
Chapter 39: Gotta Go Underground

Anneliese POV

It felt and sounded like an insistent buzzing in her brain that wouldn’t go away, and right now, Lindrat was buzzing around Anneliese, her wings flapping so hard that her hair blew about in the breeze. Cornelius stomped his hooves and whinnied. He also bleated like a goat, which he did sometimes when he was particularly worried. 

Pressing her fingers to her temples, Anneliese frowned. She could feel something, something unusual. It wasn’t just Lindrat buzzing around.

When she looked at the wall that Ragash, the maid, had identified, the buzzing got louder. A clear, strong signal, pulsing in her mind and heart.

“QUIET, Lindi and Neil!”

The buzzing from Lindrat stopped, and Cornelius planted all four of his hooves, more than hip-width apart, and held his head high. 

The pulsing got even louder, stronger, and more insistent. 

“Dirge,” she said, breathless. 

Dirge clung to her arm. “What is it?”