
Chapter 49: More Adventures?

Patch POV

Anneliese liked his bedroom in Cresta House, so he saw no reason to move into a new one.

In fact, she’d commented over the past few months on just how much she liked his room when she’d happened to “peek in” while passing by on her way to and from Lilia’s and Dane’s suite.

Looking back, he realized his Annie had definitely left him more than a few clues and scent trails that he’d missed.

She had, however, said he had to do something about the collection of dwarf root beer bottles he’d lined up on the windowsill just because he liked the vintage labels and the way they caught the sunlight. She hinted that if he really liked those bottles, Kyon should make them into a sculpture because they just looked like clutter on his windowsill.

Presently, Kyon was putting all the bottles in the basket. “You’re sure you want these made into a sculpture?”