
Chapter 38: Lost Hopes

Patch POV


It felt like someone had put a sack over his head and tied it tightly. He couldn’t see anything, even his hand in front of his face. For that matter, he couldn’t even lift his hand.

Alright. Don’t panic. That was the first rule of any situation. The minute you panicked, you’d already lost ground and energy.

He didn’t remember how he got here. All he remembered was feeling funny as he stumbled and tottered down the corridor. Dizzy and disoriented, he felt like the ground fought him with every step, and the palace seemed to be rocking back and forth. Then, nothing until he woke up here. Wherever here was.

Had Makhel drugged him?

No. Makhel had no reason to do that. And if Makhel did, Patch had seriously misjudged him. Jiro would be furious. Ally or no, Jiro would slash Makhel’s throat.