
To the club birthday girl

As we descended the stairs the kitchen was busy with workers and people who lived there coming and going. We quickly grabbed our plates from one of the workers who smiled at us complimenting our outfits. It looked like Val talked to the girl often. We only had 20 minutes before Ash pulled up out front to take us to the club. When he saw us his facial expression was unrecognizable.

"You both look great!" he cleared his throat making us both laugh.

"I do great work, I know." Val said tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder walking towards his car. Fallon and I blush slightly laughing at all the attention.

"Thanks," I murmured, taking in his white button up shirt just slightly open and his dark jeans underneath. "You too." I said climbing in the back knowing Val would already want the front.

The drive to Val's mom's club was kind of a long ride. It was on the outskirts of the pack lands in the city, even humans stumbled in from time to time. We were silent during the ride except for the radio playing some song lightly in the background. I couldn't help but feel restless, so did Fallon. Feeling her stir I felt a little more at ease, a little more ready to take on this new environment. Having my wolf beside me was truly a blessing by the Moon Goddess. I finally felt more like myself than I have ever before with her by my side.

When we finally pulled up there was a long line that stretched almost to the end of the block wrapping around the tall brick building. No wonder she could afford all the dresses her mom must have one of the most popular clubs in the city, probably since it was mainly for our kind. I smiled as Ash and Val climbed out with such confidence heading over to the driver that was waiting for his keys. I slowly got out of the car, a lot more gracefully than I ever have before and followed them. I heard people in line groaning as we walked in before all of them.

The bouncer who let us in led us upstairs to a VIP area, there were large red couches and tables full of birthday party decorations.

"Happy Birthday babe!" Val exclaims twirling with her arms out. "We have our own space but we can also go dance! And anything you want to drink is on the house. You may know, I know the owner." She winked and ran over to the rail looking out at the party just getting started below.

"I hope you have a great night! I always do when we come here." Ash squeezed my hands before joining her at the railing.

I looked at my best friends and slowly took in the scene around me, I couldn't be happier. I took one of the champagne bottles from the table and popped it open. They jumped turning around staring at me with wide eyes.

"When in Rome?" I say sheepishly as I start pouring a glass for all three of us.

"Yes!" Val yelled, walking over to accept hers, and Ash not too far behind her.

"To new beginnings, best friends, and good times." we all raised our glasses clinking them. Laughing we drank our drinks and then a few more. After a little bit me and Val are dancing all around our lounge with Ash laughing watching her as he sat on the couch. I'll be honest I've never drank this much in my life, maybe one or two glasses of wine my mom would slip me on holidays but never this many glasses. I felt amazing! So did Fallon, although she seemed more dazed than drunk.

"Let's go out on the dance floor," Val begged, pulling me to the door.

I let her pull me down the stairs and to the dance floor, surprised that even after drinking I was still able to not fall down. I'll have to get used to this stability. I started to giggle shyly as Val and I danced like there was no one else in the room. We laughed and danced circles gracefully around those around us.

"Hey do you want to dance?" Fallon growled, causing me to pull away from him making a face.

"N.. No thank you." I faked a small smile and turned back to where Val who was lost in the music was dancing.

"Oh come on," the guy reached out and grabbed my arm.

This pissed Fallon off causing her growl to come from deep in my chest and out my mouth, I was so surprised to hear her growl sound so powerful. It must be the liquid courage I thought quietly.

"No need to get bent out of whack. I was only trying to talk to you." The creep said as he tried to stroke his greasy hand along the part of my arm he let go of.

I pull my arm away sharply turning to get Val to go back to the section when he grabs my arm again.

"Your beautiful I'm sure I can make you happy," he paused looking me up and down "for the night that is," he said causing a shiver of disgust to run up my spine. I turned around knowing my eyes were black.

Fallon took over the minute he grabbed me again, I am too new to control her just yet. She yanked my arm away, quickly checking to make sure Val was not experiencing this, once satisfied she scanned the crowd. I couldn't figure out what she was looking for until our eyes met his, the small pools of emeralds stared back at me in shock. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a low V-neck shirt standing in one of the VIP rooms upstairs. Once I saw him I regained control noticing just exactly whose eyes they belonged to.. Finn Tate, our next alpha and the one person who scares me to the bone.

I heard his growl and realized it was time to go so did the guy who was trying to talk to me. I turned to grab Val, looking at her with pleading eyes. She saw my face and instantly knew something was off, she took my hand and ran with me back to Ash. Once back up the stairs she looked at me but I was still too scared I could not talk. Ash and her exchanged quick looks and we were on our way out immediately.

Val took command silently linking those who worked here to get us out safely not really knowing what was wrong she was taking extra precaution. We were in the car the driver ready to go and Ash climbing into the back with me protectively with in the next couple minutes. As we drove off I looked back in time to hear him let out a low terrifying growl. The emotion on his face was almost looked shocked or hurt. Ha, if he even feels pain I shuddered to myself causing Fallon to growl at me.

"What was that?" Val says in a small voice. Ash didn't answer but I could feel him tense beside me.

Why was it him goddess, why him? I pleaded with myself but the way Fallon was bouncing around I could tell that she was happy to see him.

"Both of you in one day! What a treat." Fallon said practically bursting.

Great she wants this, I rolled my eyes. I finally calmed down and found enough courage to speak,

"Guys, I found my mate." I said in a small voice, both of their heads whipped towards me in confusion.

"Why are we running then?" she asked, looking concerned. They both stared at me with caring eyes.

"Its.. I.. It's Young alpha Finn." I couldn't help but shake as I said it. Both of their faces stared at me in even further shock than instant sadness for me. I wanted to cry, now that he knew me how I was supposed to hide from him at school.

"You're not silly, he's our mate!" Fallon chirped happy as can be. I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"He's evil hun, trust me." I say to her not trying to hide my fear.

"He is our mate, the Goddess made him just for us." she cooed from the back of my mind. I couldn't help but feel uneasy at her trusting so willingly.

"Oh Dali, are you okay? Are you going to reject him?" Val asked, so concerned but there was some distance behind her eyes. She hasn't met her mate yet but I also think she is not really trying anyway.

"I don't know." I whispered, bringing my hands to my chest feeling almost empty from hearing him growl at the club and seeing his face. We were almost back to Val's house when I asked the driver to just drop me off at home. Of course they asked to come hang out but honestly I just needed to be alone.

"You're never alone hun." Fallon said lovingly. I knew she only meant well but she didn't know what I did about him.

Soon enough we were outside my house and saying goodbyes.

"You sure we can't stay?" they both asked numerous times on the way over.

"Yes, I am okay guys." was my answer for them each time. I honestly just wanted the day to end.

I slowly climbed the stairs to my house waving to them as they set off. I entered feeling a sense of safety being back in the house. I quickly ran upstairs, showered and changed into my pajamas. After that I went downstairs to eat the dinner mom and dad left for me, just happy to finally shake the feeling of fear. How could the Moon Goddess pair me with an alpha, and not just any alpha but the one I have been running from for the past two years. Fallon, annoyed with my thoughts about our mate, went silent. I started to panic thinking she wouldn't come back if she left.

"Relax chick, I'm not going anywhere." she said, annoyed with me. I sighed in relief, I didn't want to lose her not especially now that I know what kind of mate we have. I ate my dinner quietly thinking about the different rumors I had heard about young alpha Finn.

There was one where they said he beat a wolf to such a pulp he never left the hospital, he just lives there non-responsiveness to the outside world. Or the one where they said he threw a professor out of the window just because he gave him a low grade. Whatever the story, they all were essentially the same. The violent young alpha and his goonies were always up to no good. That's exactly why the school steers clear of them, well except those who fall for that bad boy type and let me tell you that is not my type.

I washed the dishes slowly, not wanting to upset dad but not really wanting to do them either. How am I going to make it through school tomorrow? How will I hide? What if he is with some other she-wolf? The last question made both me and my wolf flinch. No, I would not see him so I would not even get a chance to notice. I tried to tell myself but the thought of not seeing him hurt just as much. Stupid mate bond. I pouted as I finally finished the dishes, noticing it was already 12:00 am I decided it was time to go to sleep.

I plopped on my full size bed taking in my favorite pillow and hugging it tight. I didn't realize how much of a day I had until I finally laid down and found myself fighting my eyes. It wasn't long until I drifted off to a deep sleep. I expected to dream some crazy dream I always do after an eventful day but I didn't dream at all. I slept more deeply and soundly than I ever have before. Before I knew it my alarm was going off.

I woke up feeling so refreshed, almost like I had slept for days. I stretched up feeling my muscles. Somehow they felt stronger, I turned to look at them to see a small definition on my bicep that was not there before. Jumping up I flew across the room so fast I slammed into my desk. The homework that sat there flew all over as I crashed into it. I sat on the floor where I fell waiting for the pain to start but it didn't.

I heard footsteps racing up the stairs, since when could I hear these things. I had started to get up as my parents rushed into my room.

"Honey are you alright?" my mom said her face looking worried as she rushed in to help me up.

"Dal, you okay?" my dad asked his brow furrowed with concern.

"Yes, I don't know what happened. I think it might be Fallon." I said rubbing my side where it should hurt. They just stared back at me in confusion. "My wolf, her name is Fallon." I said a small smile creeping on my face.

"You talked to your wolf?" my moms face lit up with excitement where my dads went blank.

"Yes, and she is wonderful mom!" I beamed as her smile grew wider.

"I'm so proud darling! I can not wait to tell the servers tonight! My baby talks to her wolf!" she danced out of the room realizing I am fine. My dad just stared at me, it was starting to make me nervous. I guess he could sense this and he just quietly smiled and give me a small hug before leaving.

Quickly I picked up my papers and shoved them into my bag before getting ready for the day. Walking into the bathroom I get a small glimpse of myself and had stop to stare at the stranger looking back. My curls had become more tame and silky, my deep brown eyes now a mixture of drown and gold. Even my tan had become even over my newly found muscles. I was shocked to see myself looking like this, this must be why my dad was staring at me.

"You're welcome sweet heart." Fallon laughed as I realized that I am becoming an actual she-wolf.

"This is really us?" I said rubbing my now perfectly clear skin.

"What we have been meant to be this whole time." she said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked hoping in the shower. She didn't answer me but instead grew quite. I guess she did not know the answer either. I made quick work of getting ready, only throwing on a sweater and some jeans before heading downstairs for breakfast. I was eating my toast as the thought of seeing the young alpha started to scare me, but I was on a scholarship I could not miss a day just because of him. I finished placing my dish in the sink, squaring my shoulders and set off to campus. My confidence growing now that I finally have Fallon, and I can't help but think I finally look like the other she-wolves of the pack.