
The Alpha with the kiss of Death

TRIGGER WARNING!!! The second half of this book contains everything rated 18+. If you are not into dark romance, please do not read it in the name of everything holy. ***Excerpt*** "I own you, Reyana. You are mine... Mine to torture... Mine to claim... Mine to punish... and nothing will ever save you from me. Not even death!" His words were heavy and true. He meant every word that came out of his mouth. *** Alpha Randall, the most ruthless Alpha of his time was a god among men, rich in power, strength, wealth, achievements... No one comes close. He was the envy of all. Wherever he went, he was sure to leave a trail of death and darkness and no one ever prayed to be mated to such a monster, but fate had a different plan for him. Beta Aldric and Reyana, who were madly in love, felt their worlds crumble when they found out Alpha Randall was Reyana's fated mate. Reyana's doom began when Alpha Randall, who hated her with so much passion, refused to claim her; neither was he willing to reject her, not only because he had a mistress, Visha, whom he loved so much... He had other reasons. Torn between two women, Alpha Randall never knew that one of these women was meant to be his downfall while the other was his blessing. How would he find out? Let's find out in this heart-racing piece filled with suspense, Steamy romance, and betrayal.

VelvetDesires · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

The air around the dimly lit office cracked with dark energy as a tall, imposing figure stood like a shadow amid the darkness as he listened intently to the report being delivered to him.

"There is still no luck, Alpha. Our ally is doing everything possible to get the assignment done, but the Blood Crescent pack is one hard nut to crack," The soft ethereal voice of a lady reported.

The tall figure clad in a long black cloak turned around to face the bearer of the message. His eyes, pools of inky darkness, gleamed with an intensity that portrayed his displeasure.

His rugged masculinity and commanding presence were like that of a god among mortals.

"For how long?" His deep voice, low and menacing sliced through the air.

"Just a little more time, Alpha," The young woman replied with a bow.

"Time is something I do not have, Jasina," Alpha Novak replied in a deadly tone.

"I know, Alpha. I'll make sure you don't have to wait for so long anymore. I'll come up with a plan," She tried to pacify him, "However, there is news..."

He got interested. For once, there was something new to hear about the Blood Crescent pack. "Go on," he ordered.

"Randall has found his fated mate and it's stirring a little bit of chaos in the pack. The council wants him to crown her already, but he's adamant about it as he already has a mistress whom he wants to make his chosen mate," She paused, waiting for him to take in all she'd said.

"Interesting..." Alpha Novak took slow strides towards the massive wooden chair in front of him, sitting down to hear more.

"You know what it means if a rejection takes place... Alpha Randall will become as vulnerable as we want him to be," She said with a sly smile plastered on her dark lips.

"This is meant to be a secret that shouldn't have left the walls of his pack, I suppose?"

"Yes, Alpha. Such information only makes him vulnerable to his enemies."

"And who is this mate of his? Why hasn't she rejected him? Is she happy being mated to a beast who already has a mistress he's in love with?" He thought out loud, but of course, he also needed answers to his thoughts.

"Reyana. She is the lover of his Beta. It's quite a messy chain, I must say."

"Interesting..." His long fingers drummed softly on the wooden table before him, "A Beta stands no chance to claim an Alpha's fated mate," He said, lost in deep thoughts.

Jasina waited patiently for him. Alpha Novak was a man of great wisdom, and she knew he had something cooking up in his head already.

"What if I take her and make her mine while he still wallows in his foolishness?" He let out a loud, menacing laughter at his evil thoughts.

Jasina would never have thought about such a perfect plan. Plus, she'd never have believed Alpha Novak would in any way want to do a thing like this... Wasn't that going to mean one thing...? He will be mated to Reyana.

She knew the Alpha was a man who'd do anything to get whatever he wanted, including killing his own father. But being mated to a total stranger just to get Randall was beyond her.

"I don't care how you do it, I want Reyana laying in my bed as soon as possible," he ordered coldly, his face twisted in a dangerous scowl.


"I didn't want you to worry so much about me, that's why I tried keeping it to myself," Visha explained with a worried tone.

"That's nonsense!" Alpha Randall flared up, "When has worrying about you become a burden to me?"

"It's not so bad, Alpha. It's just a cut. I was just careless and that's all. I should have watched out for the hinges on the door..." She looked at him pleadingly.

Alpha Randall worried too much about her, and that's why she tends to keep some of her hurts and worries to herself. It made her feel more special than every other person in the pack and she didn't know how to feel about that.

"We've fixed the door, Alpha," one of the two hefty-looking young men who walked out of the bathroom said with a bow.

"Are you certain everything is fixed? I wouldn't want anything of this nature to happen again," Alpha Randall asked, his gaze never leaving Visha's teary face.

"Yes, Alpha."

"You may leave," He dismissed them.

Visha had explained to Alpha Randall how she got herself cut in the bathroom and he wasn't happy about it. He hated it when she got hurt.

"I'm sorry, Randall..." She sounded weak and sad.

"Just... Always tell me everything happening to and around you... Everything... I don't want you getting hurt," he said in a calmer tone, tenderly brushing her silky blonde hair as she rested her head on his chest.

"I promise... I will..."

"I'll take you to Klara. She'll give you the proper medication. The wound looks infected already," Visha suddenly lifted her head from his chest.

"Klara? No... I don't want to go to her," she frowned, "you know I don't like her. I am never comfortable around her," she protested.

"Then I'll get Trina to do it. Are you fine with Trina?" He's not one to debate with anyone. He didn't have the patience for that.

"Yes. It's fine by me," She felt relaxed again. "So... What's your plan?"

"What plan?" He steadily stroked her hair, enjoying the feeling he got from it as they both relaxed on the bed.

"Reyana." She listened briefly to get a reaction from him but there was none, so she continued, "The more time you take in making a decision, the more dangerous it gets," Her voice was laced with concern.

"How do you mean?" Randall asked.

"You wouldn't want your enemies to know about this. They'll prepare to launch an attack if they do."

Randall chuckled, "And how would they know? Our secrets are always safe. We are all one. No member of the Blood Crescent pack betrays their pack by spreading such information to outsiders," He said with pride.

"You seem to trust a lot, Alpha Randall..."

"I know my people and how loyal they are to me. Moreover, we don't have a mole in our mist and you know that. So, our secret is safe, Visha."

"What about me?" She sat up to look into his eyes, "The more time it takes for you to make a decision, the longer I'll have to remain your mistress... It's not a thing of pride to be seen as the Alpha's mistress," Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Visha... Let me handle it, okay? You don't have to cry about it," he stood up, adjusting his black leather trousers, "I'm going to have dinner. Coming?"

"Uh... No... I just... I'll have mine later. I need to rest now."

"Okay. I'll see you later." He said casually as he left her chamber.

Visha watched him walk away without sparing her another glance, her tear-filled face suddenly turning into an angry glare.


Reyana lay quietly on the bed. She had been in Klara's chamber since she regained consciousness.

Klara felt sad for her, but there was nothing she could do but wish her luck.

Reyana was a bit helpless as she was still bound with chains. All she could do was wait for her fate to be decided.

Her silky ebony hair was now looking messy and unkempt. She had grown pale from lack of adequate rest after the horrible encounter in the woods. The memory tormented her.

She thought about the woman in the woods. She had to find out who that woman was. Everyone had to know there was someone suspicious in the pack.

But... She recalled she had tried to stab the woman. What if she was already dead? But on a second thought, if she had succeeded in stabbing her, she wouldn't have been the only one found in the woods.

She heaved a sigh of frustration. Everything was messing with her head. She suddenly remembered the dagger she had pulled out to stab the strange woman. It was a parting gift from her late mother and the thought of losing it just like that made her heart twist with sadness.

Reyana looked around, but there was no way she could make it out of there. Her only option was to wait until she left this mini-dungeon, then she'd set out to find her dagger.

"Having a hard time falling asleep?" Reyana heard a familiar voice from the door. She followed the sound of the voice and she saw Aldric flashing her a smile.

"You monster!" She spat angrily at him. For a moment, she forgot she was in chains as she tried to charge towards him but the chains held her back.

Her eyes shot daggers at him but he didn't flinge, he only walked closer to her.

"Reyana..." He called softly, "Please, listen to me..." He sat beside the bed.

"I don't want to listen to anything you have to say! Get lost! You put me in this condition, Aldric!" She tried yelling at him but her strength failed her.

"No... It was never my intention, Reya. I wish you'd just spare me a moment and hear me out," he went down on his knees, "Please, Reya. You know I'd never hurt you intentionally... Just hear me out..." He reached out to touch her arm but she shot him a deathly glare.

"The Alpha was in the woods last night. I never expected to see him there. I bumped into him and when he asked where I was going, I had no excuse... No defence... No lie to tell... I had nothing to say that would have guaranteed my life..." He paused, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"I knew that no matter how mad Alpha Randall could get, he could never kill his own mate... So, I had to put it all on you in order to save us... You know the Alpha... He would never have spared my life, Reyana. I am sorry, please, my love," Aldric broke down in tears.

Reyana felt all her anger dissipate immediately. In all he said, there was a hint of truth in there. Alpha Randall would never give her such an easy death... He had so much torture planned out for her. So, Aldric did the right thing.

"Aldric..." She called weakly.

"Yes, Reya," his response was quick. He was eager to get her forgiveness. He lifted his tearful gaze, eager to hear her next words.

"I wasn't alone last night," she broke the news, the look on her face contouring into a puzzled one.

This piqued his curiosity, "What do you mean?" A thousand thoughts ran through his head at once.

"There was a woman in the woods."