
Chapter 36: Wolf Up

Dirge POV

Tulaska and Cyran both listened to Dirge as he blurted out the story of tonight’s disaster. Although he couldn’t be sure, he thought he saw Tulaska throw up her hands. Cyran shook his head but with a strange amused expression.

“Patch is trying to make everything right with Anneliese and Makhel, in that order. I’m sorry if we both let you down.” Dirge knelt on one knee in front of them and exposed his throat. One knee was more uncomfortable than both knees. “If Makhel is as just and wise as I think–”

A snort from Kulenza shook his concentration. “Are you done groveling?”

Dirge ignored her. She didn’t own his conscience. 

Kulenza sighed. “They wouldn’t know if you didn’t say anything.”

“I’d know,” Dirge said quietly. 

“Hmmm. Perhaps I shouldn’t interfere tonight any more than I already have.”