
Chapter 32: It's Just Dinner

Anneliese POV

She held onto the crystal goblet as if it held the elixir of life itself. The goblet contained a pre-dinner cocktail, but at the moment, she drank it as if it were a life-saving potion.

Makhel’s eyes lit up. “You like our national drink?”

“It’s strong but not overpowering,” she said after swishing the dark mead in her mouth. “Sophisticated but also with a kick. Yes, I think I could get to like it.”

“Go slow,” he said with such a serious tone, so very like Jiro, that she muffled a laugh. “You need to savor it, not just gulp it down.”

“Yes, Your Highness, as you command!”

She leaned against Makhel’s private balcony, which offered a spectacular view of the sunset turning the spires of the city into pillars of fire. From the balcony, she gazed into Makhel’s royal apartments, even more lavish than hers. Like much of the palace, green, white, and gold colors dominated. Makhel also seemed partial to red accents, such as a rich crimson loveseat and red wall hangings.