
Chapter 27: Intelligence Gathering

Chapter 27: Intelligence Gathering

Patch POV

“... and on your right, you’ll see the Portrait Gallery with paintings of all the greatest heroes and rulers in our kingdom’s history,” Kulenza said, pointing to a long gallery through an archway. 

Dirge hopped up and down. “Can we see it? We can tell Kyon all about the art.”

“Of course, young prince.”

Kulenza turned right and strode through the archway. She was a vision of power and strength, but also grace. Patch and Dirge both hurried to keep up.

Kyon would lose himself for hours in the gallery. Paintings covered both walls that stretched out of sight in either direction. The harp music drifted throughout, somehow. In the middle of the room sat a curious metal sphere covered with carvings.

“What’s that?” Dirge asked, pointing.

Kulenza shrugged her massive shoulders. “No one knows, exactly. It’s an ancient artifact from the dawn of the orc race.”

“Oh,” they chorused.