
The Alpha Heirs

A hidden daughter who makes it her dream to be the top in both the business world and Mafia world, because her siblings refuse to take those positions. However, her father refuses to hand it over to a female and decides to try and marry her off to the famous Jacob King. Her father, Alex Young, wants more status in the Mafia underworld, even if it means using his daughter, and the only person that can grant him that wish, is Jacob King is the King of the mafia underworld in Europe. at the time, half of Europe. Little does Alex know that fate brings the both of them together and not how he planned it. It seems, Selena, the Moon Goddess has greater plans for her children of the Moon. Jacob King is known as a young genius and cold-hearted person in both the underworld and the business world, yet when caught, Mackenzie Young eavesdropping into a meeting, he immediately fell in love. Mackenzie is not your regular young lady, after being a hidden daughter for fourteen years, without a motherly love, and a cold shoulder from her father, the young lady has learned the hard way to care for herself with the help of her brothers. When she meets Jacob King, she finds out about something that was hidden about her. And it wasn't that long after, that the secrets would change her life and three other men. *Cover from Google*

KennaB · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 28

"Master, she needs to sleep longer. Don't wake her, please." Rushing up the stairs to the bedrooms, passing by the old butler, barely hearing his words, until he whispered 'please'. Freezing in my tracks, I lowered my eyes to his, since he was standing on the main floor. And when he caught my gaze, bowed even deeper.

"Anthony, why don't you tell her?" I asked looking at the old man, referring to a secret that he's kept hidden for so long, that he's done so much to keep it hidden. However, it is bound to be unraveled by the intelligent woman in the upstairs bedroom, since it is a family secret.

"I'm no longer that man, I've been excluded from that family as soon as Alex said I was. Sadly, all I can do is to continue to watch her from afar, watching her grow up into the remarkable lady that I know she'll be." He looked into my eyes, with fresh tears in his eyes. Glancing at the door with a longing expression, that pained me.

"That is where you are wrong, Anthony. She'll find out eventually, she always does. And when she does, what will you do?" I inquired, watching how he reacted to the question while listening to the steady breaths within the room since I've slowly made my way up the stairs.

"I'll know when that time comes." He remarked, before turning on his heel, leaving me speechless, by his remark. Watching the old man enter into the kitchen, I took in a deep breath, reaching to open the bedroom door.

Taking a moment, for my eyesight to adjust to the dark room, I smiled hearing her small tired breaths, before stepping to the bed. Sitting on the edge of the left side, I studied her, in the the dying sunlight, that peaked through the curtain.

Her face was relaxed making her stunning, as her soft eyelids, hid her beautiful soft blue-green eyes. Her soft pink lips were slightly puckered as she was pouting, in her sleep. Her brown hair sprawled on the pillows, and the steady rise of her chest with every breath she took.

"Mmm." She mumbled something that I didn't catch, and without any warning, she then flipped, wrapping her arms loosly around me, with her head lying on my chest. Freezing for a second, I smiled while gently playing with her hair, in the mist I decided to braid it, so it wouldn't tangle.

Looking down at her slightly flushed face, I took in a deep breath, feeling my heart beat quickening. 'This girl will panic if she wakes up to this.' I chuckled to myself, before getting more comfortable on the bed, pulling the covers up to her shoulders and my waist.

Falling asleep right next to my oasis.

*** (Kenzie)

Pinewood and lavender flowed in the air, and I shifted in the bed, my nose itching, and then I bolted right up to see a huge figure lying beside me. His chest fell steadily, with his hair sparkling in the moonlight flowing in.

His face looked rather charming, whie he was relaxed. 'he even looks younger.' I thought to myself, as I reached out to brush a strange of hair out of his eyes.

When I moved the strand, I looked down at our intertwined hands, slightly confused for a second before releasing his comforting hold, sliding out of the bed on the opposite side.

"When I said come home, I didn't mean fall asleep in the same bed as me," I mumbled in a low voice, walking out of the room. Following the wonder smell of meat to the kitchen, and when I entered, Anthony paused what he was doing, nodding his head in ackloedment.

"When did he arrive?" I reached for a glass of cool water and he grunted. I quickly stepped out of the way as he flipped the hamburgers, surprised when he turned around to place a cup in my hands,

"He arrived five hours ago." He called from the pantry, and I drained the cup, filling it again, turning my head when I heard another pair of footsteps. "And there he is." Anthony walked back to the stove when Micheal walked in.

"You've got the wrong person, do we need to check on you, Anthony?" Micheal sarcastically spoke to the old man and even chuckled, Anthony grinned, before returning his attention on the hamburgers.

And them Micheal turned his focus on me, and did a double take, before turning deathly still.

"Luna?" He sounded breathless, and his eyebrows rose closer to the ceiling, in surprise. "When did you get here?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Ah, that is a long story." I turned around to set the cup on the counter, and suddenly my vision slightly blurred. Gripping the edge of the counter for the support, I could feel their worried gazes peicing into my back.

"Are you unwell?" Micheal asked as he took a couple of steps forward, reaching out to help.

"Just slightly exhausted." I took his proffered arm and trekked to one of the stools. I let out a tired sigh as I rested my head on the bar. "He is the second guest bedroom if you want to see him." Micheal looked antsy and wouldn't take his worryed gaze off of me, even though I answered a unasked question.

"I'm awake." Three heads looked in the direction of the bedheaded man standing in the doorway, and he just stared at the three of us. Anthony lowered his eyes after greeting his master, Micheal lowered his head in submission, and I just sat there with raised eyebrows, trying to not giggle.

"Aren't you being rude, not greeting someone you know." He jested as he took a couple of steps forward, pulling out the seat beside mine.

"I'm still debating on that." I joked back, putting a smile on his face, Micheal looked confused about our relationship, then just pulled out the other seat, letting the question fly by.

Our burgers were in front of us quicker than we thought, as Anthony just placed them on plates, before sliding them onto the bar, each one landing in front of us. Once he was satisfied with his work, he quietly left.

"How did you get back?" Jacob asked the question that I dreaded answering. Even Micheal perked his ears, waiting to hear the details.

"Huh... I don't know where I was in the beginning. I was being held captive for someone, and they sent Julian to came by, whoever it was." I let out a deep sigh before I started my tale.

"It was vampires, with a human leader. Charlie was his name. While I was in the cell, I noticed something was off when Julian came by, but couldn't pinpoint it. Killing three of them with a gun I snatched, I made a run for upper ground." I took a bite of the sandwich adding suspense.

"When I finally made it from underground, I saw a creature, unlike anything. He was killing the vampires like nothing, strangely Julian tried to stop me from seeing him, whoever he was. In the end, I just left the survivors with the monster, taking the nearby vehicle.

"I don't remember the rest of it. I don't even remember showing up here, Anthony said, I just magically appeared." I ended the story with two sets of eyes glued to me, making it hard to eat the remaining sandwich.

"Hey Kenzie, did you say that this monster killed vampires?" I brought up the horrifying image in my mind, the fangs and red eyes, that pale skin. His fangs were in someone's neck when I came across the scene, and left just as quick.

Dropping the sandwich back on the place, I clenched my jaw, this monster, was of course a pureblood vampire. I pushed out of my seat and looked back to the bookshelves.

"Do you have anything on pureblood vampires?" I asked looking into Jacob's teal eyes. His brows knitted together at the confusion, however, Micheal's jaw dropped at the mention of a vampire, and I waited for an answer.


Her greenish-blue eyes darkened slightly in anger, but there was also confusion in her expression. I watched her process our question, and it changed her relaxed features to stern and angered, in a matter of seconds. The dropped sandwich was the hint of her confusion, but also her sudden realization.

"Pureblood vampires, have gone extinct ages ago. There is none." I brushed off the topic, but Micheal looked concerned, as we entered into the foyer.

"Only purebloods can drink a vampire's blood if they wanted to do so." He spoke that line of words, and Kenzie turned around on her heels to face the both of us with a book in her hand.

"Continue." She commanded and Micheal lowered his eyes to his Luna.

"Julian would be the top with a couple of others to rule the vampire world, but you said that Julian was afraid of the beast, there are only a couple of beasts that can harm a vampire. Purebloods." She turned her eyes on me, and let out a sigh.

"If there is pure blood, where did it come from?" She put 'if' at the beginning for the one who was still confused, about the topic.

"That's what I would like to know, and how did he find out where you were?" Micheal conveyed, and fear flashed through her face. 'Had she not thought of that?' I thought to myself, before thinking back to the prophecy.

"I'm going to now rest. I'll call my father in the morning." She walked away, taking her cedarwood and vanilla scent away, making my wolf whine. When I heard the bedroom door shut, I looked to Micheal as he looked away from where Luna left, with worry all over his face.

"What are we going to do? Alpha, there is a pure-blood Vampire that knows.." I placed my hand up, preventing him from continuing. He looked away, glancing at the book that Kenzie held earlier, thinking about her words.

"I'm just as confused as you." I replied under my breath, following his gaze, while clenching my jaw.

"first we need to contact Alex that his daughter is safe. Second, there will a need to have more security placed around her, even if we have to add some of my people in that company." I gritted through my teeth.

Whoever this man was, he would die before he placed a hand on her, another time.


"I can't have a simple life, can I?" I asked aloud, standing by the big window studying the wood-line with intent focus, to calm my mind. Observing a fawn who was walking along the edge of the wood-line, before deciding to lie down.

Smiling at the peaceful sight, I looked up to the sky, thinking about that pureblood vampire.

"Why would he come now, it's not like I'll be of any use to a pureblood vampire." Turning away from the luscious green land, I hopped into the shower, to try to wash away some of my worries. Beads of water trailed down my smooth skin, the steam hanging in the air, opening my pores.

"The prophecy is such a pain." Scrubbing off the grim, I finished taking my shower. Feeling refreshed as soon as I walked out, and crawled into the massive bed, letting exhaustion taking over my mind, pulling me into much needed sleep.

Thank you for reading.

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