
The Alpha Twins (B1)

Updates on Saturdays The Alpha Twins ~ Book 1 in the Wolf Trials ~ In a world like none other, there lives a boy named Kai and he is a very special guy. For one, Kai is an Omega boy which it’s not rare, but it’s very uncommon. But for whatever reason, Kai has been unable to find an Alpha to mate with. It was sad but Kai went on with life, not letting it bother him. But when not one, but two Alpha brothers come into his life, will Kai be prepared for everything that will happen next? The Hunters of the Moon ~ Book 2 in the Wolf Trials ~ After his parents were murdered, Jace was sold into the sex-trade where he was tortured for months – thankfully only beaten – and a specific hunter takes special interest in Jace. After Jace kills him, the hunter’s brother decides to make Jace’s life a living hell. After Jace is thrown back into the sex-trade as punishment, Jace loses hope that he was ever going to be able to get out of this life. That is until the bidder who wins him ends up being someone who turned over a new leaf, and is trying to do the right thing. Jace finally has a new family, someone he can count on, but he should’ve known that life doesn’t work that way and he is forced to flee once more. But this time, he isn’t afraid, and he will do whatever it takes to be happy again. Even if that means loving two wolves.

NovelsStudio · Fantasía
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31 Chs

The Wolf Ball 1.4

My whole body seemed to freeze when I heard those words come from Kody's mouth. The Alphas are behind me? Why did they come over here? Are they going to take Kody's side like everyone else did, and force me to do something that I don't want to. While Kody and the Alphas seemed to be talking back and forth, I didn't hear a word they said as I greedily inhaled the Alphas' scents, wondering why they smelled so addicting. The first scent was a woodsy kind of scent while the other was a vanilla/lavender kind of scent. I couldn't help but tense when I felt a body brush lightly against my back, making me shiver. Why is one of the Alphas standing so close to me? Kody seemed to notice this as well, and I saw his jaw clench in anger but he didn't say anything.

"Kai, let's go." Kody held out his hand to me, his tone somehow saying that he was attempting to order me to follow him, "let's go talk somewhere more private. Okay?"

Not realizing I had done it, I shrunk back into the Alpha behind me for protection. I didn't want to go anywhere with Kody because I wouldn't put it past him that he would do something stupid. I was so locked on Kody that I didn't realize the Alpha behind me had put his arm loosely around my midsection, keeping me close and he leaned down and scented me, his nose running along the top of my hair. I didn't even notice the attention we were drawing until dad came barreling through the crowds, eyes dark and furious.

"You son of a bitch!" Dad snarled as he got straight up in Kody's face, fangs bared, and I knew he was pissed since dad rarely talks, "after that bullshit you pulled two years ago, I told you to stay far away from Kai. I should beat the shit out of you. Stay away from my son, you no good bastard. Kai deserves better than you, and he doesn't need you hurting him once more."

Kody glared at dad, his hands balled into fists, "all I was doing was apologizing to Kai and asking him for another chance. I made a mistake. I want to fix it."

A mewl of pain escaped me and I couldn't help but voice my opinion, "I don't care if what you did was a 'mistake' and you want to fix it. I will NEVER give you another chance. I want nothing to do with you so leave me alone."

Kody's jaw clenched and he glanced between me and dad as if he thought he was somehow going to force me to come and talk to him. But after a moment of complete silence, Kody huffed, rolling his eyes. His cold eyes locked on mine and he smirked slightly.

"That's fine. Who would want a whore anyways." Kody stated simply.

Before dad could attack him, Kody stuffed his hands in his pockets and strode off, whistling to himself. Dad was fuming, I could tell, and he turned around. But I saw the surprise that flit across dad's face when he saw who was holding me. Dad cleared his throat, and gave me a questioning look.

Dad ~ ~ ~ Kai, why is Alpha Christian holding you so close?

I blushed profusely, suddenly realizing the position that I was in. I squirmed slightly, trying to loosen the Alpha's grip on me. The Alpha behind me growled but he did release me. I took a step forward before I spun around and faced the Alphas who had come to my rescue. My eyes widened slightly and my mouth went dry when I saw the Adonis' standing there.

"Kai, this is Alpha Christian and Alpha Giovanni." Dad introduced us, tension clear in the air, "Alphas, this is my son, Kai."

I let out a soft 'hello' but my heart was going haywire. From what I knew, the Alphas were twin brothers, and there was no doubt about that. Both stood at 6'5", and had tan skin and muscles upon muscles that rippled beneath their clothing. Both of them had short black hair but Alpha Giovanni had bright blue eyes and Alpha Christian had beautiful green eyes. How can anybody look as handsome as they do?

"Um, thank you for helping me, Alpha-" I began, unable to meet their eyes.

"You may call me Kit." Alpha Christian cut me off, his expression stoic but his voice was soft, "and this is Gio."

I could feel my dad staring at me in confusion, and my face went even more red, "oh, um, thank you, Kit."

"It's no problem at all." Kit murmured, before turning his attention to dad, "after the ball is over, Gio and I would like to talk to you and your mate if that is alright-"

"Jordan." Dad murmured, a blank expression on his face, "and yes, that'll be fine. We can house you guys tonight if you want since it'll be so late. My mate makes delicious food."

Kit smiled slightly, and my breath hitched in my throat as I saw how his face had lit up, "that sounds like a good idea then. I will see you then."

Kit gave me once more passing over before he turned around and started walking away. Gio stood there for a moment longer, staring at me with a passive expression, before he too turned around and followed his brother. I couldn't help but stare after them, wondering what in the world just happened. But then suddenly, dad grabbed my wrist and dragged me away, ignoring all the stares that we were getting. Dad found us a secluded spot before he released me and whipped around, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Talk." Dad growled.

I flinched, wondering what dad was so mad about, "I don't know. Kody had approached me and he had started stuff. Then Alpha Christian and Giovanni came and basically protected me from Kody and stuff. That was pretty much it. Well, it was basically Alpha Christian talking and stuff, not Alpha Giovanni. But I'm happy that they helped me because I don't know if I would've been able to fight off Kody by myself."

Dad frowned, eyeing me suspiciously, "and that's all that happened? Why was his arm around you?"

"I'm not too sure." I admitted, "I didn't really know he had it around me until you came around. I'm okay, dad, I can handle myself for the most part."

Dad didn't seem too sure but he sighed and nodded, "fine. Let's go home and have your mom start getting dinner ready. I'm sure she will be surprised that we are going to host the Alphas."

I nodded in agreement, a big smile on my face. For some reason, I felt giddy that the Alphas were going to be in my home, but I couldn't help but wonder what they wanted to talk to mom and dad about. I had this gut feeling that something was about to happen, but I wasn't sure what it was.