
The Alpha king Returns

Bruce’s father was killed when he was young and ever since then he had been living with his uncle, who was a wealthy millionaire. Under the circumstances that his uncle died, he doesn’t know. As a grown man he felt that he was different from most people around him, but he couldn’t quite place his mind on why he felt that way. Things suddenly take a different turn when he finds his uncle dead and gets attacked and almost killed by a vampire. He then finds out that he is a werewolf, but just not any ordinary werewolf, but the son of a powerful Alpha. He is now aware that there are other supernaturals that exist in the city that he lives in. Hungry for revenge, he goes after the wolves that were responsible for killing his father and take back the alpha throne. In the events that follow, he meets a hybrid. Gwen and they both battle every supernatural force that comes their way in the ultimate game for the throne.

Christopher_Okafor_2142 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter three

The city of Chicago didn't know supernaturals existed amongst them. They were ignorant of that fact but Gwen knew it.

It was because of this reason that she was part of a supernatural agency who did their best to make sure that humans never found out about the supernaturals living amongst them.

It wasn't only because of that; it was because of the fact that Gwen was a supernatural being herself.

She was a hybrid and a rare one at that. One of the only hybrids to have ever descended from the Ring clan.

The Ring clan was an ancient werewolf race that had the ability to hurt vampires. Other werewolves from other clans didn't possess this ability but the Ring clan always had a knack for it.

A bite from them was lethal to any vampire and because of that vampires have always been on the hunt for them.

The clan was a small one now, a shadow of its former glory. Probably because the pack had almost been hunted to the brink of extinction.

Just at the verge of being wiped out, the clan had made a dangerous move. A werewolf had offered her body to a vampire in hopes that some sort of treaty could be reached between the both worlds so as to end the killings.

But even that hadn't worked. It was soon found out that the wolves of the Rings couldn't interbreed with vampires.

The carnage continued until her father, a vampire, had fallen in love with her mother and birthed her.

They called her the miracle baby and gave her a unique name, Gwen.

But even at that, vampires were still bitter enemies to werewolves and werewolves bitter enemies to vampires.

The fight between the both supernatural creatures would continue until they had each wiped themselves clean off the face of the earth.

From an early age, she knew that she was a hybrid. Her parents could never hide anything from her. All her life, they had been on the run.

Asides from being a hybrid, it was discovered that Gwens blood could heal a vampire from a werewolves bite and could also kill a werewolf when mixed with the right ingredients.

This had turned her into a hybrid trophy that werewolves and vampires sought, even those from her own clan.

It had been difficult growing up. They had always moved from one state to another, always watching their backs, always conscious of their surroundings.

Because any oversight on her parents' part or on her part could lead to Gwen being abducted and used for a series of strange tests.

For half her life, her parents had been very meticulous in keeping her identity hidden and as a result Gwen had very little friends while growing up.

She felt strong and she knew she was strong. Hybrids had the combined power of both werewolves and vampires. A werewolves' excellent smell and brute strength combined with a vampire's cunning and evasive powers made a hybrid a very formidable foe.

But even though her parents were very meticulous and did all they could to make sure that her identity never got out to the world, it wasn't enough.

On her nineteenth birthday, her parents had been attacked and had been brutally murdered.

When investigations had been carried out, it turned out that her father had trusted one of his vampire friends the location of where they were hidden, not knowing that that so-called friend had an agenda.

He wanted Gwens blood all to himself. He had struck out with at least a dozen vampires and no matter how her parents fought back they were outnumbered and killed.

Gwen escaped and had survived. She also knew that her parents' killers were still on the lookout for her.

The incident of that night had never left her memory for one day. She kept a clear mental picture of her parents' killers.

They would never go scot free.

She felt annoyed with rage anytime she remembered that people only saw her as a tool, something that they could draw power out of.

As far as being a hybrid went, they only needed her blood. It had taken her years to accept the harsh reality.

Gwen had been alone half her life. Other female werewolves already had mates but; she had stopped herself from seeking anyone.

It wasn't that Gwen didn't fancy the idea of having a mate but she was scared because of another reason.

She was scared of betrayal.

Her father had been betrayed. What was to stop her mate from betraying her as soon as he found out that she was a hybrid.

For that reason alone, she decided that she needed to set her priorities straight. Love would come but at the right time...

Although she was engaged.

Yes, it was funny but Gwen was engaged to Nick.

Nick was the leader of the whole vampire ring in Chicago and he was nothing like her dream mate could ever be. He was reckless,compulsive, and had a wild streak to himself.

Nick was the exact definition of a rogue vampire. His brute strength was akin to his savage manner.

Gwen was only engaged to him for one reason and one reason alone. She needed intel from him, and she hoped that by getting closer to him she could get some information on the vampires that had killed her parents that night.

Being engaged to Nick brought a lot of advantages. She had easy access to most places most werewolves wouldn't dream of crossing because it was vampire territory and was heavily guarded by them.

She could also gather pieces of information from Nick on when they planned their hunt and she was able to thwart those plans.

The paranormal agency that she worked in was run by an old friend of hers back in highschool.

They had both known each other was different in a way right from the time that they had set their eyes on each other.

Instantly becoming best friends Gwen and Tom were like inseparable twins.

Tom was a werewolf from a distant clan in the mountains. He wasn't as strong as the werewolves of the ring clan, yet he had been blessed with something else.

Intuition and willpower. Tom had a lot of it and for this very reason she admired him.

Today though wasn't a good day in Gwens list of good days.

They had gotten a three one one call and whenever they received a call from that line it was never good news.

The major reason why Gwen had given her all to make sure that the company did all they could to keep supernaturals a secret and in turn protect humans from them was beacuse she had been a witness to something that had changed the entire course of her life.

Years back she had encountered a vampire feast. From time to time vampires had what they liked to call little feasts.

She had been unfortunate to step in when one had been going on.

It was carnage. Later in the news that day it had been confirmed that fifteen people had been killed.

She had never seen anything like it and in rage she had killed every single vampire that had participated in that feast and had burnt their bodies lest no one knew it was her that did it.

Humans might be weaker than them but she knew what would happen when they suddenly became aware that they were sharing the city with deadly supernaturals.

The call had come early in the morning from one of their scouts saying that there had been a murdrer in one of the parks.

Gwen knew what that meant. Dead bodies equal to police men and policemen equal to news reporters.

She had acted quickly taking her team over to the place of the incident.

Her team was a three man team. She had hand picked them when Tom had first recruited her into the organization and she had made sure that they had been well grounded for very missing that they went to operate.

They had arrived at the scene of the incident and had managed to get the body away from the park and into a secluded corner.

Standing over the body Gwen stared at it and felt bile rise up her throat.

"What do you reckon did it? '' Cory asked, one of her team members who was a werewolf.

It was very obvious what had caused the death of the man that Gwen was now staring at.

She didn't even need to examine the body to know what the pale blue color that looked as though it had been drained of all blood in its system signified.

But nevertheless she went ahead with the customary check to make sure that she didn't miss anything or left any doubts to wind.

Turning the body sideways she saw two bite marks on the neck of the body.

It had been a vampire attack, just as she suspected.

Sighing she stood up for the body and took out a pencil and a notepad she usually kept close to her.

Adding the body to the numbers that she had kept in the journal she confirmed that the total number of kills by the vampires for that month had risen to fifty.

Something needed to be done to keep these blood thirsty beings in check.

Tyler, the vampire who was in her team, lifted up the body after Gwen had confirmed that it had been a vampire attack.

"You know what to do?" She asked.

Tyler nodded, "it's my duty after all."

With that he was gone from the alleyway leaving Gwen and Cory in silence.

The car was parked at the entrance to the alley way so walking there wasn't going to be a problem.

Her only problem was being alone with Cory. Like any other werewolf he was seeking a mate and he had his eyes on Gwen.

He had made his intention known a few times but Gwen had politely declined him. It never stopped him from trying anything he got even the slightest opportunity with her.

As they started their walk back to the car she knew that Cory wanted to say something to her. It was very obvious in the way that he was behaving.

"What is it Cory?"

Cory looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Say what is in your mind. You obviously have something to tell me."

Cory sighed.

"What the hell are you still doing with Nick?"

Gwen gave Cory a small smile.

"We've gone over this a lot of times, Cory. I need Nick for the protection and the intel being engaged to him comes with, not because I love him or anything."

A lot of people weren't happy when they found out that she had gotten engaged to the deadly King of vampires.

Nicks name was a terror to those who knew him.

"I know but it doesn't make any sense, I mean you can still do all those things you are doing now without coming anywhere close to Nick."

Cory was correct but Gwen wanted to hide the fact that she was a hybrid from everyone that she could, even her closest friends. So far the only thing that people knew was that Gwen was a werewolf.

Even her teammates back at the agency didn't know. Hell even Tom was in the dark about her identity.

She wasn't about to make the same mistake that her father had made.

Blind trust had killed him and her mother. Sue wasn't going to make that mistake.

"It's my way of doing things Cory. Just like you have your way of doing yours."

Cory scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Fine I don't doubt your way of doing stuff but all I'm asking for here is a chance Gwen. I don't see what is holding you back. You're a wolf and I'm a wolf we could make this work.

In a normal scenario yes it was the ideal marriage but that was not the case. This was not the case.

An ideal scenario for Gwen was when she would finally meet someone whom she could share the avret that she was a hybrid without being scared that he was going to train against her.

"Not now Cory. We've talked about this before. Right now I'm not ready to be in a relationship, but nobody knows what the future will bring."

Cory looked hurt but said nothing. The silence followed them till they reached the car.

"You know you can't wait forever Gwen. Soon you would look around and there is no one around you" Cory said with a tinge of bitterness in his voice.

Gwen sighed and got into the car as Cory drove them away from the alley way.