
The Branwen Tribe

"And that, a-ah, that concludes my report, s-sir."

Smiling, Whitley digs his fingers into his older sister's waist and slams her down onto his cock while thrusting up into her, creampieing her on the spot. As Winter Schnee makes a truly undignified expression and finally stops holding back her reaction to the pleasure he's been visiting upon her body, Whitley leans back in his seat and sighs, enjoying her cunt climaxing around his cock even as he cums inside of her.

Once they're both done however, he pulls her off of his lap and lets her right herself, even as he in turn contemplates everything that Winter has told him. As expected, his sister was more than capable of bringing him up to speed on everything, from Ironwood and Lionheart's decision making, to the damage that his yacht, the Zauberspiegel, had taken as a result of a deranged maniac who'd boarded the craft in mid-air.

That damage had ultimately been what forced Winter to stay behind to supervise the Yacht's repairs rather than continuing on to Atlas as her orders stated she should. As such, she was there for the rest of the events that had taken place in Mistral and was able to give him quite the detailed explanation of what had occurred.

Meanwhile, there were reports that Team CFVY had stumbled on a human trafficking ring in Vacuo. The likelihood of a connection to Salem and her minions was still unknown, but even still, Whitley didn't like the idea of letting such a thing continue to exist. While yes, he regularly dealt in slaves on a daily basis… they were HIS slaves, HIS toys. And more importantly, each and every one of them liked it.

The practice of trafficking people, be they children or adults, of forcing them into situations they couldn't enjoy… Whitley found it honestly abhorrent. With the mindset of a man who believed the world and everything in it belonged to him, there was no doubt in the Ambitious Schnee's mind that he would see this human trafficking ring brought to its knees and it's ring leaders taken down once and for all.

Regardless, at the end of the day, what's made obvious by Winter's report is that he has a lot of work on his plate. And so, standing up from his chair and tucking his cock back away, Whitley sets forth to tackle them all in his own way… slowly and methodically.

The main priority at the moment, of course, has to be Haven's defense and securing the Maiden. The first was necessary to keep the Relic Vault from falling into enemy hands. The second was necessary because it would provide a key to the vault so that the Relic within could fall into HIS hands.

Fortunately, despite that treacherous oaf Lionheart's best efforts, Whitley had arrived in Mistral unconsciously prepared for this eventuality. It was quite easy to solve the manpower issue at Haven with his newly acquired White Fang minions and the Faunus Militia that he'd had Ghira Belladonna organize. Alongside his loyal servants from Beacon, Haven's defenses were looking quite good, the Relic Vault secured for the foreseeable future at least.

However, there were two potential liabilities among his ranks… namely because they weren't actually part of HIS ranks. Qrow Branwen, commonly known as one of the strongest and most capable living hunters, had been following RWBY and JNPR ever since they left patch, apparently. And while he knew nothing of what Whitley had been doing with his nieces, judging by the way he'd brought them all up to speed on the relics and the Maidens (in turn giving Whitley some vital information to fill the holes in his own knowledge on the subjects) he was still an unknown and largely dangerous fellow to leave at one's back.

On top of Qrow, there was Oscar Pine, the latest incarnation of Headmaster Ozpin. That was a whole mess that Whitley was still trying to wrap his head around, but at the end of the day, he was more than capable of compartmentalizing his theorizing over the reincarnation shtick and considering Oscar-Ozpin as the threat he-they were.

Namely, aware that Ozpin had access to actual magic, Whitley wasn't sure if his semblance could work on the ancient schemer. Or, even worse, if his semblance WOULD work on Oscar, but then Ozpin could just take over from within and override his orders. Both options were unconscionable, and Whitley really wasn't looking to test either idea, truth be told.

Luckily, he didn't have to. At the end of the day, the answer to the Oscar-Ozpin situation was to deal with the other problem first. Qrow was, by far, the bigger issue as well as the solution to the reincarnating Ozpin. After all, since Qrow was the only one out of the entire group that was still loyal to Ozpin first and everyone else second, all Whitley had to do was gain control of Qrow. At which point, Oscar-Ozpin would be outnumbered as well as outmatched, what with Oscar's skills at fighting being absolutely nowhere near what Ozpin had once been capable of.

Never mind the fact that, in light of their common enemy, Ozpin really did need Whitley's assistance and resources far more than Whitley needed Ozpin at this point. He might not even need to use his semblance to control Ozpin or Oscar if he can just convince the latter that he's the better option then letting an ancient figure from millennia past control his body.

Still, that did leave one question… just HOW was Whitley going to deal with Qrow Branwen? Luckily, the answer was exceedingly obvious after just a few days of being in Mistral and seeing the drunken huntsman interacting with all of his pets. While one might think Ruby and Yang would be the weak point at first glance, Whitley was too much of a Chessmaster to fall for that obvious trap.

Qrow might care for his nieces deeply, but he was also very cautious and paranoid. He'd see a betrayal coming a mile away as Ruby and Yang 'stopped acting like he expected them to'. However… Qrow was also a deeply lonely man. And Whitley had seen how he interacted with Whitley's sister.

"Winter, do you know why I called you here?"

Standing at attention in his office, Winter clasps her hands behind her back and keeps her eyes straight as she answers him, completely professional.

"No, sir."

"I have new orders for you. They concern Qrow Branwen."

Winter's eyes flash at that, and a small grimace spreads across her face.

"Branwen… the man is capable, but utterly deplorable, Master."

Whitley smiles at that and shakes his head.

"Well, you don't think so anymore. Because the mission is this; I want you to seduce Qrow Branwen. Your most likely avenue of doing so is to finally accept one of his constant attempts to get you to drink with him after a mission… begrudgingly of course. The man has quite the guilty crush on you as it were, knowing that he's too old for you but pining after you all the same. You, in turn, have a secret crush on him, one you're disgusted in yourself for but can no less deny."

Winter's face goes a little slack as Whitley 'sets the scene' so to speak. Smirking, he continues on.

"You will allow him to take you out for a drink. You will pretend to get drunk. You should get at least a little tipsy to make it believable and sell the lie but keep your wits about you. Because once you're sufficiently 'drunk' I want you to seduce Qrow Branwen and take him to bed. It's then, while you're in the midst of coitus, that you will hit him with one of my glyphs. Finish up and then bring him to me for further orders. Is that understood?"

Winter snaps a crisp salute as she nods once.

"Sir, yes sir. It will be as you say, Master."

Handing off one of his glyph stamps, just like the one he'd used on her back in the day in fact, Whitley watches as his sister turns smartly on her heel and walks out of the office at a crisp pace. She'll be successful in her endeavors; of that he has no doubt. Qrow's crush on Winter Schnee is in fact his biggest weakness that not even the old huntsman truly knows about. Or more accurately, he's in denial about it.

As Whitley told Winter, Qrow felt incredibly guilty over his feelings towards Whitley's older sister. As well he should, the old lech. In a normal situation, Qrow Branwen would be one hundred percent too old for his darling big sis. However, this was not a normal situation, and they did not live in a normal world. If nothing else, Qrow's age showed just how capable of a hunter he was.

To that end, Whitley fully intended to have him breed Winter and perhaps others at least once down the line. Qrow would pass on his excellent genes to at least one son or daughter in the hopes that they would grow up to be half as capable as the huntsman had proven to be. After surviving for so long, it was the least he could do for humanity… and for Whitley's goals.

With a sigh, Whitley sits back in his chair… and looks down at a pair of silver eyes looking up at him from under his desk. Smiling, he reaches down and runs a hand through Ruby Rose's hair, before gripping it tightly.

"Here it comes, darling. Drink it all down."

As he cums, Ruby, who's been nursing his cock for a good half hour now, dutifully does her job of swallowing his hot, thick load. She gulps and gulps like there's no tomorrow, and when Whitley is finally finishes, he pushes her off of his cock and snaps his fingers.

"I have your orders for you as well, Ruby."

In comparison to Winter's professionalism, Ruby gets out from under the desk and then practically hops and skips around to the other side, looking at him expectantly with a wide smile.

"Yes, daddy?"

I've seen Oscar Pine looking at you a lot in recent times. As you well know, he's the current vessel of your old Headmaster, Ozpin."

Ruby nods slowly, her nose wrinkling at the thought of Oscar… well, pining after her. The boy himself is fine, but the reminder of Ozpin in his head clearly disturbs Ruby something fierce.

"I want you to get closer to Oscar. Soften him up, get his hormones acting all out of sorts and get his libido revving. I want you to show him everything that he could have… if he accepts my eventual offer. Can you do that for me, Ruby?"

In the face of her overwhelming love, loyalty, and adoration towards Whitley, Ruby's disgust over the Ozpin issue is absolutely nothing at all. The disturbed look on the silver-eyed girl's face vanishes and is replaced by a wide beaming smile as Ruby nods her head up and down enthusiastically.

"Yes, daddy! I can definitely do that!"

"Good girl. Now go on and get started."

With that, Ruby prances out of the room and Whitley watches her go, half-tempted to call her back and bounce her up and down on his cock before he lets her fully leave. But he's no more tempted to do that then he was to do the same with Winter. As enjoyable as it would have been to bend Winter over his desk and take his sexy big sister from behind, or bounce Ruby's small petite body up and down on his dick as he lounged back in his chair, Whitley knew he had to focus.

There was a time for pleasure, a time for play… but for now, he had too damn much to do to stop for anything more than a quick blowjob under his desk from his silver-eyed cutie.

Sighing, Whitley rises from his chair himself and grabs his jacket, rolling his shoulders as he heads for the door. Next up is a meeting with some… informants, and with a need to confirm some of his suspicions as well as the actionable data that Winter has given him, Whitley is all too ready for that meeting.


They get together deep in the underbelly of Mistral, with Whitley foregoing his typical white clothing for a brown cloak for once. Alongside him, he brings Lie Ren and Arslan Atlan as his bodyguards, just in case. The people they're ultimately meeting with shouldn't be a threat, but the area they're meeting IN is notoriously unsafe to travel in alone, and you never know what their enemies might have uncovered in the meantime. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Still, the three of them go unmolested as they arrive at the meeting point and slip inside. Whitley leaves Ren outside the door and brings Arslan in with him as they arrive in a room to find not just Roman and Neo awaiting them… but Emerald as well. The trio of subverted villains all perk up at the sight of their one true Master, not a single one of them having gone a day without thinking about him and what would make him most happy. Whitley had made sure of that.

Even this room they were meeting in was the backroom of an establishment owned by a cousin of Junior's, from back in Vale. Crime, or at least under the table activity, seemed to be something of a family business for Junior and his kin. With Whitley footing the bill, their meeting had been arranged and made as clandestine as possible.

"Master! I missed you so much!"

Whitley chuckles and lets Emerald race into his arms, giving her a kiss and a hug. Of course, not to be out done, Neo quickly hops over from where she's stood at Roman's side and does the same, the mute half-pint clinging to him for a brief moment… before kneeling down and working open his belt. Given the small little thief's general inability to meaningfully contribute to the conversation that's about to follow, Whitley doesn't stop her.

He does however stop Emerald from descending to join her, placing a hand on the dark-skinned thief's shoulder and shaking his head as she pouts mightily at not being able to service his cock with her mouth like Neo now is. It's fine though, she'll be serving him with her mouth in another way.

"Arslan, please attend to Roman for me. Roman and Emerald… I expect some answers to a few of my questions."

Getting serious, his thralls do as they're told. Over the next little while, Whitley gets some confirmation. One, Lionheart truly is the duplicitous shit-stain that he seems to be, a threat not just to Mistral but to all of humanity given his decision to side with Salem over the rest of the human race. His high placement in Haven makes it very likely that he's been sabotaging huntsman and huntresses for years if not for decades.

Likewise, Emerald is able to confirm that the Spring Maiden is located within the Branwen Tribe, a bunch of bandits who apparently follow Qrow's Twin Sister, Raven Branwen, about. Apparently, Raven was a part of Qrow's original team, along with Ruby's mom and Ruby and Yang's dad… in fact, she was actually Yang's mother.

Given Yang's looks, Whitley had high hopes that Raven would have aged better than Qrow had. The old huntsman was a drunken lout though, so it wasn't like that would be particularly hard.

Meanwhile, once Emerald is done sharing what she knows, Whitley finally allows her to have some fun. With Neo regulated to ball sucking duty, he bends Emerald over the table between him and Roman and begins to fuck her right then and there in a matter similar to one of their earlier meetings. As he plows Emerald from behind and Neo sucks at his balls with that skilled little mouth and tongue of hers, Roman fucks Arslan as well, while also outlining what HE knows about the situation in Vacuo.

Apparently, according to Roman anyways, whatever the hell is happening in Vacuo isn't sanctioned by either Salem or Cinder. The two aren't involved with it, meaning that more than likely, a mysterious third party is taking advantage of the opportunity represented by the assault on Vale and the all around weakening of the Kingdoms in general.

Truth be told, this only makes Whitley more eager to flush them out and stamp their operation from the face of Remnant. At least his goals are for the sake of all humanity, at least his aims are to strengthen their people, be they human or faunus, and ultimately defeat the darkness that has plagued their world for so damn long.

This… third party in Vacuo is pissing him off, he has to admit. But he can't lose sight of his goals, of what his plans are. In the end, after he finishes inside of Emerald and also delivers a load to Neo's face for good measure, and after Roman finishes inside of Arslan, Whitley gives orders to his three subverted villains. Emerald, as one of Cinder's pawns, can't be gone from her side for too long. As such, she's sent back to keep an eye on the true enemy and alert him of any movements in that avenue.

Roman and Neo, however, are free agents now that Vale is over. At the same time, they're undeniably criminals and the most wanted criminals in not just Vale but all of the Four Kingdoms at this point. Which is why they're perfect for the Vacuo operation, to look into what's happening there further, and from another angle that his other thralls can't quite approach.

Needless to say, it's a productive day… made all the more productive when it ends with Winter bringing a glyphed Qrow Branwen to Whitley later that evening, his big sister having come through for him, just as he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would. She'd seduced the lonely older huntsman easily, and after finishing up with him, had brought Whitley's newest thrall to his side.

"What are we going to do about Ozpin, Master? He might notice something is off if I suddenly start deferring to you instead of him."

Shaking his head, Whitley just smiles at the question. It's a good one, but he's not too worried.

"Ozpin… Oscar, whatever you want to call them, will be too busy with Ruby to worry too much about you. Something tells me it's been a long, long time since Ozpin has had to deal with a growing boy's hormones and libido. Ruby will distract Oscar, and by extension Ozpin. You, Mr. Branwen… should be more worried about your sister."

Qrow stiffens at that and slowly nods.

"We're going after her, then?"

Shrugging, Whitley sits down behind his desk and gestures for Qrow and Winter to both take seats across from him.

"That's the plan. But first, I want you to tell me everything that you know about her and the tribe. I want to know what we're up against. We know the Spring Maiden is among them, but we don't know who it is, do we? More than that… what is your sister capable of, what should we expect and how should we approach this?"

Under his complete control, Qrow doesn't even hesitate to give Whitley everything he wants. Even better, thanks to Whitley's glyph, Qrow is truly sober for what might be the first time in years. Usually laidback and somewhat lackadaisical, right now the aged huntsman is fully attentive and will remain that way as long as Whitley requires it of him. With his experience and skill alongside a fully cleared mind that's completely committed to Whitley's goals… it's safe to say that Qrow Branwen has just become one of Whitley's most capable and most powerful subordinates.


With Emerald's information in hand, with Qrow's subversion accomplished, and with Ruby distracting Oscar-Ozpin… it's time to confront Raven Branwen. Having learned everything he could from the best source of information possible, her brother… Whitley ultimately decides that it's best to play by the Bandit Leader's book and go with a preemptive strike.

Catching the tribe by surprise and proving his and his subordinates' strength all in one fell swoop is the goal, and so, taking Winter, Qrow, RWBY, and JNPR along with him while leaving the rest of his forces to guard Haven and keep a close eye on Lionheart, Whitley and his allies locate the Branwen Tribe's camp… and then strike.

It's early morning with the sun rising at their back and the bandits of the camp just beginning to stir from their slumber when Whitley and his people move in like a thunderstorm. Their strike is fast and vicious to say the least, based off of what Qrow had said Raven would respect the most, as well as simple strong military doctrine.

Not giving their enemies any chance to really react, Winter and Qrow lead a team of hunters-in-training apiece as they take down, disarm, and tie up most of the bandits right off the bat. As a matter of course, each bandit is also slapped with a glyph as they're beat down and bound in rope, just to be… safe.

Whitley, meanwhile, strides right into the center of the camp and awaits Raven's arrival. Strangely enough, before the Bandit Leader herself can appear, someone else does first. Tanned, short haired, and with icy-blue eyes, the young woman wields crescent-blades as she dashes forward from the side, snarling at him.

Forced to block with Bestauber, his arm buckler, Whitley draws Periwinkle as well and uses the parrying dagger for it's intended purpose, turning aside both of her attacks… but not without some effort. Whereas the rest of the Bandit Tribe was clearly nothing in the face of two half-trained teams and their fully trained commanders, this girl… she was properly trained and more than that, she had her aura unlocked.

Whitley cocks his head to the side as she regroups and sneers at him, wondering if he's just found the Spring Maiden this easily. If it is this foolhardy reckless girl… well, he can't deny that he'll be interested in taming her. She should be even more fun to break in then Amber was. After all, Amber was effectively handed to him on a silver platter.

Before she can attack again however, an authoritative female voice rings out and stops the young woman in her tracks.

"Careful, Vernal. Don't damage the merchandise."

The now-named Vernal blinks and looks back at Raven Branwen even as every eye in the camp turns towards her as well. Even Whitley has to admit that the older woman's entrance as she steps out of her tent and crosses her arms over her chest is fairly top-notch… just as she herself is fairly top-notch. Where Qrow Branwen wore his age like the broken down man he'd become, carrying his losses with him and drinking to try to forget the pain… Raven Branwen carried HER age like a perfectly fine wine.

Gorgeous but also fierce and fiery in a way that tells Whitley they're definitely in for a fight, the beautiful buxom Bandit Leader smirks at her subordinate's confused look, before sliding her gaze over to meet Whitley's eyes.

"Don't you know who this is, Vernal? This right here is the young CEO of the Schnee Dust Corporation. I'm sure they'll pay a pretty bit of lien to get him back."

As Vernal looks at Whitley with new eyes, eyes filled with greed and avarice and just a tiny bit of lust that makes it clear she would happily do terrible things to him for his money, Qrow groans and palms his face.

"Seriously, Raven? Do you have to be like this? We could just talk this out."

Whitley isn't surprised when Raven openly scoffs at the idea. It was, after all, why he'd ultimately decided on this preemptive strike. Qrow had recommended against it, convinced that they could convince Raven to hear them out if they approached peacefully. But based on everything Qrow had told him, the old huntsman's own brutal honesty, Whitley knew better. Raven would never respect them coming to her hat in hand and trying to negotiate. Not without them first establishing a position of strength.

"Shut up, brother. I want to hear what the baby Schnee has to say. I'm sure this is going to be hilarious."

Smiling grimly, Whitley spreads his arms, his buckler still around one and his parrying dagger still held in the other. Projecting a vision of supreme confidence, the young Schnee squares his shoulders.

"Raven Branwen, of the Branwen Tribe. Let's not waste time or mince words. You can either surrender to me here and now and pledge to follow me… or face me in one-on-one combat to decide who the stronger is among us."

Vernal positively chokes on her spit at hearing his boisterous comment, while Raven's eyes widen before she grins oh so wickedly.

"Just like I thought… hilarious."

Still, she steps forward and rolls her shoulders, clearly feeling right at home. Whitley also likes to think she's at least a little bit impressed as she gives him an easy smirk.

"I accept."

And then she's moving, and Whitley is on the defensive as Raven Branwen proves what an incredibly selfish individual with first-class huntress training and over a decade and a half of staying at the top of a Bandit Tribe can really do.

From the very beginning, Whitley can tell that the fight is going to be incredibly uphill for him. Raven is the superior fighter between them, and that's without using any sort of semblance or even magic. Almost immediately, Whitley understands that he's outclassed here. The most he can do is leverage his speed and his technology to keep her from landing a decisive blow too quickly.

Between Bestauber, Periwinkle, his overcoat Sturmblute and his gauntlets, Eisenfaust, he's able to dodge, deflect, and block for the first few exchanges. The limited-ammo disposable pistols that he's filled Sturmblute with put in work in keeping Raven at distance… but only for a little while. And Whitley can see the moment she recognizes this, that he has a lot of fancy tricks but that his skill level is nowhere near hers. He can see the moment she decides to end it… but he can't do anything about it.

As quickly as it starts, the battle ends with Whitley on his back and Raven with her sword pointed at his throat. Far from impressed, the beautiful older woman now looks thoroughly disappointed.

"All bark and no bite. I suppose I knew to expect as much, but you had me hoping for a moment there that you would put up more of a fight."

Whitley, with a macabre sort of smile on his lips, shrugs his shoulders.

"I knew going into this that I would be no match for you, Branwen. But I wanted to test my capacity all the same."

Raven's disappointed look turns into a glare and her eyes flash with something like anger as she sneers at him.

"Hmph, think you're so safe because of your riches that you can disrespect me? The SDC will pay for you back alive… that doesn't mean you have to be whole, boy. Coming here was the stupidest thing you could have done."

"Maybe… but then, there's a simple solution when you're thoroughly outmatched."

Blinking down at him, Raven frowns.

"And what is that?"

Whitley's smile grows into a full-fledged smirk.


Everything has been going according to plan, even up to this point. And it continues going according to plan as Pyrrha's polarity semblance, boosted by Jaune's massive aura reserves, tears Raven's weapon straight out of her hand. Meanwhile, the other members of Team RWBY and JNPR, along with Qrow and Winter most importantly of all, rush in all at once.

With Vernal the only meaningful support that Raven has left, the two of them are quickly in danger of being overwhelmed as Whitley and his eight thralls, Pyrrha and Jaune not included in the ambush, all rush them at once.

However, what ISN'T according to plan is Raven's eyes suddenly lighting up as she uses her Maiden magic to repel her many opponents all at once. As they're all knocked back and she snarls, beginning to rise in the air with lightning and other magic crackling around her, Whitley has to respond fast. There's no denying that he wasn't expecting this. He would have thought that if Raven WERE the Spring Maiden, it would long since be common knowledge. It made more sense that the Spring Maiden was some young, wet behind her ears girl that Raven had picked up and was still in the process of training.

That was the lie Raven had managed to feed to everyone who even knew enough about the Maidens to be looking for them. It was the lie even Whitley himself had fallen for. However, that didn't mean Whitley was down for the count. He had one final trump card, having been prepared to face a hostile Maiden… albeit not an experienced and fully trained one.

Much like his sister Weiss could use dust to alter the nature of her glyphs through her sword, Whitley could do the same through Eisenfaust, his gauntlets. In that moment, he hits Ruby with a certain set of carefully curated emotions… the exact same emotions that she felt when he almost died. As a result, her eyes begin glowing with silver light and she lets out a hoarse shriek as whatever her power is activates once more.

It worked against Cinder… and it works against Raven as well, her magic exploding back in her face as a result of Ruby's explosive power, the Bandit Leader thrown to the ground where Qrow and Yang of all people rush forward in conjunction and take Raven down. In the end, it's brother and daughter who pin her in place as Whitley stumbles over, limping a bit, and slaps a glyph on Raven, before doing the same to a shocked Vernal for good measure.

In the aftermath of the trump card move, Ruby was undeniably strained… but luckily, Jaune was there to ease her pain and ultimately aid and speed up her recovery so that she was back to mostly normal within minutes rather than hours.

And with that, it's over. This is the true power of Whitley's semblance, to change unwinnable encounters into victories with a simple application of unwavering loyalty and overwhelming force. Raven Branwen was undeniably stronger than him, incredibly capable and devastatingly powerful. But what did it matter now? She was his… the Spring Maiden was now under his control.

"I win."

Not exerting full control over Raven quite yet, Whitley grins when her face contorts in anger, even as she kneels before him. She can't fight back, but she's still mostly herself at the moment, which leaves the men and women of her bandit tribe all watching on in mild surprise and disbelief as she slowly prostrates herself before him, placing her forehead against the grass and her hands palm down in front of her head.

"… You win… I submit to your authority. The Branwen Tribe will bow down to you, Whitley Schnee."

Humming, Whitley reaches down and grabs Raven by her hair, dragging the defeated MILF up from her humiliating position. Not that she's any less humiliated when he proceeds to spit on her face in front of her entire tribe and her protégé. As Vernal and all the others watch on, still in their right minds but currently unable to bring themselves to fight back, Whitley grabs the front of Raven's outfit and pulls harshly, tearing away her black and red dress and exposing her sizable tits.

Much like Yang, or rather, even more so, Raven Branwen is incredibly well-endowed. Setting aside her incredibly shitty personality, she's like a more mature and voluptuous Yang in every way, albeit one with just as many muscles. She has huge tits and wide hips and a gorgeous ass, but also a nice fit sixpack, with abs that one could probably grate cheese off of.

Most importantly of all, all of her beauty, all of her power, all of her everything… now belongs to him. As he holds Raven by the hair, Whitley reaches down and gropes one of her tits casually for a moment before using that hand to beckon Pyrrha and Yang over. His future wife and his favorite little masochistic pig slut both hurry to his side, with Yang practically skipping as she gives her absentee mother a vicious smile.

"Hey mom. Wish I could say it was nice to finally meet you, but it's not. You're a selfish bitch who deserves everything that's coming to you."

Surprisingly enough, despite abandoning Yang, despite never once seeking her out… hearing those words from Yang's lips actually makes Raven flinch a little, and she lowers her gaze for perhaps half a moment before scowling and opening her mouth. Knowing that it's likely going to be some retort about how weak Yang is, Whitley cuts Raven off by spitting on her again, once more humiliating her in front of her men as she stiffens in outrage but can do nothing now that she's submitted to him.

"You like to go on and on about strength, Raven Branwen… but it was the strength of our unity that allowed us to defeat you here today. Without all of us working together, we never would have stood a chance against the Spring Maiden, after all."

Raven gnashes her teeth at the idea that her only claim to power was the Maiden powers. They both knew she was perfectly capable without them, that she'd defeated him fair and square without them. But Whitley wasn't about to mention it, and frankly, fair and square was for suckers. If you weren't willing to cheat, you weren't willing to WIN in Whitley's experience.

"I think you owe your daughter an apology. Don't you, Yang? Make your mother apologize now, in front of her entire tribe."

Raven snarls at that and it's clear she's not going to say anything… but then, she doesn't have to. Grinning wickedly, Yang wastes no time in shucking off her shorts and exposing her gushing wet cunt to the entire Bandit Camp. She then grabs hold of her mother's hair from Whitley's hand… and grinds Raven's face into her cunt.

"Lick it, slut. Eat me out while Master shows everyone that you're just as much of a bitch as I am. I bet it runs in our blood! Getting fucked by Alpha Males like Dad and Master is something you and I are good at, isn't it?!"

From the way Raven stiffens, Whitley imagines Yang might have hit a little too close to home there. He can only wonder how ashamed Raven has always been, deep down inside, that she got dicked into pregnancy by a man like Yang's father. Not that there's anything wrong with Taiyang, but that's just it. He clearly managed to overwhelm and seduce Raven with his sheer looks, and that's something that the tribe would have looked down upon as weakness from the gorgeous dark-haired woman.

Regardless, when Raven doesn't immediately begin eating Yang out, Whitley delivers a smack to her backside that forces her forward. In moments, Yang's moans are filling the camp… soon to be joined by the rest of the girls as Whitley gestures for Qrow to show Jaune and Ren how to properly please the other women. With the rest of the tribe all tied up as well as glyphed for good measure, there's really nothing to actually worry about.

This area might have started out the day as enemy territory, but now that Whitley has produced yet another overwhelming victory and secured it with his semblance, the Branwen Tribe belongs solely to him, just like everyone else does. As such, he lets Pyrrha free his cock from its confines and watches as the Invincible Girl greedily bobs up and down on his cock to get him nice and hard.

Then, he lets her guide him over to Raven's upturned ass, the MILF of a bandit leader currently bent over on all fours as Yang lays back and groans, continuing to grind her mother's face into her cunt, making a humiliating scene out of them both for all to see.

Whitley goes ahead and adds to it by settling into place behind Raven and grabbing her thicc, toned thighs with both hands. His massive cock slides betwixt her creamy pale thighs and a moment later he's buried to the hilt inside of Raven's twat. He might have cheated a little beforehand, letting her mostly keep her mind intact, but encouraging her body to begin lubricating for his eventual arrival.

As he slides so easily into her cunt from behind, Whitley lets out a laugh and draws attention to how wet she is, even as he delivers another punishing smack to Raven's ass right in front of all of her subordinates.

"Look at how wet the infamous Raven Branwen is! And after what? Being exposed and beaten in front of her tribe? Being spit on? Being forced to eat out her own daughter's cunt! I suppose now we see the TRUE Raven Branwen, don't we?"

He barely has to do anything to prompt them, the jeers and catcalls and sneers come from Raven's former tribesmen in moments. They're bandits after all, the scum of Remnant, and frankly, the only thing keeping Raven from a humiliating and ignoble rape like the one she was experiencing now at the hands of her own men all this time was her power.

Power that was now his to control, just like the rest of her. Driving his cock in and out of her hungering twat even as Raven tries to make defiant protests only to have them muffled by her own daughter's cunt, Whitley makes eye contact with Vernal… and smiles wickedly. The short-haired young woman blushes a bit, biting her lower lip as she kneels there with her hands tied behind her back. She shivers under his gaze, trying and failing to weakly glare at him before turning her own eyes away completely.

Unlike Raven, who embodies badass, Vernal is just trying to emulate her mentor, trying to become the badass that Raven Branwen is. And yet, right before the young woman's eyes, Whitley is destroying that hope, completely and utterly dismantling that desire and showing it to be the fantasy it truly is as he humiliated and degrades Raven right then and there.

Meanwhile, Yang is most definitely not quiet as she experiences delicious, delicious schadenfreude by forcing her own mother to eat her out.

"A-Ah, I can't wait for Master to breed you, mom. I hope he gives me a little brother or sister, and maybe he'll give my daughter a half-brother or half-sister as well. Did you know I was a mother now? Of course you didn't, you probably didn't even care. You're a grandma, your granddaughter is a Schnee, and soon you'll be giving birth to a Schnee as well."

Yang's eyes twinkle as she continues on, voicing all of Whitley's plans. He doesn't mind, it's not like there's anyone here that can't know what he's intending, and frankly it gives him more time to fuck Raven's amazingly tight cunt, to play with her muscled but gorgeous voluptuous body.

"After you give birth to a Schnee, he'll breed you with Qrow next! Just like Master bred his sisters, and just like daddy has bred me and Ruby! He's going to make us all into his breeding sows, his cattle… can you imagine it, mom? You and me, spending the rest of our lives right where we belong… at our Master's feet, worshipping his cock and giving birth to whatever children he wants us to have!"

Yang's own words tip her over the edge, even as Raven shudders in disgust and horror while being coated in her own daughter's squirting pussy juices. However, Whitley leans in and pushes a massive amount of pleasure into Raven's mind, half-shattering it as he forces her to experience the most explosive orgasm of her life. This has twofold. One, it shows everyone who's currently watching that the great Raven Branwen just came from being told by her own daughter that she was going to be turned into breeding chattel.

Two, it leaves Raven herself questioning her own thoughts, her own desires. Why did she cum there? Why did Yang's words and Whitley's cock manage to take her over the edge? DID she want to be nothing more than a breeding sow? It's not enough to break Raven all on it's own… but then Whitley cums as well, and as he begins to fill Raven Branwen with his seed, he pushes even MORE pleasure onto her, forcing her to experience another mind-breaking orgasm so swiftly after the first one.

As Yang lets go of Raven's hair at precisely the right moment, the bandit leader's head comes up and she throws it back, tossing her voice to the sky in an earth-shattering squeal of orgasmic ecstasy. Everyone in the camp, both his side and hers, hears as Raven Branwen cums her pretty brains out on Whitley Schnee's cock, while he fills and fills her with his spunk.

It's the final straw, that's for sure. As Whitley pulls out of Raven's creampied twat, he pulls her around by her hair and smiles as she submits totally and utterly, even wrapping her massive tits around his cock as she leans in to suckle at the messy head of his member.

Pyrrha leans into his side while Yang moves under her mother to worship his balls, and the two women, mother and daughter, show their submission to him, wholly and utterly.

Looking out over the Bandit Tribe at his latest acquisitions while the Spring Maiden surrenders to him totally and utterly, mind, body, and soul, Whitley just smiles, quite pleased with the results of the day.

Vernal still needs a good fucking, with the short-haired bandit girl having lost all control of herself at this point. Her hands are buried between her thighs and she's fingering herself as she watches Raven submit, her icy blue eyes wide and her face flushed with arousal and need while she pants and mewls helplessly off to the side.

She can wait though. For the moment at least, Whitley just wants to bask in his victory. Pulling Pyrrha in, he gives his fiancé a deep, tongue-filled kiss.

All according to plan so far. He just has to keep pushing forward. He can't let nothing, or no one stop him, no matter how strong they are, no matter how righteous they believe themselves to be. Whitley Schnee is going to bring Remnant into a new age, an age without the Grimm. All he has to do to attain his goal… is take care of a certain Queen, once and for all.

With this conquest, he's one step closer to doing so. Soon… soon, he'll have everything he needs.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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