
Chapter 37: Where is Patch?

Anneliese POV

It shouldn’t be taking this long to apologize! Unless Makhel was truly angry …

Throwing on her robe, Anneliese hurried out of the room and sped through the corridors. At almost midnight, only the occasional servant or courtier was about. Getting to Makhel’s quarters was a simple matter. Anneliese didn’t realize she was pounding on the door until she heard how loud it sounded.

The door flew open and Makhel pulled her inside. “Have a care,” he said in a prim tone. “People are sleeping.”

“I’m sorry, but is Patch here? You two didn’t get into some sort of terrible fight, did you?”

Makhel stiffened, sticking his nose in the air. “Oh yes, blame the big bad orc!”

“I could just as easily blame the small shifter with a mouth on him that would try the patience of the gods,” Anneliese snapped. “Is he here?”