

"Mother, you can't be serious" I said with my eyes wide opened.

This is not happening to me after all I've been through. I am Chenguang Li, the last daught if Liang Li. I'm a princess to say but a very lonely one. I'm the third and last daughter of Liang Li. Well I'm not so favored because my mother was forced on my father for sale of wealth and same thing is about to happen to me, just that mine is for the sake of peace.

According to what I was told, my father married the woman he loves so much who happens to be the next Queen of Willand. Willand is a kingdom of sorcerers which is ruled by the Queen and not a King. Things was fine in our Kingdom untill the long silent war between werewolves and witches was rekindled by who knows. This war caught our land unawares that we lot lot of things. Both properties and lives. This almost rendered us wretched.

After a while, we were begin to be in dead need of resources to sustain ourselves. If not our Kingdom will soon be desolate. Then my grandmother who happens to be the Queen at that time, brazen up and went in search for help from a far away witch Kingdom. Being that witches are not to united, they wanted something concrete that would mark their bonding.

My grandmother has only one daughter and not a son. She would have thought of marrying her daughter to them but she was already married. She then decided to take one of their daughter and marry her to her son-in-law. This brought about a big fight between her and her daughter but at last, they gave in to her will. Not that it was easy for grandmother too but she has to sacrifice and that was how my mother came to be in that land.

My mother didn't wait to see me before she was said to be dead, so I also didn't get to see her. My grandmother always told me that I'm a replica of my mother. It was my stepmother that took care of me as a child because all others neglected me. Even my father. I have two elder sisters and one brother and none liked me save my grandmother. I wouldn't blame them but I still will they would treat me better.

After the death of my grandmother, my stepmother got on the throne and became the Queen of Willand. Truth be told, she's indeed a good Queen. It's only me she doesn't like.

The war between the werewolves and witches wouldn't stop, so my stepmother pleaded for a truce. She said she's tired of loosing lives and properties.

I love the pattern and I admire her wisdom but what she wanted to use for the truce is what I object. She wants a marriage between the Willand and Daye pack.

Daye pack is the largest, powerful an most dangerous wolf pack around us. Daye paxh us where the Alpha King resides. They are so terrifying. Just one bite, a witch is near death. No one ever jokes with the Daye pack, not even wolves like them. In fact they were the one that killed most of our people, my grandmother inclusive.

Now, that's the pack my mother wants to sell me into in the name of truce. I don't know what I've done to derseve all these.

Their current Alpha King is as worse as the devil himself. It was told that he killed his father with his bate hands so as to be on the throne. None could challenge him.

"I'm serious Chen and they are coming for you in three days time. So prepare to leave" she said blankly.

Since she walked herself into my room, I know something isn't going to be good. The Queen never stepped her foot in my room except today. She has always did as if I don't exist and I too try to be very invisible.

Tears rushed down my cheek. The only hope I have to live a happy life has been truncated. I had always thought all my loneliness and pain will end when one day a good man is attracted to me and ask for my hand in marriage. I've never thought of getting married to a wealthy or powerful man. I don't mind been married to a peasant as long as I'm happy. But now, I'm been married to a strange land with lot of evils there. It's nothing but the Lion's den.

"I heard that he eats witches heart for breakfast" Lui, the second female of my father said.

I looked up and saw that she was tested on the door frame, smiling at me. I know she's just here to taunt me as usual. I didn't say anything. I just looked down at my fingers.

"You are so dead if you provoke him" she said not minding if her words were hurting me or not.

I could feel her walking in but I didn't acknowledge her presence.

"This house will know peace once you are gone" she added.

As if the house even know if I'm there. If not that I'm been sent to that beast of an Alpha, I would be so glad to leave. I glared at her to leave me alone. Instead she sat beside me and took her hands. This was quite surprising.

"If you want to live Chen, you have to do everything he says you should do. According to words that were told he's said to be a god reincarnate and we don't know if it's an evil god. Don't try to fight him. Your magic is useless to him" she said pitifully.

I don't know why she's suddenly been so nice, talk more of her giving me advice. My sisters don't seem to like me. They hurt me with their words whenever our path cross. Them mocking me is the only pain they cause me. Now for Lui to be acting all suddenly nice, it simpleans they don't hate me totally.

"Jie volunteered to take your place but mother won't agree. She said it's all you and only you"

That wasn't a surprise to me. Jie has always love the Alpha King. She has said it to my ears countless time. She will even want to go to war just to see him not minding if she could get killed but mother wouldn't allow her. I wonder why she's fallen for that beast of all good and mighty men around. Well it's Jie's problem not mine. I know she would be dead jealous of me and I just wish something could happen that would replace me with her.

"Isn't it too dangerous for Jie?" I said softly so that it won't look as if I didn't say anything.

"So it is for you. At least Jie wants it but you don't. Well in all, just be careful. Longwei Shen isn't someone to toil with. I don't want you dead minutes you got there. At least spend some time there" she said patting my back gently.

I don't know what her last statement is insinuating. Does that mean she wants me dead but not too quickly? I didn't mind. At least she came to console me. I nodded my head.

"Milly will come help you prepare. You are going in grand style" she smiled at me.

I looked at her but didn't return the smile.

"Why?" I ask instead.

"So that the wolf pack coming to get you will think you are one of our treasure. Mother said it will make the truce more valuable" she explained.

I didn't need someone to tell me their intentions. It was obvious. Her answer is not for the why I requested for.

"I mean, why are you suddenly so nice to me?" I clarified.

" Oh that" she smiled stiffly. " You are leaving for the Lion's den and this is the least I could do is to come give you comfort little sis" she said, stood up and then walked away.

I watched her as she left and closed the door, then my tears begin to fall again. If my grandmother wasn't dead, she wouldn't have allowed any of this to happen to me.

"I miss you so much grandmother" I wept.

Longwei Shen

" Witches can't be trusted" I said to my mother.

It's been years since my father killed himself and that I became the Alpha King. I was still very much angry with that witch that brought about all these things happening to me. Not that I didn't like my new appearance. In fact I love my wolf and it's wings but I couldn't stop being angry at myself for watching my father kill himself while I do nothing.

"It's never your fault Longwei, your father chose his part land there's nothing you could do about it" my mother do tell me any time she noticed I'm brooding about my father's death.

But I wouldn't stop getting angry. I had made sure to warn all those that witnessed what happened not to say a word. I made them tell another different story that I killed my father. My mother objected but I won't let my father's name be ruined. He died quite early and I won't gift him with a tarnished name again. I'll rather take the blame, than to see my father and the pack be ridiculed. He might not be good to me but I'm still grateful to him.

I've been asking questions about the prophecy and only few things was said to me. Even the few words weren't well explanatory enough. My mother said that only the old ones can tell me what this prophecy is all about. She then said the more I ask questions, the more trouble I might get.

In our pack, we couldn't find a old one that lived long enough to witness the prophecy and tell us about it. This kept me wondering. What happened to them all?

I was only sixteen when my father died and now I'm thirty four. I've started to believe that all that the witch days was a lie been that I know when a prophecy is said, there are some things that do happen. Nothing about me is so different except that I'm a wolf with wings. Well that's not new since I'm not the first one to be with wings.

My mother once told me the story of Jumei, the first wolf to have wings in history. He is said to be the most powerful. She said the moon goddess allowed the wings so that Jumei would save the world. Now she believes I'm Jumei reincarnated and that I don't believe.

"No one can be trusted my son. We just have to take the risk" she replied me.

" But I don't want to marry a witch" I objected.

Not a witch of all the people in the land. I hate them and I don't hide it.

"Longwei Shen, this is for the Kingdom. It's a sacrifice that would bring peace to each kingdom and you have to pay the price my boy. This long wat has to stop. It is your destiny".

Not that I'm so much in love with wars. In fact I love to make peace but not at the expense of one of them coming to my territory. I hate witches. They are very tricky and can never be trusted. I don't know what brought about the war between witches and werewolves but I'm not ready to know. What the old witch did years back has made their hatred become personal for me.

"Let's look for another way to make this truce work. I'm not ready to marry a witch. Moreover I still have a mate to meet. What if my mate shows up and I'm already bound to another?" I asked bluntly

I love my mother but I don't like the way she's forcing things on me.

"According to history, the moon goddess gave Jumei an oppurtunity to choose any female he wills. He is not bound to a mate".

" I am not Jumei" I growled.

" Then why haven't you found yourself a mate all the while?"

My mother can be pretty stubborn especially if she wants something done.

"What if this girl is a trap to come kill me and you want me to spread my arms and receive her?" I frowned.

" None of such would happen. Tis is for a truce. You are King Longwei. You have to show your people that you can sacrifice for them as they can for you. This is not a very hard thing to do".

" Are you implying I sacrifice my life, love and peace of mind for my people? I said already getting angry with her pestering.

She should know that once I say I don't want, I don't want.

"Just accept the lady. No one is telling you to be so close to her. All we just have to do is take good care of her" she said plainly.

I shook my heard at her words.

"Are you going to ruin the poor girl's life just for your truce?"

" No it's not ruining. It's sacrifice" she argued.

I hate to hear that word sacrifice. That's exactly what killed the old witch and my father. They all think they were doing it for sacrifice. I'm then not going to get myself involved in that ruining sacrifice.

"Damn sacrifice mother. I don't need it" I said, stood up from my throne and walked away.

This I've never done to mother but I don't want her to pester me into accepting what I don't want. I don't want to get married to the witch girl. I don't want anyone getting entangled in my life. I'm a monster. That girl might be a witch but she has blood flowing in her veins. Her bonding with me will bring her nothin but troubles. My life is already messed up and I don't want her coming into such life.

I was grateful that mother didn't pester me on that marriage of a thing with that witch. I was glad that she accepted my decision of not getting ready to marry not I wanting a witch for a wife. But few days later, I was in my office doing my thing when I felt this powerful aura. Then I decided to look at the window, I noticed lot of people gathering. Then I noticed a carriage was moving in between.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked myself.

I looked again to see if I would know but the more I look the more confused I am.

"Su Mo!" I called at the guard I know would always be near.

"Alpha" in no time Su Mo ran inside.

"What the hell is doing on down there?" I asked him.

" I don't know Alpha" he replied.

"Call me Xingyun". I said not wanting to waste time with him.

That is My Beta's name. Even if he doesn't know who the hell entered my territory in grand style without my permission, my Beta wouldn't dare tell me he doesn't know. The door to my office creeked opened slowly and instead of my Beta I saw my mother walk in. The behind her was my Beta.

"Alpha" she said.

I know something was up immediately I saw my mother and how Xingyun was trailing behind her. I didn't even bother to reply her I just looked at her.

"They've arrived" she said.

The way she said it was as if I'm supposed to know who came into my territory when I'm not informed at all.

"And who did I invite?" I asked blankly.

" The Willand village. They came to sign the truce" she replied.

" The Truce" I scoffed.

I should have know that with her silence all these while she would definitely be up to something. Now she's telling me they've arrived as if I know a thing about it. My mother just love to test my patience.

"Alpha...." She called.

I know she wanted to give some unreasonable explanation which I'm not ready to listen to.

"Don't you Alpha me mother" I snapped glaring at her.

" Please listen to me" she begged.

"I don't need to since you don't listen to me. To you, my sitting her and called Alpha is just nothing but a figurehead to you. You are the one doing the ruling" I said harshly.

" You know that's not true Longwei" she said. " I just had to do something. We were losing people" she said in a very pained voice.

" And I enjoy losing people" I said crisply.

" I never meant that Alpha" she said.

"Well what can I do? The deed as already been done" I said calmly.

I looked at my Beta who quickly looked away. I'm sure going to deal with him later. I then returned to what I was doing before I noticed the people entering.

"You have to come sign the truce Alpha" she said reducing her voice.

This was then I really dashed her a real angry look. I didn't want to make her weep so I just focused on what I was doing.

"Longwei" she called softly.

"Don't get me involved in your thing. You are the mastermind of this thing. Go ahead and sign the truce yourself and don't pester me" I said baldly.

" I know you are angry with me but please save our land" she pleaded.

Now she's doing that thing again. She's playing the pity party again and now I'm not going to let it work on me.

"Stop it!" I ordered in my Alpha voice. "Don't you dare blackmail me with that save our land of a word. You are the one who wants friendship of the witches not me. So go finish what you started and just know you are definitely the husband of that witch girl coming here not me" I shouted.

I'm not ready to get any woman into my life. Women are distractions and I'm not going to get one. Not even a witch at that. I can't even imagining myself having a witch for a wife.

My mother looked at me for the last time and left sadly. I know she's equally angry with me but I'm more angry to notice her anger. I thought my Beta was going to follow her but he didn't. He stood there and watched me.

"What are you waiting for? You should follow her and maybe you can husband the witch. It shouldn't be bad since you are next to me" I s6in a very hostile voice.

Xingyun didn't say a word. He just stood there. My anger grew, then I took the golden little statue on my table and threw it at him. Xingyun didn't try to avoid it. He let it hit his head and blood gushed out. I didn't meant that it should hit him but I had thought he would try to avoid it. Seeing his blood gushed out melt my anger.

"Why didn't you avoid it?" I shouted glaring at him.


We've arrived and all I could imagine is how I'm going to cope in this land. Just me. Although the Queen did me the favor of letting my maid follow me but yet it's not like being among your own people. We were welcomed into the pack grandly but I know not everyone is happy that I'm becoming part of their own. Their eyes might be smiling but their minds will definitely be bitter.

Now we are here, the party is set but I couldn't see their almighty mysterious Alpha. He's no where to be found. The Beta and the Alpha's mother already came to welcome us. Now the ceremony has started I can't find the Alpha's mother nor the Beta talk more of the Alpha.

I could see that the Queen was restless. Jie and Lui came along. Jie wouldn't stop whining about how I'm privileged to be getting married to the mighty powerful Alpha. I was silent al through thinking about how my life would be.

The Alpha's mother came out finally. She wore a big smile but I noticed that hidden in the smile was sadness. This gave me little hope. If the Alpha refused to come out for the wedding, then I'll be free to go back home. Maybe they would then think of another way for their truce.

"The Alpha would be out in a minute. He's settling some things inside. We can continue with the ceremony" she announced to us.

I could here sigh of relief coming from every corner. Even the people of this pack were scared that their Alpha won't show up. What an uptight man he is. I was sad with that piece of information but what could I have done. I'm already a sacrifice for the truce.

People from our village were already mixing up with the wolves. I was wondering if these people were waiting for the truce before now because it was as if they've been friends for long. I'm the only one who didn't have anywhere to go. I just start there waiting for the beginning of my new and sad life. Even the Queen and father were talking with some werewolves.

Well it got to a point everyone was getting so worked up. This Alpha hasn't showed up. It over two hours or even more. The Alpha's mother was already looking agitated. Our Queen wasn't exempted.

Jie on the other hand was happy that he is not showing up.

"It's as if the heavens are on my side" she whispered to my ears.

I had wished to tell her that she is free to come take this adorning and put on herself. I don't have a problem with her replacing me.

"We can't keep waiting because it seems like your Alpha isn't ready to sign this truce" the Queen's angry voice came loud in the big hall.

"Mother, you can't give up I'm sure he's so busy that's why" Jie ran forward to meet her.

The Queen glared at her and she moved to one side. I almost laughed at that scene. Jie didn't do that for the sake of peace. She only did it just to make them wait for her to see the man she had always wanted for long time.

"Please don't be angry. He'll soon be out" the Alpha's mother pleaded.

I could see how agitated their councils are. They seem not to be sure if their Alpha will show up or not.

"No, it's been almost three hours and he's not showing up. I think you are not ready for this truce" she said blankly.

" We are" a powerful voice was heard.

Then the way was path to revealed the man we've been waiting for for over three hours.

"Wow!" That's all I could say.

He didn't have a crown on his head but he sure looks like an Emperor. He's indeed a tall man. His regalia was grey and matching with the color of his eyes. His skin was twany. His face looked like he hasn't smiled for ages but that didn't hinder him being so hands. His hair was nicely cut like that of a human celebrity. No wonder Jie wouldn't stop fantasying about him. He's indeed a fantasy.

As he walked closer his eyes was on me. I didn't know if he noticed I was looking at him because I was covered with a veil. This is the man I'm going to be caged with. Just his aura alone is so powerful.

"I'm so sorry my Queen for keeping you waiting" he said with a little bow.

As he said this words, not even a sign of a smile mistaken crossed his face. It was as hard as that rock. I wondered how someone who never smile, had chubby cheek. Shouldn't it it chiseled.

The Queen was so amazed at his apologize that her anger melted.

"Apology accepted Alpha" she smiled.

I notice a movement beside me. Looking then I saw that Jie was alre6 beside me, trying to get herself noticed by the Alpha.

"She can't be serious" I said shaking my head.

" Let's proceed" Alpha Longwei said pointing at the table where the contract was laid.

The Queen looked at the table, then to me.

"I thought the wedding first" she said.

"Well, I like to put business before pleasure" he said calmly.

His voice didn't carry any sweetness but his words sound quite enticing to people that they all felt it was funny. Everyone laughed except for two persons. Jie and I. I didn't find it funny because underneath that voice was something I can't call happy. I know you would think that I'm assuming things but I have a gift that I know how to read mind feelings and thoughts. This was only known by my grandmother. Well Jie on the other hand, was angry because he ignored her.

"Did he just call her pleasure" she grumbled.

" Behave Jie" Lui said in a whisper.

Jie didn't mind to be obvious that she didn't like this union but there's nothing she could do about it. She even boasted to me that Longwei might see me and find me more beautiful than you. He then might exchange me for you. That I wish to happen too.

I watched as the true was signed by both parties and also stamped by each parties seals. Now I know that it's time for my wedding. I kept praying in my heart Jie's prayer is answered. Where I was seated, mu maid came.

"My princess.its time to get you wedded" she whispered.

Milly my maid, new how much I disliked this union to be but she kept encouraging me to be positive. At first i am but seeing the man I'm to be marriage to shattered all my hope. Not that he has done anything to make me negative but I sure knows he's not like his good looks.

I stood up and went to where we are to be bound together. Jie was following me closely as if she's the one to be married. Her eyes was on the Alpha who was already standing there. I noticed he looked at her at and my heart begin to race.

"Let this man just say he wants to switch the bride" I thought.

I'm sure I'll remove the veil like a mad woman and step aside. I finally stood before this scary man. His eyes then looked down at me as he took my hands. I stiffened and looked at me. I know he could see me through my veil but his face was so hard. I can't even read his expression until I use my powers to read his mind.

I didn't even hear anything else in the hall. I was trying to penetrate into his mind to see what he thinks about this whole union. Instead of seeing his thoughts, I saw his wolf glaring so hard at me. I jumped in fear that I almost fell but he held me. He pulled me to himself.

"Try reading me thought again and I'll have your neck snapped" he whispered in gritted teeth.

I widen my eyes. I didn't know how he got to know. This man scared me the more. He then balanced me back on my feet and the wedding continued. I couldn't stop staring at the man.

"You may kiss you bride" the one officiating said.

This got me out of my shock and shocked me the more. I remembered how the Queen came to me and explained how the werewolves claim their bride. She said it is always painful for none wolves. Then I saw his fangs coming out.

"He can't be serious!" I screamed in my head.

He then grabbed my head and I thought he wanted to kiss me. Not until he stopped when his lips was about to touch mind.

"Not on you life little girl. Do you think you are only one who detest this union? No girl. I hate witches and I won't stop hating them and you, don't even think of coming close to me" he said in a very low harsh voice.

Everyone around were shouting happily thinking this wicked big guy here is kissing me. My head hurts at his touch.

"Don't even dare think that I would mark you as my own. It's only in your dream. You'll remain the sacrifice you are here for" he added.

His last sentence hurt me hard that tears ruched to my face but I didn't want it to fall. He won't use me for entertainment. He then decided to release me. I wore a stiff smile. I looked back at my family and they were so happy except Jie. It was like she should kill me. I wish for the last time that I could swapp places with her.

We were presented to the crowd as husband and wife. This was how my life just took a turn to hell. I watched the man I called my husband wore a straight look. I know he would be happy to torment a harmless witch girl like me. We sat down and the party started proper.

At the party, there were delicious meals. If it wasn't because of the situation I am, I would have digged in a long time ago but I didn't know what my so called husband would say if I did.

"You have to eat my dear. You'll need that strength later" the Alpha's mother said with a smile.

Her smiles were so sweet that I wondered if she really gave birth to the grump of a guy. Her words made me shy because everyone that heard started laughing. I bowed my head to cover my shyness. I looked at Longwei and discovered he did as if he didn't hear what was said. Then he looked at me.

"Not in your dreams" he said to me blankly.

After a while, the Alpha's mother came to my side.

"We have to leave now" she said to me.

"Why?" I asked afraid.

"To get you prepared for your wedding night" she replied with a smile.

I wish I could tell her that this doesn't need. The man didn't seem like one who wants a wedding night. Moreover I myself is not ready to give myself to this man.

She pulled me up and dragged me upstairs. I could here people cheering at my back. All these want to make me cry. They don't even know what they are pushing me into. We entered into a large room. It's smell of roses hit me and that's the only thing that brought a little smile to my lips. The smell was so sweet that I couldn't help but to inhale. I then looked at the big bed. The roses were scattered on them.

They bath me and made me wear the color of their pack. The Alpha's mother said that it's their tradition. It was then I burst into tears. All the tears I had been holding all the while came out. The Alpha's mother made the maids go out while she soothe me.

"Stop crying my dear. I know you'll miss your family" she hugged me.

" I don't want to get married" I cried like a child.

" I know but don't worry you'll be fine here" she said in a motherly voice.

" No, he doesn't want me. He hates my type" I disagreed with her.

" I know Longwei can be threatening but trust me child, he has a good heart. Don't look at his stubbornness. He sure doesn't hate you. He's just angry at him been forced to take this truce" she said in a soft voice.

" I'm scared" I confessed.

"What is she doing in my room!" Longwei asked in a firm voice.

He was staring at us grimly.

"She's your newly wedded Longwei. She would be in your room" his mother said.

" Point of correction mother. You are the one who wanted her I never did. She's your wife not mine" he said blankly.