mouthfuls of food, and asked Fang Qing in a low voice.

  "Bare feet are short and brown, a Mohist!" Fang Qing just lowered his head and ate the food, as if he was planning to leave the restaurant as soon as possible.

  "Anyway, don't attract their attention, let alone provoke them."

  The scholars at the next table did not notice the unusual behavior of the two embroiderers, and they were still discussing fiercely.

  "Your Majesty just gave the funds to those magicians in the Qintian Prison. After all, they found the Mo Realm. We, the Mo Masters, can stand up because of their gratitude. Why should those researchers in mourning clothes compete with us? Funding!"

  "His Majesty is ninety years old this year, so it is understandable that he expects the researchers' bioengineering to extend his life." "

  Bioengineering, this word from the Mo world is quite interesting, but it is expected that it will extend His Majesty's life. It's a little ridiculous, right? With the Dragon Pillar of Luck from the emperor, even the elixir of the immortal is useless!" A young Mohist seemed to be angry and threw the tea cup to the ground, "These factories are not relying on Our mechanism technique? I think those researchers are liars! Your Majesty is really confused if you believe them!" "

  How bold! How dare you speak against your Majesty here, you know that you have committed the crime of great disrespect!" Before waiting The Mo Master at the same table stopped the young Mo Master's nonsense, but Xue Zheng, who had been paying attention to them, jumped out regardless of Fang Qing's obstruction.

  It's not that Xue Zheng has never seen Mo Zhe, it's just that the Mo Zhe in Yujing City is a little too presumptuous. He plans to take on the responsibility of the embroiderer, arrest all these bold Mo Zhe, send them to the sky prison, and give them to him by the way. His brother was angry.

  "Masters, I'm sorry! My younger brother has just arrived in the capital today and doesn't understand anything. You adults have a lot of people, how about letting him go?" Fang Qing knew that something was wrong when he saw that Xue Zheng was not caught. He didn't want to meet those Mohists, but for the sake of his deceitful fellow countryman, he had to stand up and stand up.

  "I'm just talking nonsense. You two adults, please forgive me!" the eldest Mohist said warmly. Although there was no anger in his words, the intention of driving him away was very obvious.

  "Then we two will retire!" After saying that, Fang Qing pulled Xue Zheng and left Hongfu Restaurant without looking back.

  "Brother Fang, what's going on?" Xue Zheng, who was dragged for several streets before stopping, asked in confusion.

  "Brother, I didn't explain it clearly to you. In Yujing, we can mess with anyone, because we are His Majesty's eagle dogs!" Fang Qing paused here, as if he was organizing his words, and then continued after a moment: "But the only thing we can't do is provoke those ink painters and researchers in white coats in the capital. They are His Majesty's treasures." "In addition, our job as

  embroidery envoys in the capital is no longer to supervise the officials and arrest the officials. Harass people. Specifically what you are going to do, someone will explain it to you after you report to the department. Then you will understand why I don't want to provoke the ink and researcher." ...The sky is getting dark, but the electric


  are The palace inside the palace wall was illuminated.

  In a side hall used for discussions, the ruler of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Anqing Emperor Ji Quan, was discussing the secrets of the empire with his close ministers.

  These secrets are all related to the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but the court meetings on weekdays will not reveal any of them.

  At this time, the meeting had come to an end, and it was the embroidery envoy's turn to report on his work. He came out of work and knelt down and said: "The third edition of "Common Sense in the Mojie" has been compiled and will be sent to the front line soon." In the hands of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy, the compilation of the fourth edition has also progressed. In order to complete His Majesty's order as soon as possible, I still need more talents who are skilled in soul searching and torture."

  "Well, well done!" Emperor Anqing was very satisfied with the efficiency of his own army. "He ordered the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple to continue to recruit torture experts from all over the country to the capital. The enshrinement hall should also improve the treatment of monks who are good at searching for souls!" "How many embroiders are there

  ? Did the Yishi successfully take root in the Mo world?" Emperor Anqing asked Dutong, the Xiuyishi.

  "A total of 3,812 undercover agents were dispatched, and 15 of them were successful lurkers." Xiuyi Envoy Dutong reported truthfully. Seeing Emperor Anqing's face that was about to turn from sunny to cloudy, he hurriedly planned to return to the lurking state after the plan was successful. The reported news was thrown out in advance: "Three embroidered clothes have successfully infiltrated a bioengineering laboratory in Mojie. I believe they will be able to completely control it soon." "Very good, pay more attention to this matter

  . Level, I grant you the right to act expediently!"

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  After all the embroidery envoys got up and returned to work, the Qintian Supervisor was taking his disciples and staff out of the class to kneel and recite: "The date when the immortals fell to earth is the same as the date when the immortals fell to the earth. The general scope has been determined, please make your decision, Your Majesty!"

  After saying that, the supervisor raised the memorial in his hand high above his head.

  After receiving the memorial from the eunuch and reading it carefully, Emperor Anqing, who was still old, seemed to be rejuvenated and his spirit immediately rose to a new level. He had been waiting for this moment for too long.

  "Order the Confucian and Legalist monks to station in the Confucian temples in various places and open the humane legal network!"

  "I will obey the holy edict!" The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel went out to answer the order.

  "Order the ground divisions and tunnel battalion officers and soldiers to rush to the major earth nodes to prepare for the Shanhe Sheji Grand Formation!" "

  I will obey the imperial edict!" The Minister of Industry went out to respond to the order.

  "Order the Ministry of Rites and lead the officials to prepare for the ancestor worship ceremony!"

  "I will obey the imperial edict!" The Minister of Rites went out to respond to the order,

  "Order the Yongning Army, Zhenshuo Army, and the Navy..."

  "I will obey the imperial edict!" The Minister of War and the General went out to respond at the same time.

  "We must catch those high-ranking immortals!" Emperor Anqing's cloudy eyes revealed a scorching light. "No one can be greater than me! I will be immortal!"

  Walking out of the side hall, Qintian Supervisor Jianzheng's favorite disciple asked his master: "Do you think your Majesty will succeed? Capture the immortal, really, really ..."

  The young disciple couldn't think of any words to describe his inner feelings. The master who looked at him with a faint smile was so anxious that he scratched his head.

  "After leaving this palace, don't call them immortals. What your Majesty said is the truth. They are all demons from outside the realm. They fell into the mortal world to harm the people of Li. Do you remember?" Qin Tian Jian was receiving the message. He smiled and warned his disciples and staff.

  "If you are still worried, look back at the Dragon Pillar of Luck! Have you ever seen such solid luck?" Everyone in Qintian Prison has a good level of cultivation. Of course, they can see the golden dragon pillar standing above the palace city. A dragon pillar of luck that looks like jade.


  ps: The mortal empire has already discovered a technological alien world and has begun actively infiltrating it. Are you surprised?

   Time travel will happen, if you have some patience, I will give you an awesome story with lightning!


Heartless Qi: in English this chapter is almost 3000 words