
The Alpha King's Tribrid Mate

Warning:Mature content. ... Layla shivered as Riven's hot lips trailed down her jawline, burning a hot trail towards her lips that were aching to be kissed. But he didn't kiss her. Instead he hovered a breathe away over her parted lips. His palms gripped her waist and pulled her closer. He watched her with half-closed eyes, his golden pupils burning with raw passion. Layla trembled under his intense gaze and her lips parted further. "Riven...", she whispered. "Tell me what you want, my sweet Layla". Riven's husky response caressed her ears. "Kiss me...please". ... How well can we survive from the trauma of childhood abuse? Most times, all it takes is a step off the edge of a cliff to end it all. And that is what Layla did. Born from rape and abused since childhood, Layla loses her ability to speak and gradually loses the zeal to continue living. There was nothing left for her in the cruel world and she was ready to put an end to it. Giving up on life, she made her way to the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast ocean. Without a second thought, she closed her eyes and let her body go, welcoming the peace and calmness that came with death. And when she opened her eyes again, there was a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. ... Supreme Alpha Riven Qinn, Alpha of Dark Creek Pack, strongest and most powerful lycan ever, has lived for centuries and with each passing full moon, he loses the hope of ever finding his one true mate. But fate directs him and he finds Layla on the shores of the river surrounding his territory, almost buried under the wet sand. He touched her and one word resounded in his head. MATE! Safe in the arms of the Alpha, Layla realizes the world is not as cruel as she thought. A deep passion springs forth between the mated lovers and Layla finds herself longing for his touch and presence. Suddenly strange phenomenon begins to occur. Layla's speech is restored and along with it comes strange powers coupled with the gut wrenching pain she endures every full moon. An ancient fae is consulted and it is discovered that Layla is a special being. A Tribrid. Born from the three strongest bloodlines. This discovery brings forth damned creatures and giant titans from Tartarus, all with a desire to possess the blood of the Tribrid which can cause great havoc in the wrong hands. Riven and Layla will have to fight against Tartarus and the endless conspiracies that threatens to tear them apart. In the course of saving the world, can their love overcome all obstacles or will fate bring them to ruin? Author's Note:This is not your usual werewolf story. It's my version. Author:BellaCupid Email:cupidofafrica@gmail.com Email:bellaxcobar@gmail.com Discord:BellaCupid#2434 Instagram:bellacupid17

BellaCupid · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs


The next few days in the mansion was extremely quiet and uneventful. Riven kept Layla company every passing second, never leaving her side and placing Cade in charge of all the meetings with the Ancient Shifters. He made it clear to everyone that he wouldn't tolerate being disturbed when he was with his mate. Even Annabelle wasn't left out.

During these days of peace and quiet, Annabelle didn't get a chance to speak much with Layla. Each time she brought up the issue about taking Layla away to the human world, Riven would always shut her down, adamantly refusing to let Layla go with her. It annoyed her immensely, making her loath the mate bond between them. It made her remember a certain hybrid creature.

If she didn't find a private moment with Layla, she wouldn't been able to give her the apple and carry out her plans. Call her selfish and unreasonable, but she kept assuring herself that she was doing it for her daughter's protection. Layla had to be hidden from the supernatural realm and the human realm before her full powers unleashed.

However one day, Riven got a report from Cade, about the ancient shifters wanting to see him urgently. It seemed they caught some kind of creature at the borders of the island and needed him to be present before discovering what kind of creature it was and deciding its fate.

Riven hated to leave his mate but this time, he had no choice. This was a meeting he couldn't pass on to Cade. And a part of him also felt guilty for keeping Layla all to himself and not allowing her to be with her mother. He knew he had to release his tight hold on Layla and let her live freely a little more. But not too much. He would always be close enough to protect her from harm but far enough to let her find her own feet.

That particular morning when he got the news from Cade, he squatted in front of Layla who was sitting on the bed and ran his fingers through her long silky hair.

"You're leaving",Layla said quietly, even before Riven could say a word. She was getting used to his routine and she knew he would always spend these precious time with her if he had a place to go.

Riven was a bit startled when she spoke and he chuckled lightly, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs.

"Just for a little while my love",he told her quietly, staring deep into her eyes. "The ancient shifters caught a creature at the borders of the island"

"What kind of creature?",Layla asked softly, her grey eyes round with intrigue and curiosity.

"We don't know yet",Riven answered her, enjoying the way her eyes lit up prettily.

"Can I come with you?",she asked hopefully, wanting to go on another ride with Riven on the stallion.

Riven watched her with eyes that shone with the deep love he had for his mate. He gently stroked her lower lip, his eyes darkening as he thought of the day he would finally kiss her.

"I wish you could my love",he told her gently. "But I can't risk endangering you again. I don't know the kind of creature the ancient shifters caught. I don't want to endanger you like the last time with the dragon shifters"

Layla was upset but she understood what he meant. Riven had told her so many times that he would give his life to protect her. And she didn't want to keep acting like a spoiled little girl in front of him. So she nodded slowly, indicating that she understood.

"I'll be back soon. And when I'm back, I will take you somewhere",Riven assured her.

"Where?",Layla inquired, her eyes lighting up with curiosity again.

Riven chuckled and lightly kissed her lips, making a deep blush bloom on her cheeks. They hadn't shared a real kiss yet but Layla still felt her toes curl with desire each time Riven kissed her that way.

"It's a surprise",Riven whispered against her lips and pulled her up with him. His eyes drank in the sight of her curvy body, clad in a beautiful blue dress that brought out the colour of her eyes. Her hair spilled down her shoulders and he couldn't resist curling a thick strand over his finger.

"While I'm gone, I want you to stay with Anna... your mother"

Layla didn't know what to feel when Riven told her she would spend her time with her mother. She was actually glad that the woman who birthed her was alive, but after believing Madame Parker's lies all her life, she didn't know how to act in the presence of her mother. She didn't know what to say. There were no pleasant memories to share; only memories of abuse and torture. Memories she was trying hard to forget.

"What's bothers you, my sweet Layla?",Riven asked when he noticed the sad expression on her face.

"I...",she paused and moistened her lips. "I've lived all my life, without someone to call my mother",she whispered softly. "After believing all the lies about how I killed her at birth, I wouldn't know how to act, what to say"

Riven turned her so she was facing him. Then he cupped her face in his large palms, staring into her eyes.

"You don't need to know how to act, or what to say my love",he said to her. "All your life, you were ordered and told what to do. But not anymore. You're mine now, and the Luna of this pack. You're free to do whatever you want, and no one would dare stop you, or question you"

Layla heaved a deep sigh and tried to smile. She shivered as Riven's hands went around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Closing her eyes, she rested her head on his solid chest, enjoying the tingling sparks that his touch brought.

"I promise my love. You will be fine",he assured her.

After Riven was gone, Layla made her way to the north wing of the mansion, where Annabelle had been staying since she arrived at the island. Strangely enough, she didn't feel nervous or jumpy. When she knocked on Annabelle's door, her hands didn't tremble. She felt brave all of a sudden.

The door opened and a smile appeared on her face when Annabelle stared at her with surprise.

"Hello mother",Layla said softly.


For hours, both mother and daughter conversed freely about everything, laughing as they finally began to cover up the years they spent apart. Questions of the past were not asked because all that mattered to them was the present, and the moment they were currently sharing with each other.

"So tell me",Annabelle said while she beamed at her daughter. "Have you experienced any pain since the last time?"

"No mother",Layla said and smiled shyly. "Your magic worked". Then she looked away before continuing. "I know you think Riven is the cause of my pain..."

"I don't just think Layla honey. I know, and I'm glad we're talking about it now",Annabelle said. "Your spirit is weak, and being with your mate makes you vulnerable. I really wish he would let me take you to the human world, until you're stronger..."

"But I don't want to leave him",Layla quietly interrupted her.

"I know you don't want to honey",Annabelle said softly and moved closer to Layla, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But it is the only way"

Layla shook her head stubbornly.

"Riven will find a way to take the pain away", she said. "He always does"

"Nothing I say would make you change your mind?",Annabelle asked quietly. Her expression was one of determination.

"I'm sorry mother, but no. I... I love Riven. And I... I don't think I can ever leave him"

Annabelle sighed and mustered up a smile. She knew it would lead to this. Her daughter was already too attached to the lycan, and taking her away would be difficult. She had to resort to her final plan.

She drew her pouch closer to her and pulled out the apple within. It was juicy red and appealing to the eyes. Hardening her heart, she smiled at her daughter and dropped the apple on her palm.

"I can't force you to leave your mate Layla",she said, hating herself for what she was about to do, but doing it all the same. "I hope this apple helps you"

Totally unsuspecting, Layla stared at the apple in curiosity.

"How can it help?",she asked.

"It has special healing properties",Annabelle said and looked away, not wanting Layla to see the lie in her eyes. "It will help keep the pain away, long enough for Riven to find a permanent cure to stop it"

Layla stared at her mother with gratitude. Without another word, she bit into the apple with high hopes, trusting her mother and hoping it would take the pain away forever.

Suddenly she began to feel dizzy and hazy. Her vision blurred and the ground seemed to sway beneath her. The half eaten apple fell from her grip and seemed to drop to the ground in slow motion. Her limbs suddenly felt heavy and she collapsed on the bed.

Through hazy eyes, she watched her mother get up from the bed, staring at her sadly.

"What did ...you...d...?",she tried to speak but her tongue felt heavy and her words sounded garbled to her ears.

"I'm sorry Layla", Annabelle's voice seamed to come out from the end of a narrow tunnel. "But as your mother, I must keep you protected from the realm. Your identity can't be revealed..."

You betrayed me...

These words echoed in Layla's head as she slowly lost consciousness and the darkness claimed her.

Thank you all for the continuous voting and support lovelies ♥️

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