
The American

"What?" Ethan says in his all too familiar deep, rude voice. Ethan has pitch-black hair, is 6 feet tall, with a solid build. His deep grey eyes are glaring at me right now. His jawline is so sharp I’m sure it can cut through anything. "You hit me, spilling my coffee all over me," I say, pointing out the obvious. "So, what do you want me to do about it?" he asks, like he’s done nothing wrong. “You’re supposed to say sorry," I say in a duh tone. "And why should I?” “Because that’s what people with manners do." "I know that, but you don't deserve a sorry from me." "Wow. And why is that?" "Because black bitches like you don't deserve it," he says with a sneer. “I have told you times without number to stop calling me that,” I say, angry at his insults. "Make me," Ethan says, taking a dangerous step closer. I don't say anything but hiss and walk past him. I don't know why I expected him to apologize. It’s Ethan, after all. ******* Ethan is a young male about to get his first degree, he might look normal to the world, but don’t we all have our demons inside. Ethan has a problem that he feels hatred is the best way to cure it, but one lady proves him wrong. Adina is a beautiful young girl who is also about to get her first degree at the same university as Ethan. Adina is full of life and dislikes anyone who thinks they can bully her. Ethan is hell-bent on bringing hell down on Adina, and she is determined to shove it up all the way into his ass. They are both opposites, but they say opposites attract one other. What happens when a significant incident changes all that. How do these two different people deal with a feeling that is supposed to be forbidden to feel for each other?

Mss_amalee · Ciudad
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32 Chs


I finished cooking an hour ago. Ethan and I are at the dining table. I have to feed him his meal because his right hand is broken, but In Shaa Allah, we will have his cast removed by tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since Ethan had an accident. Alhamdulilah, he is recovering well. For the past two weeks, I have been staying at Ethan’s mom’s place. I wanted to stay at a hotel, but Ethan and his mom refused. Ethan wanted me to stay at his home, but we all know how much that is a terrible idea considering the feelings I have for him. His mom refused to allow me to stay at a hotel. I come to Ethan’s house every day to take care of him and go back in the evening to his mom’s place.

“Adina, I have meant to ask you, what are your plans once I get better. Are you still moving back to Nigeria” Ethan asks the one question I have not been able to answer myself.