
Chapter 1: Serena Setter

Serena Setter

The pink robe that I was wearing was not enough to keep out the fall chill in the forest that night. After The Revealing, I would be able to change into my dress and celebrate. But until then, I had on only a velvet, pink robe with no bra and no panties. It was meant to encourage romance, but so far all I thought it would reveal was a cold.

“Can’t I at least have a t-shirt or something?” my teeth were chattering, and my mom shot me a look.

My mom was the High Priestess of the Setter coven. She was tall, with long, curly brown hair that went down to her shoulders and eyes that were midnight blue. At that moment, she wore a golden, velvet robe to signify her status.

“No, Serena, you’re eighteen. You’ve been to the Revealing’s before. You know how this works. The moonlight will reveal who the Goddess has chosen for your mate, and then you can change into your dress after the party.”

I scowled at my mom and crossed my arms over my chest. “When Eden found out who her soulmate was, she got to keep her clothes on.”

High Priestess Imogen Setter wasn’t the kind of woman who got uncomfortable most of the time. Which was why it was weird to see my mom not meeting my gaze when I mentioned my best friend Eden’s unusual soulmate situation. Most witches didn’t have their Revealing until they turned eighteen. But Eden’s soulmate tattoo had appeared before she even came of age, branded into her as if the universe couldn’t wait to tell her who she was going to be with. I would never forget how much she screamed and cried that day when she saw the name on her arm.

Of course, if my soulmate were as much of a jerk as Eden’s, I probably would have cried too.

Mom chuckled at me. “Don’t get all shy on me now, Serena. I know you want Damien. I’ve seen the way that you two look at each other. I think the Goddess will be kind, and she will bless you two. He hasn’t found his soulmate yet either.”

We were in the middle of the forest, in a purple tent covered with silver moons and stars. There were a lot of them set up for the coven and other creatures in the area to come and celebrate. Moon Shadow, California wasn’t exactly like everywhere else. It was a small beach town in central California, with a big forest that surrounded it. It was famous for its California Redwoods, giant sequoias.

Our ancestors had sensed the ancient magic in the trees and built the town there when they fled from Ireland to save themselves from persecution from hunters. Humans who found out about magic in the world had a tendency to do awful things once they knew about it. Like trying to kill anyone who had it or take it. Power wasn’t something people liked to share or give up.

“Oh, and don’t forget to dance with Alpha Macon tonight,” Mom said.

I sighed. “That man HATES me and it’s so clear that he doesn’t want anything to do with us. He’s been angry ever since we accused the wolves of being responsible for the disappearances that happened three years ago with my dad and cousin Enora.”

Mom took a deep breath. “We were wrong to do that, but the Cravens told us that they had evidence the werewolves were involved. We had to look into every clue we could. Moon Shadow is the safest place for magical people, but darkness can still get in.

But, witches and the wolves of the Forrester pack have had an alliance for centuries. We protect each other. Our magic gives them long lives, and their strength keeps us safe from predators. We’re descended from gods, after all, and were made to protect humans from Otherworld creatures that escaped here, to the In-between. People hunt us for our power. We can’t afford to ignore the alliance. And Macon and me have…put aside our differences for the sake of our community.”

“Fine,” I grumbled. “But if my mate says I can’t do it, I’m not going to.”

A strange look crossed mom's face, one I couldn’t quite place. She snapped her fingers, and a blue, velvet box appeared in her hand. “I got you something.”

I smiled. “An early birthday present? I thought I had to wait until the Moon Ball so everyone could see and I could thank them.”

She smiled back at me. “Consider it a treat. I know how nervous you’ve been about this day. You’ll handle it like a champ, and then you’ll get to experience the greatest thing in the world. True love.”

“Like you and Dad had?” I said softly.

My father had been missing for years. He’d gone to work on a treaty with another coven regarding a prophecy, and he’d never come back. He’d taken my cousin Enora, who was a powerful seer, with him. Both had never come back.

There was reason to believe they’d been kidnapped by hunters but we didn’t know. And at the time, there’d been reason to believe the werewolves were involved. Mom’s powers as High Priestess wax and waned without him sometimes, but she was still the strongest witch I knew. And if Dad were dead, Mom would die of a broken heart. Soulmates had a hard time surviving without one another because their powers were interconnected. But she was still there which gave me hope.

Mom nodded. “Exactly like me and dad.” She gave me a hug, then glanced at her watch. “Five minutes until midnight. Are you ready?”

I took a deep breath. My stomach was totally in knots and I felt like I was going to throw up. “As I’ll ever be.”

The flap of the tent opened then, and in strode Alpha Macon. He was tall, and looked like he was in his mid to late twenties but I knew he’d been around longer than that. Centuries. He had broad shoulders, and was so strong that he could pull an entire tree from its roots out by himself. I knew it. I’d seen him do it once. And he had a sharp jaw, long, brown hair that went to his shoulders, and warm, brown eyes. Those were the only thing warm about him.

Most of the time, he looked like he was in physical pain. I’d heard rumors that he’d had a wife centuries ago, when he’d lived in France. I wondered if the pain came from mourning her. Or if he was just an a*shole.

“High Priestess Imogen,” he said, giving my mom a nod then looking at me. “Serena.”

His voice was deep, gravelly when he spoke.

I nodded politely at him.

“Alpha Forrester,” I said.

“You can call me Macon, Little Priestess,” he said.

I blushed. “It’s a sign of respect to use titles. I’m okay with Alpha Forrester, sir.”

He bristled at my words for reasons I couldn’t fathom, and I decided there wasn’t really anything that mysterious about his attitude. He was just a jerk. Macon turned to look at my mom. “The perimeter is secure, and I’ve got my guards standing by in case of an attack.”

Imogen smiled. “Thank you, Alpha Macon.” She glanced at me. “Let’s go.”

Macon backed out of the tent, then my mom and I followed. There was a crowd of witches, shifters, vampires, and others that filled the forest. I caught the eye of Eden who was wearing a black robe. She was a pretty blond girl, with blue eyes, and almost always had a smile on her face. She winked at me.

“You’ve got this,” I heard her whisper, and I smiled.

I glanced at the crowd of people again. There were musicians playing drums, and a flutist. I glanced at my watch. Two more minutes until midnight. I walked out to the center of the forest, and I took my robe off as slowly as possible. When it fell to the ground, I stood, waiting to be marked by the Goddess, the one responsible for all magic, for my soulmate. One more minute…

The moon came out then. Midnight. The witching hour. An intense heat, so badly it burned, seared my back making me scream. I doubled over in pain, my cries echoing through the forest. I’d been branded.

A name echoed through my mind then, and I heard a roar echo through the forest. “MATE!!!!!!” And I would recognize that deep voice anywhere. It was Alpha Macon.